Or: "My good annual campaign on the internet." But HOW good deed! Return to a substantive debate that never ceases to divide ...
(and only here, it seems)
(and only here, it seems)
opportunity for me to say hello in coucoup of bloggers that venvent I do not forget (not!) and I sometimes read (yes!), between two races on the wrong foot bike path of life in society: Grim, Tormented Soul, Miss P, Fanfan, Corto, Mary Anonymous, Bot and so on (I think)! I have not had a mut, as expected, but I will try to accommodate me on the spot during the week (I spotted some beautiful bridges), next year, in which case I would have more time (we believe strong), including blogging, and j hope to see you all and all (note the theme into the grip Lostéenne generic).
Meanwhile ...
( I always wanted to write that ).
Because Lost was good because Lost, it's over, because it makes Lost sad because Lost , it looks to escape a lot of users in terms of conclusion, Master L. down from his hermitage professional and breaks his vow of silence (imposed) time to clarify some of good quality (because as everyone knows, here's genuine, it's ME!) (or him, we must reach agreement on it both) .
On the internet, so for some people to understand the "language " sms and / or that one is not looking too side spelling mistakes, you can read indignant cries of fraud and taxation vociférées prehistoric argumentative with ease.
can read, also completely abracadakamehamehantesques interpretations (that say), some very interesting (sometimes), but applied to search with 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. (too) much zeal and / or pulled by the hair of John Locke ( This doubtless explains why).
Never mind that everyone will take it for writing: late Lost, it's not complicated is ten minutes of thinking to put everything back in order, and understand that many elements of previous seasons (especially the first) were a little (lot) " free", think in terms of atmosphere than in terms of higher meaning. So everything is explained he not go into detail, but is it really important, when the general framework stands brilliantly and avoids the pitfalls of big-horn, all feared since the first few minutes of any all first season? !
And for the rest ... Understanding these
(tozool) Tage!

1) The flash-sideways :
It will be understood, it is announced explicitement en fin de parcours : tout a bel et bien eu lieu et l’Ile est un endroit réel, sûrement pas un purgatoire, un enfer ou un paradis comme on peut le lire ça et là. Par contre, la réalité alternée de la saison 6 est, elle, effectivement, une sorte de purgatoire : un “ lieu ” symbolique hors de l’espace et du temps qui précède, pour chaque personnage, le moment de mourir. Plus explicitement : c’est le fameux moment, dans les expériences de mort imminente, où la personne a l’impression de voir des proches disparus l’accueillir et l’emmener vers une lumière blanche. Comme nos rêves nous semblent longs alors qu’en Actually, they represent very short phases of sleep, that final moment may seem like a lifetime, so it lasts in the physical world, that time of agony ( see Jack, Juliet, ... ) . All the characters in Lost died: some were able to attend this death being set for others ( Hurley, Ben, Kate and co ), what comes next.
But the risk of stating the bunker doors open, everything that happened before has indeed taken place.
2) Island, now .
modern myths, we can find, I think, legends relating to specific areas and lines of authority ( mana? ) whose nature is beyond even those who peddle, places almost miraculous properties that are ignores the true nature ( to cruise ships with the stories of ghosts, Bermuda triangle, but also kamikakuchi Japanese, or even a number of fairy tales of Anglo-Saxon culture, in which the characters on the dock mysterious island where time passes differently ). Of course, until proven otherwise, this remains but that's what folklore Folklore ( and many others ) that intends to operate Lost as screenplay material, focusing on one of these places of power in particular (Bernard evokes Besides other in one of the first season of rest) .
Island is not an illusion or a figment of the imagination: it is a physical place with exceptional features that defy comprehension. Now, as everywhere, he has his story, he saw people disembarking from different backgrounds ( mostly following shipwrecks ), Has been trying to settle, to found the beginnings of civilizations, relics, etc ... Hence, melting pots and a variety. Hence, also, the P roject Dharma, which is not a key point of the scenario but just one of many details, anecdotal, story stretched over centuries if not millennia.
These places of power can be considered as places where old energy ( pure, inexplicable, almost mystical, hidden in the depths of the earth ) dates back to the point flush with the surface: their powers are known as , many, then as now, wanted to discover the secret to appropriate this power (or at least understand). Jacob ( has insidious than its predecessors? ) has ensured that only those "selected " can set foot, and that no one could leave again.
What is the nature of this energy, then?
Whatever its true nature : Mystical, physical, Extraterrestrial Life ... The primary, which gave birth to all living species ( with which it maintains a link, they are parts of them. They are all truly interconnected through it ) ( Jacob said, inter alia, that "humans are all part of her in them and they always want more" ) , and has a form of consciousness ( subconscious? ): she tries, like any ensuing form, to survive. Extinguish the flame
is to choose death, choose to destroy everything, de mettre fin à toute vie sur terre. Le monstre de fumée noire, lui, apparaît comme son antithèse, la mort ( c ar la vie sans la mort ne peut exister, et vice versa ) : ce n’est pas le frère de Jacob , comme on pourrait le croire ( celui-ci repose aux côtés de leur mère adoptive ) mais une entité que la mort de ce dernier a libérée/crée ( par exposition directe de
Power Island ( include: light ) extends over living beings, those of the monster (which is also an offshoot of the island ), on what does more ( able to resurrect beings, but from private life which shone in them. Cf Sayid). That's why he should not escape, otherwise destroy everything. This is also why he is obsessed by the idea of escape or destroy its antithesis, without y ait la moindre rationalité ni réflexion derrière : c’est purement, essentiellement instinctif, compulsif. C’est aussi, sans qu’il s’en rende compte, pourquoi il est condamné, lui aussi, même s’il gagne. Car comme la vie sans la mort ne peut exister, l’inverse est tout aussi vrai : dès lors, quand Desmond enlève le “ bouchon ” de la source, et quand la vie commence à s’éteindre, que la fin du monde commence, le monstre perd ses pouvoirs et devient un simple mortel, lui aussi. Avec la conséquence que l’on sait.
4) Et après ?
Finally, Jack also dies, because he was injured at a time when the powers of the island could no longer protect him. But before dying, he can see the plane Kate and others leave the island, and he can die with the certainty that " all this was not in vain . In finding them, moreover, beyond space and time ...
course, the question of the true nature of Life
While the result may have disappointed some, it's because the writers have taken advantage of write a series realistic , "a fantasy as streamlined as possible, of course, is neither real nor rational, it goes without saying, but all attempts to bind a dizzying number of myths and legends from different cultures, trying to make sense of them "tangible " quasi-scientific reasons, that would be a miracle because we can not understand why this is not one. The authors could not give definitive answers about light, because neither they nor we have them, those answers. Invent was " lie." They remain to be discovered, because they go beyond the simple framework of a TV series.
5) Rest of the Dharma Project, Walt, and the impression held by many to have "been had " from that side.
must here remember that initially was planned Lost for 10 seasons, the contents of those seasons was planned from the outset ( guidelines, anyway ). Falling Season 2 hearing forced the authors to summarize what they had expected to process all that they had begun to develop ( where certain passages and certain disclosures fairly shipped, alas ). Hence, too, a certain imbalance in terms of construction: the first two seasons have been developed at the pace you want, and of necessity meant that the following had to be "concentrated " which ultimately will be given more importance to certain details at certain key points in history.
For as any series, it is built on " arcs," whose importance rises to a crescendo. The failure over the means to develop them one after the other has forced the authors to the mix instead of addressing them chronologically and close them as and when, gradually, creating a confusion and that the "less important " alongside the "largest " on a false footing. All these arcs are built on a clash duel black against white ( with a new "super bad guy" every time ), as Locke the ad Walt the early episodes of season 1, and are supposed to bring some more answers to lead logically to the next arc.
In this context, if the experiences of the Dharma project would have a real significance in the first half of series, to get them to reveal gradually the mysteries of the island of Other etc., he did almost no regard to the second half, against which it appears only as an "event- accident" ( and what about Walt, which is much less important than that?! ).
It was still not so complicated, so?
Not satisfied so far? !
Wait for DVD release, with twenty additional minutes added to "Finale " ... For better or for worse? New
mystery ...
And if you're looking for a title already to compensate for the absence Canal + is in the starting blocks for disseminating THIS, enticing into the faces, but alas shunned the U.S. and reduced to a single season.
the wise ...