Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fun Birthday Event Titles

Les séparations conflictuelles

Weekly Our family after AFP

The Children's Ombudsman Dominique Versini defends the use of mediation in family courts in the event of disagreement between separated parents on child care, in a report to President Republic released Thursday.

(JPG) One in four children today do not live with both parents.
"The family is constantly moving," said the Ombudsman, marriages are down from year to year and divorces increasing, the number of PACS has quintupled in a decade and half of all births take place outside marriage.

If the separation of parents is always a shock to the child, separation conflict is "a real pain," she said, with lasting consequences, the conflict prevents parents to ensure their educational tasks.

Using the example of countries like Quebec and Sweden, the Ombudsman proposes new rules giving priority to child rights and mediation, very little used in France since it intervened in in 2006 that 1% of 360,000 cases before the family court judges (JAF).

She proposes to include in the a comprehensive law mediation.

An interview information would be required on any application on the exercise of parental authority, before the hearing before the judge, to encourage parents

to visit one of the "family mediation services "the CNAF (National Family Allowances Fund).

Then, judicial mediation, now "possible", would become mandatory in case of disagreement at the hearing. In case of failure of any mediation, it might be designated more frequently a "third person", specialized professional in managing conflict.

conflicts, such as breach of access rights, a move without notifying the other parent's refusal to assume the financial obligations, come very often, also found Ms. Versini disregard of the co-parenting, defined by the Act of March 2002.

Very often, a couple splits "do not understand that there is a parental couple, and must continue to take all decisions together about children," she said.

portal established public, listing on the family book or health records of the child, the report makes several recommendations to inform parents. The report recommends that enshrine in law the right of the child to maintain personal relations with each parent, and with some others who shared his life.

While today it is a minor makes a request to be heard, which puts him in a difficult position vis-à-vis its parents, the report recommends that the judge receives "every child capable of discernment "to inform him of his right to be heard by himself or by a psychologist.

In Germany, recalls Ms. Versini the judge sees the child as young as 3 years at his home. In Belgium, it is routinely considers all children over 12 years.

Justice does not fit enough for the evolution and complexity of family situations, while 65% of the activity of the high courts for family disputes, said Ms. Versini finally.

It recommends that the family court judge and create a specialized child-family cluster in each court, with full-time psychologists.

To further
synthesis the report of Ms.
child advocate.
the press kit on the website of the Child Advocate

the press as an association homoparental

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cervical Mucus When Expecting Period

Etre parent s'apprend?

photo afp

Saint-Médard-en-Jalles 33. This is a first in the department. CAF organizing tomorrow and Saturday, an event dedicated to families.
family in all its forms, will be the center of "Days of parents in the Gironde," appointment that takes place in Saint-Médard-en-Jalles
Being parents is not a job but requires learning. Everyone knows that. An evolutionary learning: the needs of infants are not the same as the small school, which are quite different from those of teen and young adult who still launched into active life. Every parent feels alone with the difficulties that present themselves to him. Error: education is shared with society, through the nanny and school clubs, Assos. And it is rare that a parent knows une situation inédite. Alors, la CAF de la Gironde et ses partenaires, la Ddass, l'État, le Conseil général, l'émanation commune de ces organismes (et d'autres) qu'est le Réseau écoute appui et accompagnement des parents, ont décidé d'organiser les premières « Journées des parents en Gironde ». Des professionnels seront là, nombreux, de tous horizons et toutes spécialités, pour éviter un écueil : que l'on se contente des constats que chacun connaît. Entrevues personnalisées. Des dizaines de parents et des associations ont travaillé à l'organisation de ces deux journées sous la coordination de Philippe Guillet, cadre à la CAF de la Gironde. Among the themes we will discuss the family united or disunited, the arrival of the child in the couple, school failure, disability, difference, violence, love. It will also say that parenting is a joy, it would still not be forgotten! These days will be divided between meeting in the Great Hall of the Jalles Square (350 seats), smaller workshops, interviews with customized professional exchanges between parents at the Café space. They will be interspersed with small performances led by comedians or clowns. Serious, not dramatic. "Parenting is a serious matter, says Philip Guillet, mais ce n'est pas forcément dramatique. On ne naît pas parent, on le devient. Chacun a des compétences, mais tous n'ont pas les mêmes. D'où l'intérêt qu'ils se rencontrent. » Pour participer à ces journées, il convient de s'inscrire sur le site internet de la CAF (l'accueil par demi-journée est limité à 850 personnes). Ces journées donneront lieu à la réalisation de trois films qui pourront être diffusés dans les réseaux de parentalité. Pour y contribuer, les parents pourront s'exprimer face à un caméra-maton. « Nous sommes dans un monde où tout le monde court. Nous avons voulu faire une pause en disant "Prenons le temps entre parents"», summarizes Philippe Guillet.
Friday 14 from 9 am, Saturday 15-9 pm 15. Up to 20 h 30. At the Square of Saint-Medard Jalles. Free admission. Inscriptions on

Monday, November 10, 2008

Who Have Bigest Boob In Bollywood

BD: sortie de Charisma (Tome2)

Tsutomu Yashioji, Taisei Nishizaki publisher Delcourt
To help the success of her child, a young woman with a very rich father took his first steps toward joining a cult ...
Reiko is the daughter of a somewhat naive very rich man, she lives with her husband to the post modest and the young couple decided to spend the aid of his father, to the chagrin of the latter.

Recently, they placed their child in tutoring classes. Two people

the management personnel come to see the young woman to talk to him a program to change the attitude of parents to enable them to behave ideal for the success of their children. Despite some reluctance
husband, Reiko finally decide and she goes to a conference, the opportunity for her to meet the director of the movement that moves him and decides to participate a seminar ...
The mechanism of entry into the sect is well described, as well as some machinery.

's motivations are clear and caricatured guru.
He finds it hard to control in the presence of the lovely Reiko, spitting image of his mother.
If the process is somewhat subtle, the reactions of relatives of victims of sects sometimes just sound and are sensitive: they are the ones that seem the most credible. The graphics

Taisei Nishizaki
is clear, clean, sometimes awkward, with a simple layout. The frills and decorations are not used: everything is focused on expressions of the characters.

Charisma (T2)


TsutomuYashioji, based on the novel by Shindo Fuyuki Drawing:
Taisei Nishizaki - Translation Japan: Tetsuya Yano
- Adaptation:
Nagy Véret - Adaptation Graphics
Benedict Lassailly - Design: Feature for feature
- Editions:
- Delcourt
- Label: Akata
- Collection: Ginkgo Copyright:
- October 2008 Format: Paperback
, black and white jacket with - Pagination: 224
978 -2-7560-1355-8 - RRP: € 7.50

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Grommet Tape For Racquetball

Solal, 9 ans, enlevé et déporté dans une 'secte' par sa mère

A Belgian child abducted by his mother and placed in an ultra-Orthodox community

The Israel Police is satisfied that a Belgian child 9-year-Solal Georis, was "sent off to overseas" by his mother and those who support it, in a case of parental abduction.

Solal was now placed in an ultra-Orthodox community, with bases in the United States or Argentina.
The Israeli justice was vindicated yet Solal's father, Vincent Georis, ordering that the child should return to Belgium, revealed this morning by the daily Le Soir.
all started in Belgium and when Vincent Georis Ronit Bitton, a French-Israeli, met in 1988. In 1999, the couple's first child named Solal. The family situation is more normal then ... Five years later, the trouble begins. The couple divorced. When primary custody of the child, by court order, to the father, the events are accelerating. mother, established in France with his son, opposed this decision before the tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre. But nothing helps, always gives due justice to the father. Small problem though: the French courts realize that Ronnie Bitton has already left the territory with Solal, leaving no forwarding address ... Interpol
Jerusalem reported in 2006 the arrival in Israel Solal, a French passport which indicated a false name. Incidentally, the Israeli justice also takes care of the case and gives it too, because the father of the child.
But time passes and Solal is still not back alongside his father. According to authoritative sources, it would have been incorporated into an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community established near the Gaza Strip.
His mother, supported by her community, refuses to return the child. She was arrested and imprisoned in Neve Tirtza before getting assigned to house arrest from a rabbi. She is summoned to appear December 1 in the court of Nanterre for kidnaping.
Solal would be him, still treasured in the ultra-Orthodox community who would be extradited to the United States ... Despite the justices' decisions Belgian, French and Israeli ...


Belgium - RTL News, Society, Sun, November 9, 16:06

Vincent Georis is disabled. For several months, there has been no news of her son 9-year-Solal. Israeli ex-wife took him to Israel, after their divorce. Parental kidnapping has changed the lives of Vincent.
"In November 2005, the Belgian court had decided to entrust me with the main accommodation of Solal and a right to visit his mother. Two months later, Solal was gone," says Vincent Georis the micro Eric Van Duyse. The boy was first found in France. But while the French courts before it, the mother and child disappear again. It will take a year to find them. They are ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in near the Gaza Strip into Israel. After a year of new legal action, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled in the Solal's father, ordering the child returned to Belgium.
But it has already been influenced. "It's a little boy who grew up in Brussels. But after sitting through this community, he was indoctrinated. He had no math, or science. It was through studying the Bible. The few time I could still see, he spoke of how more and more fundamentalist Muslims on Christians. It became very shocking because I did everything to keep it open and tolerant, "said Vincent Georis .

A moving testimony

Trois ans de démarche. Sept voyages en Israël. Dix juges à travers trois pays qui ont confié la garde au père. Mais rien n'y fait. Solal n'est plus ni avec sa mère, ni avec son père. Selon la police israélienne, le garçon a été "exfiltré vers l'étranger" par sa mère et ceux qui la soutiennent. Arrêtée, elle est à présent sous contrôle judiciaire, mais le garçon reste introuvable. Il se trouverait désormais placé dans cette communauté ultraorthodoxe disposant de bases aux Etats-Unis ou en Argentine.
NB sur le site de
RTL info vous pourrez visionner le reportage et témoignage du papa de Solal

You can also read the interview with the dad on Solal site Sos children

The EPR knows several families, fathers and grandparents cut off from their grandchildren or in risk of cuts because of the affiliation of one of the parents in this community. few years ago CPPS cell Prevention Education in the community considered "ultra orthodox" in the same way as the Legionnaires of Christ or the Islamic Jihad, we agree.

The videos showed the following government and the organization "ultra orthodox" international Jewish claims to, but unfortunately these videos have disappeared

dailymotion server however you can contact infomanip at keeps them on a server outside EU copy. Made their demand.

Book recommended by the Centre Georges Devereux, led by Tobie Nathan ethnopsychiatrist:
N. Bellaiche, The Lubavitch: Jewish paths of repentance. Description

an Orthodox Jewish group in Paris.

Currently showing:
My Father My Lord

View uncompromising criticism by the AJHL

secular Jewish association and humanistic

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Letter To Counter Settlement With Insurance

Livre sur la vie brisée des enfants dans les sectes

In the clutches of cults

The University of Sherbrooke newspaper

November 6, 2008
France Lavoie
Lecturer and PhD studies in contemporary religion in the Faculty of Theology, Ethics and Philosophy, Lorraine Derocher is one of Quebec's specialists on the issue of cults, and particularly the influence of these organizations on children who grow up virtually cut off from the outside world . Earlier this year, which is also professional research group within the Society, Law and Religion at the University of Sherbrooke (SODRUS) published the book Living her childhood in a religious sect - Understanding responses to it, the Presses de l'Université du Québec jointly with SODRUS. Lorraine Derocher is frequently requested by various agencies that need training on the subject, and she is called to help the professionals who help people who have spent their childhood in a religious sect. She also notes how the resources are desperately needed to help these people. is a meeting a few years ago with a person who had just left the radical group where she had been a PhD student who led the children to become interested in religious sects. "As I am a very socially engaged, this case came to fetch me and I wanted to help. Force me to see that there was little research on the issue of children who grew up in relatively closed religious groups in society. Police officers, psychologists, doctors and social workers lack the tools to intervene in these cases, "says Thompson her. evidence, until recently, authorities have turned to the researcher for guide a person without resources. Lorraine Derocher is currently conducting a fundraising campaign and acts as a consultant to help this person out recently of a very closed society, after having spent his childhood and spent over 30 years of his life.

"For me, we are faced with injustice injustice: not only the child did not choose to live in these environments, but after the release, the company is not equipped to accept his adult, "said elle.Cela said Lorraine Derocher said that new religious movements are a minority phenomenon. "My book focuses of radical sects and closed society, those apocalyptic nature.
Some of these kids do not attend school, the doctor or dentist. Some have never watched television or the Internet do not know, "says the researcher. This raises another problem: lack of outside contacts, there are no reports from authorities in cases of neglect or abuse. "If you think about it, our prisoners themselves, are sometimes treated better," said she.
People attracted to new religious movements are often at a crossroads in their lives, and seeking answers to existential questions. But it can go beyond these considerations. "A person may want to nurture their spirituality, to join a community or seek to explain the suffering, death and the complexity of the world," said the researcher. However, a radical sect is a religious group who, because of its closure and its challenges to the values of modern society (economics, globalization, science, etc..) Is increased to skid. So the entry of an individual in a radical religious movement often reflects dissatisfaction vis-à-vis the society in which he lives. "
Until the end of the world
groups of particular concern Lorraine Derocher are those who wait, in a concrete and imminent end of the world. A very bad environment for young children who are a part. "The time of childhood is usually a time filled with magic," she explains. In these groups, you grow up in an environment where one is preparing for a disaster. My studies have shown that beyond the normal challenges associated with integrating a new society, internalized the worldview which is the biggest challenge. In other words, even out of its sectarian environment, the young continue to make a religious reading of reality: he is afraid of the people of the world, he feared that the end comes, and sometimes he thinks he will go to hell because it is out of his group.
The seven people I worked with to write my thesis have all regretted their departure at September 11, 2001. and if it was really the end of the world? That demonstration of a worldview internalized. "The reasons that bring someone to leave a sect differ depending on whether there grew up, or she has reached adulthood. In the latter case, disillusionment can lead to questioning. However, the person who lived his childhood leaves rather because of shortness of breath to comply with the requirement level of adults in the sect. "These children need to be perfect, as pure in God's eyes, some have been abused or neglected and are tired, others find that certain behaviors of leaders are not in accordance with the teachings of the group."
With the publication of his book Living childhood in a religious sect, the author wanted to reach out to stakeholders such as social workers, lawyers, psychologists and teachers. She noted, however, with the time that the subject of interest to more than one. As evidence, many people attended the Sept. 30 conference Carolle Tremblay on children's rights in rural sectarian, at the invitation of SODRUS.
"In an era where we talk about responsible drinking, we could also consider living our freedom of conscience and religion responsibly? One way to do this would take into account the protection of individual rights including those of children, "says Lorraine Derocher.
Lorraine Derocher
, Living her childhood in a religious sect - Understanding
responses to it, Quebec, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2008, available at Coop's UdeSherbrooke.