Dear Mr.,
Until a real good big ticket good on this blog stodgy calorie (th the time i get back some of vertigo particularly disabling ), I humbly write to you (lol ) to solicit your glorious services ( re-lol ). En effet, je m'appelle L. de mon prénom pseudonymique et je suis un gars très gentil ( sauf quand je suis méchant ) ( et encore ), à qui les gens aiment bien emprunter de l'argent à long terme et promettre l'éternité à court terme. Moderne jusque dans ma manière d'appréhender la syntaxe et la grammaire (". ..sait faire un bon café". Oui, j'ai beaucoup d'humour, aussi ), j'aime énormément l'aventure ( j'ai plein de jeux de rôles sur ma Playstation 2 ), les traditions culturelles et les reliques de civilisations disparues ( j'ai aussi une Playstation 1 ) et si je am a Masters of Modern Letters ( which says a lot about my intelligence and / or the average level of studies in Grenoble IIII) I managed to keep it simple ( "a simple mind in a simple body "This is my motto. and that" fluctuat nec ergo sum, fili! ") and I am also very athletic ( I'll play the Wii in buddies). Therefore, I feel more than good to marry ( even a little on the edges chard), you and I would therefore be grateful to play your relationship to find me a woman and / or (if ) hemp rope (or a Playstation 3). As requested, I am enclosing my portfolio of professional model lying on the floor ( hold it up to say: this does not mean I want stay on the floor ).
L. his first name pseudonym
- No, frankly, nothing wrong: such a ticket, it was worth the wait!
- Is not it Igor? ! Glad you share my opinion. As time passes, this blog peaked MadGeniusesques!
- is squarely on Kilimanjaro, there, Master.
- that's why lack of oxygen, So what?
- No, Master. that's the hemp rope.
- Ah, OK, OK ...
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