One L. you need and everything is depopulated, I know what it is. I often lacking in myself and I understand that you can feel it!
To everyone, longtime friends or new acquaintances, old comrades and new adjuvants, flesh and blood or micropixels: MY APOLOGIES not be as present as I should, so general, and more right now!
thousand things its always collide to make my life a super stand-d'autos bumper but I'm here, anyway. Over your shoulder. But if. I do this by astral travel ( I'm a pro, astral travel! I refined the technique during my four years of Latin at the university ). One of these days I'd do a comeback worthy of 2be3 and you will come to regret this same period of calm!
May the Force Be With You more Than It Was With The Jedi Knights!
pitit With a personal message anyway: Seb, I have your email address, this would still be easier, because I hate the phone!
In the meantime, a small selection of movies from his store purposely selected for you by Mr. Myself, discoverer of oddities to Himself. Castings dreams and assumptions original multi-genre, multi-public! Multi-thank you, L. !
regressive Category Action (but with little extra anyway):
( DVD - by the author of NightWatch / DayWatch )
( to come to the cinema, the author of 300 )
Psychological Thriller Category (trend illusionist!) : *
The Illusionist: & p = 72B90FE973873AEA & index = 0 & = 1 playNext
( DVD)

(DVD )
Beyond Illusion:
( DVD )
frank delirium Category:
(DVD )
Ghost Town:
( Coming cinema )
cons Monsters Aliens: http://www / watch? v = bPkTXFbwWMI & feature = channel
( Coming cinema )
( In theaters, but not for long )
Lastly, Grande Class Category:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
(Currently in theaters )
The Foutain: http://www / watch? v = TNoZhcIEkwc ( DVD - Very far the most beautiful film I have ever see in a lifetime! ).

Even beyond the simple film work: a visual poem, a musical and emotional evocative power cut (literally) breathtaking. Magnificent, subtle, rich, precious, unique. In a sense "more than human" terms.
In addition would remove ...
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