On a Day One Feather, we only take the big bucks! For fans of the grape, "went to market pluto Mad Genius" Gone! " (Followers of prunes are also welcome, for the metaphor and not depart from the tradition of personal extending sentences and word games decaying) ...
(Of course, it goes without saying that followers lit Bigournon the Great Red Rabbit-of-Chaos will also be welcome on Mad Genius. Question of principle). Because only one or two (or three
, eh ... ) days away, it's July 14th for just about everyone (
in absolute the schedule remains still something very arbitrary. And thus alienating . More
alienating even that Secret Story 3. The REE
to you to let you down and you stupidly into slavery flogging blows calendar ), a ticket "
fireworks " in tone, to trace on paper all the fun festive this kind of unifying celebration (since
devoting recalled, a bloodbath in good standing and very jovial beheadings match.
There is indeed enough to make fart champagne every year )
( but hey ! C'était des nobles, les victimes, pas des vrais gens ! ) ( et en plus, s'il n'y avait pas eu la Révolution, c'est bien connu, on vivrait tous encore en monarchie absolue sous la coupe d'un despo... Ha mince ! ) Alors qu'exauçant un souhait personnel (
visiblement pris au pied de mes Lettres Modernes ), le monde entier s'est subitement mis à tourner autour de mon nombril - avec petites nausées Mallarméennes de circonstances -, m'empêchant d'approcher mon ex-ordinateur à plus de 300 mètres (
f aites attention à vos bronches, les gens ! La Grippe Informatique Goto / log 2.0 is not a myth! It does exist! http://www.epne.fr/spip.php?article438 ), and even though Fate had the good taste bad to me pledge of assistance from the Public (
after crash written and oral, anyway, I can still 16th out of 39) (
the title of the contest: "BEPC" there is probably something ) for me to finish my old days at Crous of Grenoble transformed for the occasion
Temptation Island personal (
all these little short and light clad students, it is more my age ... But also - and above all, we never change! - Fnac this sensual, these shops Bds tempting ... Aaaaaargl ... ! )
the question is to ask , crucial:
are not this the last days of a character-L. after all, very artificial, and the first steps of the individual behind the mask in the real world of real humans in real society of true c. .. (
euuuh, true " itizen c" of course. You've read what you? )?
Barely already adult and transparent ... I want the right end (I think ) !
Pour tenter de répondre à cette lancinante interrogation de manière objective, je vous invite à venir avec moi faire un petit point succinct sur ma présente situation (
et m'aider à battre mon propre record du monde de fastidiosité au passage )
(force est de constater que c'est déjà très bien parti) .
(Je commence à bosser le 1er septembre, si quelqu'un s'intéresse à ce genre de détails. Mais vu que le calendrier est quelque chose d'arbitraire et d'aliénant, il se peut que je me présente à mes supérieurs l'avant-veille ou le surlendemain. At the time of my choice since nothing is specified in the notice). *
What I do: - redecorated my bachelor of love according to my very mature concerns of the moment:
The number of geekery in square centimeter pixel in this shot never impress those who have never had the opportunity to see "the rest ( my costume and Jean Luc Picard, padded glass wool ).
Figure ( articulated ! ) bearing the likeness of Darth , antihero uncontrollable very nice manga Dark Angel ", signed by Kia Asamiya ( or Michitaka Kikuchi. A strong, we do not know too ) ( joke geek. If you understand, honestly, then you have to worry about how and money to invest in psychotherapy ). Typically the kind of art that you immediately raises a set, if not a man ( cost 5 euros - -. resulted J'adoooore schmillblick offset from the side, but not to the point of pay 40 euros starting either! Heck yeah. I matured ). Important detail: the angel-fairy staff, perched on his shoulder ( condemning Dark said to die of scoliosis at the dawn of the thirty ) ( that will teach him to be just antihero ! ). One small problem: the night, this figure comes to life and brutally attacked my neighborhood ( yes, then no, no problem, in fact, the coup. Rather ) .
- Salvage
minimalist portrait of my Miss TakePic
st Wind , that I had offered some time ago (
I know I'm a monster )
(t ole indignation towards the community ... monstresque ) which I become temporary escrow until it can again reclaim custody (that is
a religion forbids him to bring such horrors at home ) (
nan, it is not a joke) (nan
more, religion is not good taste! ) (
tried ,
naughty )
( attention there. You may of dying of scoliosis too! ) . Alas, the photo does not do justice to the A3 box, made entirely (except
the background - a personal poem on black - ) paper cut. The idea was to get to be as descriptive as possible using a minimum of disjointed pieces ... And with my natural dexterity, I almost lose an arm. The result is a little sad, but I like it a lot (
can replace "but" with "therefore" here ). I would have liked to continue in this way, moreover, if it had not proved too time consuming qu'onéreuse. A day, perhaps ...
By extension, since the two are intimately linked, I took this conclusion (
provisional hopefully) a parenthesis life of 6 years 3 / 4 to go set (
FINALLY! ) my accounts on the nail with the famous
Social Centre built on the mouth of hell, about which I have often grumbled in these columns in which we worked and she and I (
and we were not far to be the only ), in an interview two hours up in pain, during which I made up the very outline of 10:30 p.m. to complaints that I had to express. I do not know if the Department would have heard me or if she will just played the card of diplomacy, but in one case as in the other, I will succeed, as is the page she turned to me . Indeed, if the structure of misadventure was taking my words lightly, it very likely to understand what it was like the face
Coyote Bip Bip
when his own bomb exploded in his face, acme (
here, the bomb issue will be a whole neighborhood, which, for once, look more like the "GI Joe" as the "Looney Tunes" ,
but hey, it was the cartoons we deserve! ).
- Harvested les lauriers médiatiques de
ma très prestation remarquée (
localement, entre deux festivals de la caillette et de la tripe de chauve-souris )
en tant que " Prof Manga " officiel de la région, exerçant dans le cadre pourtant très sérieux de l'
Accompagnement Educatif mis en place cette année au sein des établissements scolaires (
tous niveaux confondus ). Soit : un an payé à enseigner du DBZ, sans une plainte des parents d'élèves pour "
activité licencieuse susceptible de valoir la damnation éternelle à leur chères têtes blondes " (
is that some wanted to ban Harry Potter in the library, because of "witchcraft" anyway ... Suddenly, I feel almost injured ). A feat of great memories, great young (
super-blowing for some ,
but the "super" which has )
(discussed) and a second article in the press Vintage model flatness and claimed pigisme (
we note a trend in these lines for filling and thinning bordering on thumbing its nose voluntary, does not fail to remember my early days in the fanzines Tantons Japanime 'it Fifteen years ago about that ).
Yes, I have a scan on the left.
( But curiously, it still works ).
People filled human eyes will probably find unable to read this wonderful piece of prose cafe, also invite us very ill-disguised-in-care to click on the image for display format Gigantor.
The others may still play the big game (
popular ) of "Where's Charley
? ", trying to regain their good
Master L. in this photo at its very edge (
home index: All college students in attendance, this one has the less like a schoolboy - everything is relative also -) (we will eventually find out ... and come back ) ( too! ) . With, in addition to other more rewarding (for
said Master L.), this charming "
tribute," one of my "students
" posted on his blog (
the vice squad has
s 'keen interest in my case, the coup. They love my book): "That
jvoulais say a big thank you to my teacher manga this year, which helped me in my drawings, and more importantly, learned to draw big! (Yes before I was in the thumbnail: D)
jsuis really sad that you go and not see you again next year and really glad I took the blow your e-mail! And thank you for everything you taught me and all you continue to teach me! Jpense Can I also say thank you from Julie because she has to think like me! " What dear bassist will not fail to conclude with a legitimate, yet caustic,"
c is still beautiful as you end up teacher manga so you do not even draw .
I confirm.
It VERY nice:).
- Participated in my first
Boum (
that emotions !
I even removed my braces for opportunity), but neither Sophie Marceau Mime eponymous or sangria either
( damn it, sangria without a Bang, not a real boom! It's a Bam, or Bim, but not a boom! ) (
yes, yes, I know, Corto: "soooooooophisme! ). In great good sausage that I am, I had no trouble getting melted in a setting almost entirely composed small sausages appetizing or glasses sparkling Clairette also my sense of humor (
proof ). I had a little more evil, cons, with the concept of "dance
very arbitrary and too alienating ) and" moving in rhythm
"I think the time to move the foot left, it was already around the law, and anyway, not knowing differentiate from each other, I have often been reduced to go on intuition (
for a result that easily imagine ). Yet it was not for lack of trained myself with professionals :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_BeSolrSm8&feature=channel_page ... Une formation idéale, en théorie, pour danser avec des partenaires profs de leur état et nanti d'un BAC +4 aussi impressionnant (
pour moi ) que leur statut d'entités féminines proprement dites. Mais en pratique... On comprendra bien que si je me suis retrouvé entraîné dans deux rondes bien folky, c'est plus une question de guet-appens bien orchestré que de volonté personnelle. Avec, à nouveau, une preuve édifiante (
attention, explicit content ! ) :
L'observateur avisé que ce invigorating ticket requires you to be not fail to note:
1) The look of despair hapless teacher, launched toward the target silent cry for help (
poverty! ) (
do not ask me who it This, incidentally, because I do not know damn thing! was one of those stories Boum-lived, with no more today than yesterday ... ).
2) The position of the feet not registered your L. good teacher, because not approved by a human body (including
context "chicken dance" ).
- Signed two new pitches particularly inspired scriptwriting (
de l'actuelle mouvance DeathNote, s'entend .
ça fait des vacances à Bradbury ), qui me sont tombé sur le coin du conscient (
littéralement, titres compris ) par surprise, à moins d'une semaine d'intervalle, entre les rayonnages de la
Fnac et ceux du
Centre Culturel Leclerc (
mes deux vraies maisons à moi ).
Two of a Kind : dans un futur proche, un monde en désagrégation surpeuplé et violent, la société impose aux gens qu'elle sélectionne pour devenir "
citoyens " de constituer des groupes de six "
profils " (
individuals with complementary characters psychologically ), in which each is responsible for the acts of all. Or to allow the formation of these groups (
de) generation after (
de) generation, children are high cut on the outside, in specialized institutes which will be defined and where their egotype their survival long term will depend for their performance at each of their evaluations. Indeed, only those who get the most out of their community include the very popular "groups
provisional" and only those who parviennent à y conserver leur place en fin de cursus seront accueillis par la société. Leurs rivaux malheureux, eux, seront euthanasiés, gommés de la surface d'un univers qui ne tolère plus les seconds rôles. Dans ce contexte tendu, les névroses, rivalités, conflits et intrigues sont promptes à naître comme à s'envenimer, alors qu'amitié comme amour ne sont plus que dicté par des conventions arbitraires. Jusqu'au jour unique où deux profils divergents émergent à l'occasion d'un test de routine. Deux jeunes hommes au caractère opposé, qui ne se connaissent pas, et qui semblent ne correspondre à aucune case prédéfinie par une procédure que les siècles, until now, had never been at fault. Kept separate, in observation, in conjunction with this system in a precarious balance, both find themselves, by their mere existence, to question the sense as the purpose of the institution they are prisoners. And yet this is just the beginning. Soon the clerk is irreparable. A student is murdered. Murder. Things were never gone that far. Also, the investigation begins ... With, the key to a collapse announced. Nobody
The Concept : Liedh and
Leif grew up together. Partagé les mêmes rêves. Caressé les mêmes ambitions. Bu aux mêmes sources pour étancher leur enfantine soif de justice. Car Liedh a un pouvoir. Un pouvoir de nature divine, ou du moins est-ce tout comme. Celui d'effacer les gens qu'il désire voir disparaître de la surface du monde, mais sans qu'ils cessent d'exister pour autant, en les rayant des mémoires de leurs proches comme de la société... Pourquoi n'aurait-il pas utilisé ce don de Dieu, dès lors, pour créer sa Jérusalem Céleste ? Et pourquoi Leif ne l'aurait-il pas secondé dans sa sainte mission ? Voilà expressément comment les deux jeunes gens grandissent : en justiciers de cour d'école, en héros ignored in future purifiers, acting in the shadow of oblivion to make their world better. With their own view. Their own criteria, to lay the foundations of Good and Evil. Criteria for children. 20 years later, they grew up, but remained inseparable. Not a day, they have failed to make their justice on behalf of the community. But over time, imperceptibly, they moved away. Or rather: Leif walked away. The behavior of the man he considered a brother sometimes leaves one guessing unexplained fever, chilling, which it wishes to preserve. A false note. Just one question, but ever to grow, and which leads him to discover that this "beloved brother
" not only for their heroic duo, it also makes one Justice and more radical, blind, without concessions. Then he tries to reason with him. Then he raises his voice. Then it is removed in turn. Discovers the existence of his friend was a tissue of lies. That his power is not confined to what he has revealed, it also allows him to impersonate, temporarily or permanently, individuals that erases. That his intentions are unclear, but his ambition led him to want to move in higher spheres that has no difficulty integrating. So Leif must also learn to live with his new non-life. What to do with its pariah status. What to do with the punishment he has so often inflicted on others. And return the others and make amends and ask their help to stop his former companion before he managed to build his ideal world, or to cause the End of the World.
And we do not even talk here of GOD, my "Life-Like" personnel, who sees a cop procedural forced to team up with a schizophrenic convinced he is God incarnate-to-earth but endowed an empathic ability to own enable read directly into the heart of the suspects .
And to complete the Holy Trinity, a psychologist in charge of solving the mystery GOD, to experience the reality of this second personality as cynical as tender and watch over this disturbing character ...
No, no, we will not. It would not be reasonable) (ha thin, it's done!)
(oups. ..)
(But since when is supposed to be reasonable, here, anyway?) . - Worked on my very perfectible cosplay
John Locke (the Mr. Clean
Lost ), Flashback version of Season 2 (
to when he was still a bit of lichen on the stone ):
"It is the will of the cowhide genetics" (and a bit of vanity that also)
With Memorable Quote
( head ) to complete the range:
The scene takes place during the meeting that John (
and / or said Locke ) and one that could have been his blessed wife if he had not preferred to return to his paunchy popa:
It - The bat, it makes me crack.
Him ( indignant ): - But ... I'm not bald! It
( ironic ): - No serious ... I can not wait!
(Go p'tits boubounes, learn Math with Uncle John, now. Easy level: "If a train from Lille train at 20.30 and B share at 22h40, knowing that both run at 230 km / h. .. Why? ") (yes, it makes no sense, it's Uncle John)
(Answer:" because it is the will of Lille, "of course)
(Hey, wait! Who says getting a competitive category C we mean a "level Brevet! This time for sure, we are plus du même monde)
(mais franchement, l'avons-nous jamais été ?). - Peaufiné un peu ma technique du
Kamehameha ( je rentre dans la Fonction Publique, ça peut toujours servir ) ( "Rentrer dans la fonction publique", certes... Mais alors, lui rentrer dans le lard ! )...
(ou bien je me suis remis au Volleyball...)
Ceci étant, les habitués du blog le savent : en la matière, il y a longtemps que je n'ai plus besoin de quelque entraînement que ce soit, et que I do this for show! New evidence, your horror
My Kameha have a strap so that we can carry them everywhere
( with a pouch to store Snickers )
A real little
Broly to 1/1ème ( course, the hot version of Bio Broly, but the key is to have "Broly" in the title ) ( a bit like " part C of the Public Service, at the bottom! The key is to have the "framework"! The rest is literature ) ( or consequences of studying literature, where failing ).
Remedial classes for those who are not on page:
For many, Broly, he's there, the mammoth hate r. .. . left!
Now forget it a little faster version of its famous hot ( also known by the nickname "version Minut'Soup Royco") to g. .. right! ( we see good lyophilised croutons)
(ha yeah, between the two, there's a schism)
Is that ( this sentence could end here. But this is not the kind of home ) often tend to think ( yes, well, not everyone still ) that Dragon Ball Z is a series for primary school pupils of the same name, but that would overlook the fact that the series addresses its flat areas between green and yellow themes and societal issues that are disturbing, as here, the ethical questions related Industry cloning ( monomaniacal psychopath space oversized biceps, which is more ) (should be oblivious to try it!) (in Anyway, it blows - literally - to soon be permanently unconscious).
And just to continue in the same creed, why not have the luxury of a good old FRONT (
left to right ...!) - AFTER (
to g. .. right! ) to illustrate how individual mental representations are less important than the reality and that "vr
ale beauty, it is inside ? ! (
Can not remember the name of the author of this quote, but it was surely someone very ugly. Sim, perhaps, or Ron Perlman )
(or me, perhaps, now that I think about it ...).
( Note to myself: "remove emergency address to my blog about my CV! )
(" I feel like a great disturbance in the Force ) .. .
* What I'm wearing: - Held
Background: The first two
works of art that has existed ever so little," ambassadors
the future clothing line " Pour L. et Lui " : deux tee-shirts créés à l'arrachée à partir de dessins rapidement esquissés l'année dernière afin d'illustrer mon bouquin, recadrés et textualisés (
mais ce n'est pas sale, il paraît ) pour l'occasion.
Version Rouge (
Eléanore ) / Version Grise (
Philip )
Selon Corto : "
le must pour quiconque souhaiterait se faire saigner à blanc en quartier homophobe ".
Le rendu final est certes mitigé, mais vu la qualité très relative (
même dans l'absolu ) des transferts utilisés, ça aurait pu être bien pire. Seul vrai regret : avoir voulu faire trop conceptuel et ne les avoir pas centrés sur le tissu. Du coup, c'est conceptuel, c'est sûr. On peut pas le nier. Mais conceptuellement moche.
Avec ça, c'est sûr, je vais emballer sec
( mes affaires, vraisemblablement, pour retourner pleurer chez ma mère ). -
Contexte Accessoires :
De gauche à dr... From right to left .. Euuuuh finally good, meaning to another (
the right, left, all this is still super arbitrary concept. And very alienating. Fortunately, I did not struggled to get rid of those ): A version of gothicaturale
cross Squall, the mute hero of Final Fantasy VIII
a real noodle yes, it is say if your good master had something identify L.! ), tin of poor quality made in China
( cost: 15 euros. I did not take the model of lead paint to asbestos because it was much more expensive) (necessarily ) . A cross through which I have fun like crazy (there's no chance
! ) (y '
only stupid people ... ) to question the limits of our sarkosainte Secularism (e t
signs ostentatious that go with it. Indeed: is it a while it's not really a cross and it is not bound to a denomination of traditional? - Final Fantasy is a cult anyway -. .. Or is it enough that people identify it as such for this to become a trial? The ostentatious, therefore, is not it more in the eye of the perceiver than the perceived thing? haaaaaaaa Ha. .. ) and scare the bourgeois (
if they could guess they depart on my way to a medal game video, lol ... I would probably interest to run faster than I ' am able to ). Added to this are three buttons
exclusive Lolitas / Little Red Riding Hood (
because it is not ostentatious signs, that, perhaps? ) made in the Fanfan Factory (
growing ) by Francois Amoretti
(2 euro coin
). Last but not least, the badge
COLLECTOR ultra limited edition (
50 copies!) Of the fictional band's bassist friend
a logo designed by the glorious myself. But if. Remember . Cost: gratos ).
Like fashion, "
is what goes out of style " I prefer to focus on the multidimensional timeless, even if it be humanly irrelevant
( a little more or a little less ...) .
* What I read: - Little Red Riding Hood , very little work elegantly illustrated by the pen sensitive above
Francis Amoretti , pour redécouvrir de galante façon un conte aussi intemporel que ma façon de me looker, dont la morale est toujours autant d'actualité, hélas (
même si les loups évitent de manger des enfants, de nos jours, pour ne pas chopper la grippe humaine ).
- Mirai Nikki
, nouveauté manga surfant, comme le très bon
Prince des Ténèbres , sur le succès d'un
Death Note dont il réinvente le principe à sa sauce, en beaucoup moins intelligent, certes, mais aussi beaucoup plus rusé (
et dynamique !). Le graphisme approximatif and a classic almost discouraging mitigates somewhat the unhealthiness of this divine play dau during which ten people capable of predicting the future will have to fight blindly against each other to win the throne of God on the decline. Between lightness and public egos devoured by neurosis, no profile in the presence, it seems so innocent, does not seem to save these souls adrift and promise a happy ending when the game ends. Not perfect, but taking ...
- Letter Bee
: a humanistic and uplifting tale that borrows as much
to Full Metal Alchemist One Piece only (two must-have, needless to say) to move away from traditional productions opponents of charismatic heroes with supernatural powers in tournaments and offer endless, in contrast, a stroll leisurely in a world of eternal night, where only the rich have a right to light and where the rocky paths are surveyed and fro by
Letter Bee, factors of a dying world, with hope in their wallet and support the "heart
of senders. A romantic setting, no other stories that span some smiles on children's traits (
and some whining, also ), a perfectly controlled narrative and a particularly clever feature makes this a nice little quiet title success.
What console herself somewhat of a repeat of the excellent
RG Veda priced appalling (
volume 20 euros) per
Tonkam editions at the top of their game (
option trade ) ... A printed version of luxury, they say, on paper, gold leaf finish, with a hard cover skin Dodo and a bookmark-leg baby seal (
it must justify the price ... ).
( but Ha you wait for the real books without pictures? ! Lol. We do not eat this bread is here! )
(Not that I would have to finish mine, anyway)
What I listen to: - Gotholic , the new album still confidential (
but increasingly democratized ) Kokusyoku Sumire
, two queens of hearts so
Alice in Wonderland to the musical world of an atypical Japanese-Japanese, sometimes traditional, sometimes lyrical, sometimes crazy (and often
all three at once ), overwhelming at first but addictive when we let ourselves go and we visit these tracks as so many high places of the imagination between pink marshmallow sauce and spicy curry
Nothing like a clip to set the tone (if not
a range ), both in substance and form:
I have unfortunately not found any samples from the new album, then you only have to buy it on the site of Francois Amoretti - like all goodies mentioned above, besides -. You have a great wrong to deprive yourself, since in any case "money does not buy happiness" ).
- Alone in the Dark : soundtrack of a video game mythical stuffed to the brim with zombies and dark shadows (
like the Sims, what ), whose last album to date is also missed the previous ones were successful. In contrast to the game itself, saturated with dark influences, the themes of compatriot Olivier
Derivière (
Cocorico is not so often! ) excellent in the register of oozing, the nocturnal, blood (
palpable) and a tortured, which often borders on appeasement. Chamber music (
lights off), all led only sounds emotionally rich, and the album leaves a real taste of travel (
last, perhaps ) and satisfaction.
- Lenka - en-boucle , aussi - inévitablement - (
mais si ! Je vous en ai parlé un peu plus bas, bande de poissons rouges ! ), dont le premier essai est plus que transformé par un acidulé et un doux-amer qui transporte, transperce, envoie sans coup férir dans les nuages avec une simplicité, une créativité et un charme tentateur jusque dans ses intonations de voix. Impossible de rester indifférent, du coup : c'est la foire aux hormones ! Chaleureux comme un ciel d'été, lumineux comme son reflet sur la mer : un bras de lagon rien que pour soi, qui oblige presque à voir la vie du bon côté et ce, jusque dans ses thématiques plus sombres, comme en témoigne this new jewel clip-grain de sable (
still ):
I could therefore, enthusiasm, what about the big "
The Show" (his first single
) Official Anthem "
my life - second part," an oasis in her which I frequently come rejuvenate me, a companion to invite me to perspective when I shakespearise my life too, and also no less inevitably, a little duet with the old story of it my own (
not renounced the ambition to achieve fair sing,
even very short-lived, or that of your damn eardrums burst, even permanently ). Sure, nobody will be surprised to learn (
pretend, people! ) that I am sometimes "a tad
'next words (s
years after that I sometimes ride the wrong time - on and off accordingly - ), but for my very sophisticated defense, know that I had repeated only once!
( seen in all my facilities, it is very difficult to conceive that I may need preparation in anything) .
Non-voice performance enthusiasts will be entitled to "compensation " a rapid, yet eloquent tour of my boyish love (tm ).
And if that was not enough to inflame purists demanding that you pretend to be (lol ) (I'm too funny, really) , we conclude here with this tribute to " The Best Song in the World "which is also an opportunity to discover an underrated group:
Clip tied, in my heart, with this single service - Japanese again - which happens to reconcile an approach ClaudeFraçoyenne management scene, an approach ChantalGoyesque the background dancer in sequined thong and approach of crooning BarryWhitienne Kronenbourg: (We may say, a live, is when even something else. And here it must be chopped live, because it's something else hacked too! ) * What I look: After enjoying my fill of the drunken bacchanalian very cerebral and offset (
their own way ) first seasons
Life and
Doctor Who, I return to my first love japoniaiserie option
gratuitous violence "(
truism, fans will argue the blessed Forbidden Zone)
(Bl, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. It's in the brochure) and looking at the full
Gungrave the aptly named (
literally "FlingueTombe." Just the title tells a story! )
( any DA's history, at least ).
Mafia, zombies, betrayal, fratricidal struggle, mute hero, impossible love ... 26 episodes in the narrative atypical, mixed, stripped of the bombast and bluster so expensive productions made in the rising sun ... For better and for worse. For, too (especially ), adapt with great fanfare a famous game in both games and do justice to the abysmal depth of his script, aptly summarized by this brief extract " experiencing" very contract, which we do not have to develop the pitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPg4GR9wEHQ&feature=related .
this basis, the series veers from its second episode in the style exercise conducted smoothly by offering to dwell on the beginnings of a tragedy foretold, while discussing the subject with an interiority (and
droop in the few action scenes ) quite unexpected as well, where the first plant decor, next 15 trying to explain the human journey that led to this climax, the last is the explosion (according
that in the course of the first interactive component ).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0zUmAaeE2o Uneven in its realization (
yet signed Madhouse ) proposing a chara-design of the original (which
actually raises many concerns facilitators), all work hard to split into episodes, but turns out to be a good density when it is approached by three or four segments. In a subtle (
on ) surprising, given subject,
Gungrave rout by its desire to break codes unique to Japanese animation and lacks the very lyrical, but gains in realism (
relative again) to quickly become addictive and fascinating. Only music, trampling the flowerbeds allégremment a
Cowboy Bebop, strike a little table by completing it remove any excess potential, but failed so far to devalue the achievement that this new adaptive success
Yasuhiro (Trigun) Nightow .
To top it all, big fan of the shift that I am
(yes, of course) , I had the great pleasure to pay the full
(attention, rab 'math so Uncle Locke!) half the price I paid half of the series two years ago of that, which is always good to be included in a future autobiography. Similarly, note that curiously, I have two video games (
well as from the second artbook ) and that I am very proud. It is certainly far subtleties that I like romantic tradition, but it's stylish and most importantly, it is far from being the worst franchise to sleep in my eclectic collection!
The palm of my worst acquisitions in this area is, in effect at Castle Shikigami 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBLSTRwE5ZQ&feature=related - simulation 14 July and / or launch of Haribo sweets, with a special option to play ... putting her on TV in the vertical! -. A tie, of course, with the smoky Drakengard - very successful simulation of deep trouble - Waterloo, gloomy plain, but with a dragon - led ably by a screenwriter escaped asylum eager to share her inner experience with a larger number hélasjamais that has needed it to be fitting in this regard ).
In carrying out the equivalent trade in good and due form (
and celebrate the diffusion as free as the law on Dailymotion No renew them
series Full Metal Alchemist - Brotherhood - generic and very classy :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOI2uYGfhFM&feature=channel_page )
, I intend to quickly put the finishing touches on my cosplay John Locke, by selling a kidney or two in order to acquire the DVD of the magnificent Tenshi no Tamago ( 50 euros, still . But hey, I'll soon be rich, my salary part C of the administration! J'pourrais eat my fill almost every day!). Mamoru Oshii, Yoshitaka Amano: sacred union ... Suffice to say that if you ignore the link below, you will à côté du plus beau moment de votre existence (somme toute assez médiocre, non ?) :
Peut-être cela me consolera-t-il de n'avoir ni Dreamcast , ni Eldorado Gate , un jeu rétro, mais massivement signé du pinceau du Maître ( Pas moi, hein. L'autre ) :
Between two giants floored in the Shadow of the immenssisime Colosseus ( which I mentioned earlier, and confirms to use its status as a digital work unusual), and struck down two giants in the ice bucket in my freezer ( encrusted with hazelnuts has ttention! They are formidable ) (e ux should have my skin, however, but in the long term ) , I'm tanning in the sun de plomb (soleil made in China ?) des très estivales côtes du très exotique Forbidden Siren 2.
Lunettes de soleil et crème indice 7 obligatoires ! Jugez plutôt :
Une île déserte au large du Japon, dont tous les habitants se sont volatilisés en une nuit, quelques trente ans plus tôt... Des personnages au passé sulfureux, tous liés de près ou de loin à ces territoires désolés... Un hurlement... Des flots de sang... Un naufrage... Une nuit sans fin, des bâtiments désaffectés, dead on and grinning specters ... Especially: a conceptual division of the action as David Lynch in puzzle exploded in space and time, to restore order and rebuild following the destinies of the protagonists in the presence ... Technically superb and
Born with the famous series of Resident Evil (BioHazard ), the survival horror genre , as it is called between nouzautres hardcore gamers, is not the most relaxing ( or healthier in terms of atmosphere ) in the world, but there is no doubt the gaming experience richer ( emotionally), the most vibrant, most immersive, most film that exists to this day ... So when the writers intend to leave the beaten path and do in the surreal, it would be even more unhealthy to hide his pleasure ( also guilty).
* Final verdict :
For other walking dead in the head that would not have already guessed the answer to the nagging question at the opening of this post anthology (let's not mince words but fear him who employs them) , it can only be a very explicit recovery in chorus with a mocking smile ( and Hoku, "incidentally" ):
So, as far as to say hold on, I will have to
Only here: one is a hero or it is not !
Et quand on ne l'est pas, il faut tout mettre en œuvre pour le devenir.
Donc acte.
Quant à l'avenir du présent blog... Il risque d'être pris dans l'ambre un temps plus que certain... Celui qu'il me faudra pour me "poser" dans ma nouvelle vie... Celui qu'il me faudra pour que le naturel revienne au galop du mythique cheval d'Eric Blessed... Aussi, patience. Mais quoi ? Avec ce seul billet, vous avez une ration de liens, de vannes tendance fumiste, de mots-valises en carton et de réflexions insensées pour un an, si ce n'est plusieurs siècles !
Voyez donc ma future absence prolongée comme une occasion en plaqué or de relire ( lol) the 180 previous posts ... Even learn them by heart (as I know you do not know you, I'm sure you had to miss a max, and perhaps even deliberately, for most of you Cortoïens ) .. . If you get down to read the entire contents of the Site and Feather Feather listed derivatives to g. .. right. Or browse ALL Feather links.
done, you will just have to repeat three times "L. Master" in a loud voice (without the accent Marseille, please ), and presto, I promise, Abracadabra, abracradra as le T800 : je re-vien-drais ! Hasta la Vista, Débilos ! ; )
BONUS (copyright
: Einstein )
"CONFESSIONS INTIMES" : sachez-le, je suis un prince elfe. Ou peu s'en faut. En effet, en enfant de goût que j'étais, tout petit déjà (
et jamais aussi grand, sans doute ), appartenir à l'humanité me pesait énormément (
hier moins qu'aujourd'hui, et encore bien moins que demain ), aussi passais-je des heures debout face au miroir, à regarder mes oreilles sous toutes les coutures (
yes, my ears are stitched to the skin. Why? Not you? ) to see if they were not, unusually, even if only slightly pointed. More than any DNA test
Experts Tir Nan Og , it would have confirmed my doubt belonging to the people so refined elf (e t
by extension, explained how I dress and I move my hands ,
ouuuuuuuuhhhhh! ). I was a prince, exiled in the world of men by his sovereign parents, the time that a great war is over and I can ride safely on the throne. Yet decades later, it is to see that ...
Ben "than" what.
Even the ears of the gentlemen of wood
Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson version does not support the comparison with my ear "
foliaçage " personal
(Corto will explain this concept better than I, but " tomorrow. "It is a secular tradition, home )
. This would tend to prove better than many long speeches, is that I am indeed a high dignitary Sidhe far from his native land, or Fate has a strong sense of humor.
(the answer is in the question). And in the same vein, after rivalisage rule (
but without latex prosthetics ) with Orlando Bloom
very overrated, now I am dealing with another kind of twinks:
ow that, "Yuck," impudent young? But what judgment die-parts, say so! What has been said already, about inner beauty ?! No Pffff ... but frankly, it swoons over the romantic vampire-toc of Twilight, but face the one and only true reality in romantic vampire-tock, suddenly, it tends to wriggle through! )
( Nevertheless, it is not for everyone either a dentist intends to file the dog! ) ( true, like many things on this blog ! ) ( Yes, yellowish effects on the photo are NOT Photoshop effects! ) That's the gist of the main lines of the introduction of concluding this post XXL with large fries and large Coca
, we conclude with reflection high-flying (
pickpocketing ), since we previously had the condescension to call the friend Albert
"Everything is Related .
course. But if everything is relative, then it means that the statement "everything is relative
" itself is relative, and thus, consequently, that everything is relative, but only in a relative way and that, logically, certain things, in contrast, are absolute, starting with this statement (
and so, no, "not everything is relative", if "everything is relative". Capic? ).
And that was supposed to be a genius, Bebert ...
It is clear that no one had invented
Feather One a Day at the time!
It is a safe bet that if this were the case, the Second World War would soon cut short, and without atomic bomb o p
put people agree, no ... T ll peoples the world would quickly united around the concept most unifying human since the dawn of time: a common enemy - again, I leave Corto care to explain it, but tomorrow the same - ).
And finally to finish (not
but seriously? You REALLY read all that? Kudos! )
(do not forget to throw a few coins in the passage) , yet another (and probably not
last) attempt to prove that yes, yes, I know chantouiller the edges, and that just the ugly microphone that unlocks ... But as I discovered the song as and when it is saved (Repeat
upstream? What next? It's good for the Albert Einstein base in your genre, this kind of compromise ), I interrupted what promised to be another massacre like you're enjoying to in célébrer...
C'est dommage, je sais.
Dommage collatéral.
- Dites donc, Maître, ce n'est pas pour dire mais vous ne vous êtes pas foulé, questions nombre de liens. Ajouté à l'absence de texte, ça donne une mise à jour très pauvre quand même.
- Bon alors que dis-tu d'une tranche de http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbA17x-7H80&feature=channel_page , Igor ?
- Mouais, pô mal. You take me by feelings. But it's still very light.
- And http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw_lhPyWk8c&feature=channel_page then?
- Not enough to stay his hunger, certainly. Nor an end.
(P rovisoire )