mode Back to the Future (which is never the Present, but later, if not the Past after tomorrow) ... Tasty anthologies of my comic book of the past (most recently, almost all say they are major, now), saved from annihilation by parents and Iagoesques dumpster (like that you know who I am) , quickly unpacked, quickly scanned to say how much it itches to get back. But before that, it will already be mutated, as stated by Professor Xavier.
By cons Parental Advisory p'tits penguins: it is sometimes moulto moulto dark ... More the boards were not already own a decade ago, but after spending a decade in the attic, it did not arrrangé so DO NOT CLICK TO ENLARGE unless you have bionic eyes and a lot of second degree (the scanner is a little perfectionist to detail, and more).
All this, for those who want to know what lurks in the heart of L. why and how (and by extension, who would like to know his definition of the party and / or depression) (two concepts, one definition for it) (and say he is more than one hundred to scanner, argl!).
1) Fast quick picture of Tina Branford , melancholy heroine of the legendary Final Fantasy VI , created by the equally legendary Yoshitaka Amano . 
2) Quick sketch "just for fun " a character from Dragon Ball , revised sauce " my" style (if one can call it a style , obviously).

3) Near Oblivion Experiment P. 1-6.
My latest comic dated (well, the beginning, anyway) ...

History: Philip Dawson died. He hanged himself in his living room. At his feet, Philip Dawson sets his own body, dazed. He has no memory but he knows it himself that he faces. But what drove him to commit an act so desperate? And why, since he is dead, is he still alive? Seeking answers in old photo albums, he discovers loving parents, a wonderful girlfriend ... who, when the meeting will not recognize not. Then he pretends to be one of his own friends, invents a character. Weaves new links. Seeking to understand what he needed at this point why he has given up on life so perfect. Learn who he was. How much he was loved and how much he loved himself. In a semi-dreamlike world that is not quite the one he knew, he learns to live, to be "him". It fills the void left by his death with always in the background, this nagging question: why? He knows he must absolutely find the answer if a misfortune happens. The time it counted. It should not be there: without his knowledge, because of him, at the other end of the world, that world has begun to fade ... And soon, replicas of himself to launch pursuit to clear his turn.
4) "The Universe is a Mirror" on page 1, original version. Short story / poem in a dozen pages that should have initiated a series of dreamlike journeys aimlessly in alternative universes and poetry (one, in particular, built around the Ark of Noah, etc., etc., etc. ... ). Version "of youth."

" The Universe is a Mirror " on page 1, version remake, made a few years later.

5) First and single page of a comic about X Files with flashlights required! (Long live the black and white but mostly black!).

6) Illustration for a comic whose name I forget, in which an Elizabethan theater actor is killed with his young bride, after a performance, and finds himself forced to wander in dreams dreams trying to help the people he meets (including one sentenced to death in the episode 1), jusqu'à pouvoir, peut-être, revenir dans le sien la veille de son assassinat et tenter d'empêcher celui-ci....

La première (et seule) page de la BD censée mettre en scène l'acteur de théâtre Élisabéthain. L'ombre de sa canne ressemble au gourdin du Capitaine Cavern (non ?) (fallait bien un peu de trucs drôles, pour équilibrer !) (non mais j'ai fais quelques BDs comiques, aussi ! Si !).

7) La Divine Trilogie version Remake p 1 à 2.
Caution : fond et forme top à la gaudriole, because " Humanity worth it."

The Divine Trilogy version remake p 2 / 2 (alternative). Another version, probably after the previous one has not quite abominable! ? ;)

The Divine Trilogy remake version 2 p 1-2. We feel a more " appeased" (giga lol)

The Divine Trilogy, original version. Two pages among others ...

History: In a world of eternal darkness lost between the lines of our reality, humans and creatures of darkness are trying to coexist, to preserve a precarious balance by being in turn prey and predators with a single word: survive. But everything is about to tip over. During his travels alone, Blessed Sir Eric, the vampire-who-don't-drink-more-of-blood, about the Snow Queen North, discovers the body of an angel with black wings, crucified, before being attacked and left for dead by a strange creature of light. Se réveillant dix ans plus tard, il découvre un monde à feu et à sang : un nouvel ordre religieux a fédéré l’humanité et a entrepris de réduire à néant toutes les autres races en levant une armée sacrée, prétendant avoir le seul vrai recueil des paroles de Dieu et connaitre ainsi sa véritable Volonté. Dans un monde qui n’est plus que l’ombre de celui qu’il a connu, Eric Blessed n’a plus qu’une solution : se battre pour le peu qui puisse être sauvé. Flanqué d’une succube ayant échappé de peu au massacre de son peuple et d’un humain au comportement aussi futile qu’énigmatique, il se met en road for the city of Babylon with the aim to find a way to recover the famous book and end the fighting before the world of darkness itself collapsed on its foundations. But if the future seems uncertain, so he fled past that seems determined to catch him and could cost him the life that is not quite one.
One feels the author not tortured at all at all ...
8) Untitled (forgotten in the meantime) p 1-5.

... and the dead ...
History: while the childhood friend he has never ceased to love and never tell him sink into a coma following a road accident, the main character learns to live while that his beloved is struggling in a strange world, to return home, so much so that their two routes continue to intersect and mingle without even they realize.
9) cover for a comic that I forgot the title as the script (based on manipulating human incarnated angels to trigger the end the world, a classic universal can only appeal to everyone). One of my tests only in color, too, and we do not ask why (unfortunately).

10) The Dead Within Us p 1-3.
Test BD raster, graphic design less personal. As for the theme ... I'll be the judge (or killers) ...

History: The suicide of her best friend back Liehd Maserfall in the village of his childhood, where he has not returned since his wife died six years ago . Neither the fact that the friend in question is the second there in eight months to cause death, or the strange attitude of people towards him leave him guessing he has set foot in a story that could cost him his life. Only when it finds a following e-mail from his friend on his old address he realized that something dramatic se trame à New Heaven. Après les suicides, ce sera bientôt les meurtres. Et ce ne sera pas la première fois. Il lui reste à trouver ce qui pousse d’honnêtes citoyens à s’entretuer sans raison valable avant que la tragédie qui a eu lieu soixante ans plus tôt ne se reproduise, en prenant garde à ne pas être lui-même la prochaine victime. Ou le prochain bourreau. Quant à la vérité… Et si c’était sa défunte femme elle-même qui venait la lui souffler à l’oreille ?
11) ???? Aucun souvenir en ce qui concerne ces machins en vrac (mais c'était probably something based on who incarnated angels ... You know the song ...).