Daily Switzerland, Email
CULTS - In Geneva, the UN rejected this summer in an attempt to infiltrate the walls of obedience by a Scientologist. An illustration of the influence strategies deployed by certain sectarian groups connotation, for the purpose of exploiting institutions, according to the specialist FECRIS.
August 28, 2009, the Tribune de Genève devoted a major article in the checking by the UN, an attempted infiltration into its premises in Geneva by the multinational Scientologist. This stance of the UN organization has been reflected in the world as it was exemplary. For the record, Friday, August 28, the organization "Youth for Human Rights International" YHRI, organized jointly with the NGO Swiss Village, a large demonstration at the 6th Annual Summit International Human Rights man 2009. You should know qu'YHRI depends Scientology, although it denies it while saying the same moral support, and addresses a very popular angle by cults, that of human rights. YHRI traveled in Europe and delivers messages of education for human rights, recorded a superb video reviewing articles on Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme déclinés et illustrés par des jeunes, sains, beaux et de toutes races et couleurs.
Quant à l'ONG Village Suisse, il s'agit d'une organisation non gouvernementale ayant un statut consultatif à l'ONU, le statut ECOSOC. Ce titre donne des droits à l'ONG accréditée qui peut faire entendre sa voix dans les diverses commissions de l'organisation onusienne. Cela ne présente aucun intérêt pour la Scientologie. Par contre, utiliser des locaux mis à disposition pour organiser des conférences ou des réunions, obtenir des documents et avoir accès aux documents de presse répond à ses objectifs. C'est là qu'entre en jeu l'ONG Swiss Village. It is the Trojan Horse. It was she who made the request in the UN.
Thanks to the vigilance of NGOs "clean", the UN sees the ruse and refused its premises in the event, which then folds over the salons of the Hotel Intercontinental, while announcing on his invitation "to during the week of human rights at the United Nations, Swiss Village, NGOs with Consultative Status to the UN (ECOSOC) will hold with young people (sic) for Human Rights International Summit on the 6th, etc... " The strategy of seduction of the public is clear. We will read "United Nations", "young", "human rights". Topical issues. The deposit of a prestigious organization does the rest. We do not distrust of NGOs for humanitarian purposes.
That clearly established one of the strategies of Scientology to win his audience, if not the world, although this is one of the objectives. For this, a sum of "vital targets" in which we must invest time and money is defined in the writings of Ron Hubbard, the founder of the multinational: - Take over the control or allegiance of the leaders and owners of all media news;
- Check or obtain the allegiance of key political figures. Counsel American Graham Berry, a real "pet peeve" of Scientology, mentions famous names in his country. It is the same in our European countries;
- Use similar groups as allies. There are so many "networks" of influence. The OSCE, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, an organization created in 1973 and incorporated under its present form in 1999 to open and maintain dialogue among all European countries in respect for human rights and democracy , holds an annual conference of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) in Warsaw. The ODIHR is one of three OSCE institutions likely to work against "intolerance and discriminatory practices" and to protect freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief.
is the annual appointment of sectarian groups, or sects, claiming the religious designation for power ahead, with no shame, sitting alongside real victims of totalitarian governments in behavior to complain "manifestations of intolerance and discrimination" against them. It shows every year, Scientology, Moon, the Raelians, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Hare Krishna, among others, united against those who "bully", which the French organization MIVILUDES Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Combat against Sectarian, which depends on the Prime Minister, Francois Fillon, and FECRIS Federation of European research centers and Information on Sectarianism, which brings together more than 50 European associations. The first demand nothing less than the dissolution of these organizations to defend the victims of their excesses.
Within the OSCE, influence networks allow these groups to practice intensive lobbying and thus to be "very attentive to the composition Panel of Experts on the ODIHR's freedom of religion and belief "1. At the last session in September 2009 in Warsaw, President of FECRIS was roundly rebuffed by the moderator, Ms. Elena Miroshnikov, professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Tula, Russia, for having used the word "sect". Then the moderator went to speak to a representative of Scientology. 20% of the participants in this session came from sectarian!
The call to bail sociologists, religious historians and other academic experts is also a common practice in these networks lobbyists. Not surprising since some of them in Switzerland and elsewhere, support their desire to be recognized as "religion." Lobbying at EU institutions and UN combined with the support of academics was that some countries have recognized as religions sects considered dangerous for individuals. Mention may be made for Scientology in Spain, Bulgaria and Armenia to the Jehovah's Witnesses. These groups are also ongoing trials on serious charges. There are identical queries in the reports of the U.S. State Department, through its Commission on Religious Freedom, and the UN or the Council of Europe.
In its September 1999 report, said Commission on religious freedoms stigmatizes the European crackdown on criminal activities of sects, the taxing of infringement of religious freedoms. This does not fail to make the honey Raelians (who regularly complain to the UN, challenging the expert appointed by the U.S. State Department, Ms. Asma Jahangir), and other Moonies, Jehovah's Witnesses and so on. assiduously attending the OSCE. This organization is, therefore, to audition a number of witnesses and victims of "religious segregation in Europe" committed by States, institutions et, bien entendu, nos organisations. Parmi les membres du panel figure l'avocat des Témoins de Jéhovah.
La FECRIS fut elle-même victime des actions de ces mêmes réseaux lobbyistes. Alors que toute ONG se voit attribuer le statut participatif au Conseil de l'Europe dans l'année qui suit le dépôt de sa demande, la FECRIS a du attendre trois années tumultueuses pour l'obtenir. Entre 2002 et 2005, les bureaux du secrétariat des Organisations non gouvernementales du Conseil de l'Europe étaient inondés de littérature destructrice concernant les membres de la FECRIS, des tracts s'empilaient sur les tables et de plus, des dossiers disparaissaient. Impossible sans infiltration ou complicités internes.
But at that time, four people wearing a badge of visitors have been spotted frequenting the bar of each parliamentary session of the Council (that visitors usually do not) - "A white-haired lady who smokes cigarette on cigarette, fop a turquoise shirt with a bat and a respectable young wolf in a suit, "according to journalist Antonio Fischetti2. Not difficult to mount on the floors and then entering the offices, all doors are open and often empty offices during parliamentary sessions. In April 2001, a group of MPs sign a statement denouncing the threats to freedom religion in France. In November 2002, a resolution calls on the French government to reconsider the About Picard3. In January 2003, a statement recommends the benefits of Narconon, the drug detox center for Scientology. Coincidence? It was difficult to believe.
To return to the article by Alain Jourdan in the Tribune de Geneva, 28 August 2009, he states: "The anti-cult will sit with NGOs." Indeed, FECRIS, which already has participatory status with the Council of Europe, was awarded the special status ECOSOC last August. What is she waiting for? It will be shown in New York, Geneva et Vienne, dans les sessions concernant le respect des droits de l'homme, de la femme, de l'enfant. Ces deux derniers étant les victimes dont on parle le moins. Or le travail abusif, l'exploitation sexuelle, les mauvais traitements, voire la pédophilie ne sont pas absents du comportement abusif des groupes déviants. Sans oublier la précarité et le manque de couverture sociale la plupart du temps. Il est donc important que les représentants de la FECRIS rappellent aux gouvernements représentés tant à l'ONU qu'aux institutions européennes que ces problèmes sont bien réels, qu'ils font des victimes et qu'il faut agir. Les sectes sont présentes dans les institutions européennes et internationales, some are recognized as an NGO, their infiltration in politics is clearly not just limited to Western Europe.
The fall of the Berlin Wall has led to a flood of these groups in Eastern Europe. Croatia is infested by Scientology, Transcendental Meditation, etc.. Russia is a breeding ground where no one has more movement. Other Eastern European countries are not spared. Moon, Brahma Kumaris, Soka Gakkai, among others, are at the UN for years. FECRIS wants to counterbalance these "groups whose behavior is a challenge to human rights, since they take refuge behind right - freedom of religion - the better to trample on others "and who exploit the international and European institutions for the sole purpose" of the acts included in their work, and thereby gain legitimacy even "4. I
Note: * FECRIS European Federation of Centres for Research and Information on Sectarianism, delegate to the Council of Europe
MIVILUDES 1, Report to the Prime Minister 2007, the French documentation.
2 Charlie Hebdo - Occasional, "The most savage sect of the world," Antonio Fischetti, May 2004.
3 French Law of 2001, which "tends to reinforce the prevention and suppression of sects and violates human rights and fundamental freedoms", ed.
4 Statement by a representative of FECRIS to OSCE, Warsaw, September 2007.