A Belgian child abducted by his mother and placed in an ultra-Orthodox community

The Israel Police is satisfied that a Belgian child 9-year-Solal Georis, was "sent off to overseas" by his mother and those who support it, in a case of parental abduction.
The Israeli justice was vindicated yet Solal's father, Vincent Georis, ordering that the child should return to Belgium, revealed this morning by the daily Le Soir.
all started in Belgium and when Vincent Georis Ronit Bitton, a French-Israeli, met in 1988. In 1999, the couple's first child named Solal. The family situation is more normal then ... Five years later, the trouble begins. The couple divorced. When primary custody of the child, by court order, to the father, the events are accelerating. mother, established in France with his son, opposed this decision before the tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre. But nothing helps, always gives due justice to the father. Small problem though: the French courts realize that Ronnie Bitton has already left the territory with Solal, leaving no forwarding address ... Interpol
Jerusalem reported in 2006 the arrival in Israel Solal, a French passport which indicated a false name. Incidentally, the Israeli justice also takes care of the case and gives it too, because the father of the child. But time passes and Solal is still not back alongside his father. According to authoritative sources, it would have been incorporated into an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community established near the Gaza Strip.
His mother, supported by her community, refuses to return the child. She was arrested and imprisoned in Neve Tirtza before getting assigned to house arrest from a rabbi. She is summoned to appear December 1 in the court of Nanterre for kidnaping.
Solal would be him, still treasured in the ultra-Orthodox community who would be extradited to the United States ... Despite the justices' decisions Belgian, French and Israeli ...
Solal would be him, still treasured in the ultra-Orthodox community who would be extradited to the United States ... Despite the justices' decisions Belgian, French and Israeli ...
Belgium - RTL News, Society, Sun, November 9, 16:06
Vincent Georis is disabled. For several months, there has been no news of her son 9-year-Solal. Israeli ex-wife took him to Israel, after their divorce. Parental kidnapping has changed the lives of Vincent.
But it has already been influenced. "It's a little boy who grew up in Brussels. But after sitting through this community, he was indoctrinated. He had no math, or science. It was through studying the Bible. The few time I could still see, he spoke of how more and more fundamentalist Muslims on Christians. It became very shocking because I did everything to keep it open and tolerant, "said Vincent Georis .
A moving testimony
Trois ans de démarche. Sept voyages en Israël. Dix juges à travers trois pays qui ont confié la garde au père. Mais rien n'y fait. Solal n'est plus ni avec sa mère, ni avec son père. Selon la police israélienne, le garçon a été "exfiltré vers l'étranger" par sa mère et ceux qui la soutiennent. Arrêtée, elle est à présent sous contrôle judiciaire, mais le garçon reste introuvable. Il se trouverait désormais placé dans cette communauté ultraorthodoxe disposant de bases aux Etats-Unis ou en Argentine.
NB sur le site de RTL info vous pourrez visionner le reportage et témoignage du papa de Solal
The EPR knows several families, fathers and grandparents cut off from their grandchildren or in risk of cuts because of the affiliation of one of the parents in this community. few years ago CPPS cell Prevention Education in the community considered "ultra orthodox" in the same way as the Legionnaires of Christ or the Islamic Jihad, we agree.
The videos showed the following government and the organization "ultra orthodox" international Jewish claims to, but unfortunately these videos have disappeared
dailymotion server however you can contact infomanip at wanadoo.fr keeps them on a server outside EU copy. Made their demand.
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