Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rent Snowmobiles In Steamboat Co

Ras forehead left anti-Semitic.

must be judged very harshly anti-Semitic Islamic Marxists!

After the adjournment of the trial of five defendants to 29 Mulhouse November, just Republican repression against criminals and anti-Semitic French Marxist socialos LDH, MRAP National Communists or Trotskyists CPF NPA leading the hateful anti-Semitic campaign must continue BDS:

After calling quite illegally boycott of Israeli products in the hypermarket Carrefour Illzach in September 2009, five active and ultra-left activists, the alleged and detestable "cause" Palestinian, were summoned before the Criminal Court of Mulhouse on 13 September:
National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism still remember the call for a boycott of Israeli products launched by militants from ultra left irresponsible important conflict in France and inflame the minds of young people and other anti-Semitic thugs left who do not need to be heated.

If they think to save the Palestinian cause through this, they are mistaken, "said Sylvain Zenouda Vice-Chairman of the Board, he criticizes "especially" the boycott "certain Israeli products are manufactured with the aid of Palestinians," he noted, seeing elsewhere in the actions in supermarkets " an attack on freedom of movement "of consumers. And when one mentions "the infringement of freedom of expression "Falsely put forward by Marxist activists Upper Rhine offenders prosecuted, Mr. Zenouda replied:" There are democratic means to express themselves. "

Nidor The five members of "collective boycott" 68 will meet at the Criminal Court of Mulhouse, this time on November 29 of provocation "to discrimination, hatred or racial violence. " They are rightly accused of having participated, 26 September 2009, an action calling for a boycott of Israeli products imported the shelves of Carrefour hypermarket Illzach coated T-shirts imprinted with "live Palestine, Boycott Israel" (The Alsace September 27, 2009).

Five filthy "militant" Islamists and Marxists, summoned to the Criminal Court of Mulhouse are members of various political movements stinking ultra left or association: The Green 68, (Worm and in fruit), the French Communist Party, Justice (sic) for Palestine Alsace, the Islamic Association Reda (Dynamic Muslim presence) and the association Semitic France Palestine Solidarity 68. ( Anti-Semites)

But who are these people Islamists and Marxists "alleged" anti-Semitic?

Association Reda (Dynamic Muslim presence) is an "association" closely related al'odieux Ambassador Tariq Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists in Europe and the Association Franco-House PA Cultural (1) there is only a look at their "site": Collectif_des_musulmans_de_France

As Justice for Palestine Alsace is very closely linked to Muslim Consciousness. of the Ramadan retains loyal allies in the obscurantist left in France. Banned from the united states for "material support to a terrorist organization."

Indeed, so proved, the Muslim Tariq Ramadan, has paid about 600,000 euros to the "Committee charitable and relief to the Palestinians, "blacklisted in the U.S. to serve as fund support for Hamas.
Already in November 1995, the filthy Tariq Ramadan was denied entry to French territory, following a note from the French intelligence services as having the "translator Newspapers published by Hamas in the Occupied Territories. "
In France, the ideological support that provides enormous Tariq Ramadan and his allies in the Communist Party, the Greens and the NPA Hamas, the armed wing of Palestine from the Muslim Brotherhood movement whose birth is much to Said Ramadan, the father and the political model of the Muslim Ramadan support this notoriously anti-Semitic is to be condemned as the most exemplary in the courts of the French republic.

Greens 68? Watermelons! : Green outside, red inside:
Now let individually, what the characters are called "comrades" indicted:

Farida Trichina-Sarr 54 years of the movement called "Justice For Palestine Alsace , Mrs. Farida like Segolene Royal Farida on Face Book and is a friend of Senator Green Alima Boumediene-Thiery belching pro Hamas protester or protests or she is mean belch of "Death to Jews , "and" Jews in the oven. " Nous tenons les vidéos probantes à l’attention de la justice si besoin est !.

Henri Eichholtzer , Association France Palestine Solidarité 68 et délégué régional et vice-président de l'UFRAMA ( Union Nationale des Fédérations Régionales des Associations de Maisons d'Accueil de Familles et proches de personnes incarcérées). Comme l’islam est la première religion des prisons de France ( à plus de 90%) ceci explique peut être cela !

Mohammad Akbar (2) original Afghan (Pashtun) as Mullah Mohammad Omar, Taliban leader also of Pashtun origin. Mohamad is an active member and activist of the Association REDA (dynamics Muslim Presence)

Aline Parmentier, departmental secretary's French Communist Party 68, hairdresser training, had not presented under the banner of the Communist parliamentary election in the 5th district of Haut-Rhin (Mulhouse), but under that of the anti-liberal left. "The collective of the left anti Mulhouse consists Communist Party, alternatives, of decay activists, union and association," she had said. As part of a legislative, this configuration was a first for the Communists, who want voters and not wanting to cut hairs, recruit and today held wide outright anti-Semitic speeches to win an electorate Muslim! The new "proles".

Jacques Ballouey: Officer, responsible for the unity and safety risks to civil DDE 67, which leaves him very much and leisure time involved in politics, and to go "protest" on Saturday at taxpayer expense. Is part of a "movement of watermelons (Green outside, red inside) said: The Greens 68.

On 24 September in Bordeaux, the appeal of Sakina Arnaud (3) rightly condemned February 10, 2010, by the Criminal Court of Bordeaux 1 000 € fine, this member of the LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme) was convicted of "incitement to discrimination and racial hatred

Last May, this 54 year old woman was arrested in a hypermarket Mérignac now affix stickers "Boycott Apartheid Israel." These included a drawing of a wall with watchtower stylized form of a barcode with a red spot.
At the hearing January 13, 2010, the adherent active militant of the League of Human Rights had received the support of Marie Bové, daughter of Jose Bove and a member of Europe Ecology list for the next regional. The League of Human Rights is headed to Bordeaux by Gerard Baker, head of the Left Front list (there are flush with the front of these anti-Semitic) to regional in March. Tell me who you frequent I'll tell you who you are.

October 11 3 Perpignan 66 militants Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine be appearing in Corrections "to get to Perpignan in the department P / O May 15, 2010 since time is not mandatory for:

The speech uttered in a public place in this case by calling the store customers by asking them to Carrefour do not buy products from Israel

Writings distributed or displayed in a public place in this case by distributing to customers or giving Carrefour store in the store leaflets header BDS call to boycott products from Israel ---

Posters exposed to public scrutiny in this case by displaying posters in the store Carrefour mentioning in particular "BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL" and "refuse to buy Israeli products ... reject the code that starts with XXX ... "

Provoked discrimination to hatred or violence against a person or group of persons Because of their origin or their belonging or non-membership an ethnic group, a nation, race or religion offenses defined and punishable under Articles 23, 24, paragraph 8, paragraph 1 article 11 and 42, Article 43 of the Act of July 29, 1881 ---

In any case the national territory since time and not involving limitation, by written or printed matter, drawings, engravings, paintings, emblems, images, shrieks, speeches and threats made public, means of communication public by electronic means, in this case, resulted in discrimination, hatred or violence against a person (Complainant Samy GHOZLAN representing the National Office of Vigilance against anti-Semitism) by reason of its origin or membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion.

But who are these people Islamists and Marxists "alleged" anti-Semitic?

Tadjeur Yamina, Jeanne and Bernard Rousseau Cholet 66 of the Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine at the hearing convened Criminal Court of Perpignan Monday, 11 October 2010 to 14 hours for calling for a boycott of Israeli products.
Let us look at the famous "Collective" without lawful Legal Collective said 66 Peace and Justice in Palestine, alleged offshoot of the great and ancient association against anti-semitism (sic) the MRAP 66; Speaker: Jean Jacques Cadéac . Communications Officer it would be a member of the drafting of the "Worker Catalan 'Weekly published by the Federation of Pyrenees-Orientales French Communist Party. (How curious? CPF! And we believe that the MRAP apolitical?)).

This nauseating "collective" of alleged anti-Semitic, was created to protect these 3 or 4 members alleged "anti-Semitic" members of ATTAC, the NPA, the PCF, the MRAP all alleged "anti-Semitic" and to avoid movements and parties expressed shame for the dissolution of conspiracy if convicted! Amnesia, denial, falsification, concealment, diversion, everything is good to hide the reality of socialist revolutions antisemites with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human suffering!
Behind the curtain of false propaganda Marxist as the creation of "collective" water bottles to hide their deep anti-Semitism arises reality de l'horreur de la construction du socialisme provoquant le dit antisémitisme. Si l'horreur provoquée par la construction du socialisme a pu exister si longtemps et se produire dans tant de pays, c'est à cause du rideau de mensonges constamment organisés par des organisations (PCF, NPA, associations d'«amitié entre les peuples» ou « De droits de l’homme » du genre MRAP et LDH,, groupes actifs et « militants » nidoreux, collectifs pour la « paix », soutien aux immigrés illégaux etc.), des agents payés ou bénévoles, des intellocrates et des idiots utiles ou abrutiles au QI d’une oyster and behavior of pigs, who are complicit in these horrors. The collaborators of horror are the useful idiots who wanted to serve the people but who are the minions and accomplices of the murderers of the people! And it is also and especially for the "support" to "people" and supports Palestinian terrorists of Hamas and Muslim Gazans.

Now, let us individually, what the characters are called "comrades" indicted:

In all honor miss start by Yamina Tadjeur :

Miss Tadjeur "alleged anti-Semitic" has a Facebook profile or one learns that this young girl comforts of home, love:

Islam and it is his right to love this wonderful "religion" of peace, love and tolerance, which stones and adulterous women where men practice polygamy and marry young children nine years. As with our thinking that; capping the aspirations of the most vile, flattering the most primitive impulses, encouraging intellectual sloth, intolerance, hypocrisy, violence, preaching a disease virilization, justifying the worst disgraceful anti-Semitic and anti-feminist, Islam is neither a wise nor a civilization or a lifestyle, it's a scourge. "

All as elsewhere: The Koran excellent book, a bit old and dated, if not archaic and barbaric, albeit with the reservation of some notoriously anti-Semitic passages. This person also enjoys good Palestine which is also her right as ours to prefer Israel or a true democracy reign.

She also enjoys reading Tariq Ramadan Antoine Sfeir consider us as a dangerous Islamist activist against integration, a "fundamentalist charmer" un « spécialiste du double langage », appuyé par le journaliste Mohammed Sifaoui, pour qui « ce que dit Antoine Sfeir est en deçà de la réalité ».

Elle aime aussi Le torchon communiste "Le travailleur Catalan"   Comme c’est curieux, justement l’Hebdo bolcho ou « travaillerait » l’excellent Président du Mrap 66: Jean Jacques Cadéac. Décidément on va de surprises en surprises dans ces « nébuleuses » de la « supposée » anti-Semitic hatred.

She also likes: Boycott Israel! Link deemed fraudulent by Facebook users. We wonder why this?
Ms. Rousseau "alleged anti-Semite" does not appear on the Net.

Bernard Cholet The railroad sexagenarian and retired "alleged anti-Semite" who speaks of himself in the third person to believe that it is not an alumnus of the ignoble LCR, Revolutionary Communist League, he was an alternate on the list LCR 100% left in the legislative elections in June 2007 in Perpignan, is a Trotskyite Marxist, spokesman for the NPA now Mr. Olivier Besancenot, the postman bourgeois Neuilly / Seine. NPA as very bad language called "anti-Jewish New Party", it also an active member and activist of ATTAC 66 (Association Tyrannical Totalitarian and Authoritarian and Communist) Note also that the delicious movement MRAP, against racism, apolitical and secular is a founding member of ATTAC said. Decidedly nebulous alleged anti-Semitic hatred are becoming more transparent? Cholet Bernard is also a member of the Collective of Perpignan for a documentation center on the French-Algerian history so that we assume certainly wrong to "revise" history as a vision of "Marxist". History tampered with, falsified, adulterated by the left - "the past ... from left, are tabula rasa" Revel in the form - is to hide the fact that the twentieth century is that of the Communist horror, "the highest stage of socialism": the purpose of communist regimes, according to the doctrine of Karl Marx, being of erecting the socialist society. There was also the English flu, earthquakes, along with many other scourges, including the "war" in Algeria, but the hope was left embedded in the blood of hundreds of millions of innocent and tears of hundreds of millions of their relatives. We tried to put right the socialist fascism and National Socialism, so that these ideologies were largely the same as communism, but to the right place Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Enver Hoxha, Mao Tse-tung, Salvador Allende, the anti-Semite and Pol Pot, Colonel Boumediene and other smaller but equally pests, such as Felouzis FLN, the "criminals carrying suitcases and French Marxists" and today the National Socialist antisemitic Chavez is impossible then we forget them or trying to forget as this group and hundreds of millions of victims too.

October 14 Pontoise cons Senator Islamic Marxist Alima Boumediene-Thiery (Alleged anti-Semite and former Trotskyite Communist / Greens) and Omar Slaouti also a Trotskyist Communist Party of New Anti (Semitic?) former Revolutionary Communist League.

Repeat offenders of hate racist

A new threshold has been crossed with the participation of an elected the senate of the Republic and a candidate for election European actions to pressure and intimidation carried out by the storm troopers of the green fascists and suspected anti-Semitic CAPJPO-EuroPalestine stores in supermarkets.

Despite the complaint filed in March by the BNVCA (National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism) and two other complaints filed recently by master Gilles William Goldnadel on behalf of the association Lawyers Without borders, the Fascists of green-CAPJPO EuroPalestine it again with a vengeance and once again rampant in Carrefour stores in the Paris region, with impunity.

Alima Boumediene-Thiery:

Photo JDL: "(...) Is it any wonder among the flood of anti-Semitic hatred of the presence of Senator" watermelon "(Green outside, red inside) that says that" Senator "(The word does not exist in French!) Why not balayeusatrice, shipboard or ferailleusatrice Mobile Support Equipment Operator), Alima Boumediene-Thiery, Trotskyists, and Communist worshiping the "cause" of Palestine. (...) " more here.

"Senator French (?) Alima Boumediene-Thiery is an" Environmentalist " real shame, red spot, green stain, for true environmentalists, but true "Watermelon", green outside and red inside, the Senator French Communist, Marxist and anti-Semitic, this hiding behind the mask of ecology (...) " For more click here.

"(...) This is not the first time that this" Senator "engaged in any operations against Israel prend la tête d’actions hostiles et illégales, en abusant de son immunité parlementaire .
Nous rappelons que le BNVCA a déposé plainte contre les auteurs d’une action commando de Boycott Israël menée au Carrefour de Montigny Les Cormeilles et dirigée par la « sénatrice » elle-même, en totale infraction avec la loi.(…) » La suite ICI.   (…) Nous demandons au Ministre de l’Intérieur, Mr HORTEFEUX, au Président du Sénat Mr LARCHER , à la présidente de Verts, Cécile DUFLOT ,de ramener Ms. BOUMEDIENNE over reason, send him comments or warnings that deserves this behavior unbecoming of an elected representative of the Republic worthy of the name.

Omar Slaouti:

Omar said the Lobster Thermidor Slaouti (5) alleged Alima also alleged anti-Semitic and anti-Semitic races are chanting "Boycott Israel Crossroads accomplice! "

Omar Slaouti: NPA - address: : http:// /

Slaouti Omar, "alleged" anti-Semite, an official of the republic, former Professor of Physics Chemistry School in Argenteuil spits in the soup capitalist who does live with the tax money of French citizens. What a shame!

29/10 at The Paris Olivia Zemor cons for publishing on its website a video of a disgusting anti-Semitic actions of the famous "BDS "at the hypermarket Carrefour Evry associations which called the" BDS "with the mayor of the Palestinian village of Al Ma'sara.

Olivia Zemor : 55 ans, mariée deux enfants. Née à Paris, de père et de mère juifs. Elevée par des grands parents venus de Smyrne, puis internés à Drancy. Dite la "pasionaria des grandes surfaces", suite a l'action de boycott des produits israéliens menée dans plusieurs magasins CARREFOUR de banlieue parisienne. Ces actions commando mené chez CARREFOUR par des hordes de barbares sauvages conduites par Mme Zemor (qui habite dans les beaux quartiers de la rive gauche, mais dont les troupes font partie du «Lumpen Proletariat» RMIste musulman. These raids or raids by the subject of complaints from the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism, supported by the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The actions of this "lady" alleged anti-Semitic are comparable to the Nazi boycott of Jewish shops, sad memory.

Zemor Madam is a regular at the courts of the republic and a repeat of the racist hatred in fact the 17th chamber of the Paris Criminal Court, had to know the facts very serious Ms. concernat Zemor Thursday, June 25 last. The hearing has not yet that started already, Olivia Zémor, the association's president-CAPJPO Europalestine agitated. It appears this Thursday as editor of the site , after the Defense Ministry complained to glorify war crime and an insult to the French army. more here.

"The CAPJPO, a radical Palestinian organization pro.

A video circulating on the Internet showed a group of Marxist activists and alleged anti-Semitic, manifesting within a Carrefour store in the suburbs of Paris, shouting "murderer Israel, Carrefour accomplice!". This action, which ended with the closure of the store was run by an association that is talking about it for several years: the CAPJPO . Officially, the acronym stands for "Coordination of Appeals for a Just Peace in the Middle East." But behind this innocuous acronym hides in fact anti-Semitic group, the ultra left, hyperactive and radical, which exhibits regularly under the flags of Hamas, whose speech seeks to criminalize and Nazify the State of Israel and Zionism. This is Marxist propaganda a corruption of human reason, an undermining of the intellect, a disintegration of moral and spiritual life of the French nation

Zemor Olivia, a hatred of Jews has an obsession bordering
The CAPJPO still a "Machin" kind "Collective" was created in 2002 by two "journalists" Agence France Presse Agence France said today Palestine, both active and militant Trotskyist Workers' Struggle Movement (emanation "union" of the Revolutionary Communist League The New Party became anti Jews) Olivia and Nicolas Zemor Shahshahani much more discreet than his wife, is the brother Volodya Shahshahani, called "Volo", formerly of the Proletarian Left, Maoist splinter group led by Benny Levy. (...) The rest here

(... In June 2004, the association and its president, Olivia Zemor have started a list for European elections, under the title "Europalestine." On this list were, in addition to that of Zemor, the names of far-left anti-Semitic buffoon Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala, and Dr. Christophe Oberlin (...) "

This fine team is as defenders of the "right" (Sic). A bit like those assisting illegal immigrants in an irregular situation, which is well recognized as common criminals, they accolent to rendrent credible, these criminals Marxists, for their dishonest actions, "De solidarity ". Again, the famous techniques of brainwashing and manipulation taught in all good schools of thought dominant Marxist stand out clearly in this case. But here, the "5 de Mulhouse" the "6 antisemitic here or elsewhere" Mediterranean and overseas, ladies and Zemor Boumediene and other "alleged anti-Semitic are bad, very bad, because in France further boycott of many French companies and the tremendous advocacy work led by the Movement for Free Trade in the late 70s, bringing politicians and lawyers from all sides, that the legislature adopted Act No. 77-574 called "anti-boycott" of June 7, 1977 stating that the boycott should be considered a discriminatory act economic type.
The French legislator has enacted criminal sanctions à l’égard de tout fonctionnaire (article 432-1 du Code Pénal) et en général, à l’égard de toute personne (articles 225-1 et 225-2 du Code Pénal) adoptant, dans l’ordre économique, des comportements inspirés par des considérations de type discriminatoire ou de tendre à favoriser de tels comportements.
Le boycott contre des produits israéliens est illégal. Il constitue, en effet, un délit prévu et réprimé par le Code Pénal, notamment par l’article 24 alinéa 8 de la loi du 29 juillet 1881, qui dispose :
« Ceux who (...) have led to discrimination, hatred or violence against a person or group of persons because of their origin or their belonging or not their ethnicity, nation, race or religion, shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and a fine of 45 000 € or one of these two penalties (...) ".
The Supreme Court has defined discrimination under articles 225-2, 2 and 225-1 of the Penal Code as "obstructing the exercise normal d’une activité économique quelconque en opérant une distinction entre les personnes notamment en raison de leur appartenance ou de leur non appartenance à une nation déterminée ».

Notre collectif (Nous aussi pourquoi pas ; avons le droit de créer des « machins » non ?) rappelle que cette lutte contre l’antisémitisme doit être également l'affaire de tous les défenseurs des droits de l'homme qui doivent redoubler de vigilance et répondre au développement de la haine raciste Semitic unleashed by these true incendiary hatred of the French Communist Party through the Greens, the "Associations" Islamists, and the ultra left notoriously anti-Semitic.

(1) AFPEC: 43, Rue Jolly (Box 118) 93120 La Courneuve Tel / Fax: 01 48 34 August 23 Mobile: 06 13 79 72 76

Dont le coordinateur général est le « journaliste » « Franco» Gazaoui du Hamas Suleiman ABU ODEH Son profil sur Face Book

(2) Mohammad Akbar est il un parent de  Agha Sayed Mohammad Akbar ? Cofondateur du Djamiat Jaish-e Muslim (la Société de l’armée des musulmans), faction dissidente des taliban. Originaire du district d’Arghandâb (province de Kandahâr), Sayed Akbar Agha, 45 ans, a participé au djihâd contre les troupes Soviet in the ranks of the Hezb-e Islami Khalis Yunus. In the fall of the fundamentalist regime, he founded the Muslim Jamiat Jaish-e, an organization in July 2004 decided to no longer recognize the authority of Mullah Omar. The Jaish-e Muslim claimed October 28, 2004 in Kabul kidnapping of three UN election workers, the Northern Irish Annetta Flanigan, Shqipe the Kosovar Hebib Filipino Angelito Nayan and. In early December 2004, a self-proclaimed spokesman of the Taliban movement announced the dissolution of the splinter group of the fundamentalist movement led by Mullah Omar. "The Jaish-e Muslim ceased to exist due to divisions within its leadership, "said the mufti Latifoullah Hakimi to Afghan Islamic Press news agency private Pakistan-based Afghan. Key executives had complained that Sayed Agha Akbar for having betrayed the cause by giving up for the release of twenty-four members of the group in exchange for a ransom that would also stolen. Jaish fighters were captured in October in the vicinity of Spin Boldak border town of Pakistan to the south of Kandahar. According to Mr. Hakimi, the main leaders of Jaish joined the ranks of the Taliban. On 11 December 2004, Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, Pakistani Information Minister made to the press the arrest ten days earlier Sayed Agha Akbar Quetta, capital of Balochistan province.

(3) Miss Sakina Arnaud born Khimoune His first conviction should be reviewed on appeal on September 24.
Sakina A: "Like many so-called self-righteous, you are a despicable hypocrite egoist who wants to give an air of respectability. You sympathize with the "suffering" of children but only when they are Palestinian. Your hereditary neurotic Semitism runs through your veins like radioactive waste nazislamism. You belong to this ideology Islamo-fascist gaucho-Semitism where doctrine could hardly be perpetuated that by renaming and he did, and the replacement of "Jewish" by the "Zionist" is that a rhetorical device, what is revealed is the mutation of the totalitarian thinking. On your own ideology is to invoke the humanistic and cultural figures to promote your interests. " Suite: Click Here See also another "opinion" that there is no evidence that emanates from the JDL that we condemn in the strongest possible if it turns out that this is the case Click there (But disinformation and manipulation is a Marxist and socialist specificity, we make the strongest doubts vis-à-vis this Email)

(4) The collective 66 " PEACE AND JUSTICE IN PALESTINE "is a direct offshoot of MRAP National and serves as a guardrail; Indeed, upon conviction is what creates the famous collective national will MRAP penalties for anti-Semitic acts committed up to the dissolution of the anti-Semitic conspiracy, it is seen the part of the MRAP, but the French are informed and are not fooled! MRAP they see you!!
Proof: Click HERE
Excerpts: "A French ship prepares for Gaza. His departure is planned for early 2011 (...) The National Collaborative for a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis (CNPJDPI), pursuant to its charter, launches "A French boat to Gaza." (... ) The group makes available to citizens and to any institutional donor to the following account to support this project (...) check to MRAP - Boat to Gaza France, must be sent to the MRAP, 43 boulevard Magenta, 75010 Paris. A line was opened on behalf of the MRAP. The title of the following checks must be "MRAP - Bateau pour Gaza France ». Le MRAP fera des photocopies des chèques (recettes et dépenses). Le MRAP ne pourra pas faire d’avance de fonds. Les achats auront donc lieu qu’une fois l’argent disponible sur le compte. Pour une parfaite transparence et traçabilité, une vigilance devra être accordée à l’origine de l’argent. »

Monsieur Michel Alain de Bornay un libertarien anti communiste primaire et un sioniste convaincu avait démasqué plusieurs fois le Mrap dans ces œuvres Islamo marxistes et antisémites : Cliquez ici pour découvrir les Islamos Marxistes MRAP.

Mr. Christian Delarue (*) was very succinctly answered in this article: "Response to an anti-MRAP who does not like the Marxists." His response click here.

Click here too: "Response to an ultra-liberal who sees Marxists everywhere." There are clues on this blog quite revealing of the thought of what an official of the republic.
This gentleman, Marxist confessed and convicted concluded: "I do not intend to respond to this discourse both contentions lack evidentiary content. The "Salafism replacing Marxism" is not for weak minds to critical intellectuals. "

Blessed are the feeble-minded Mr. Delarue, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. (I know the little angels without testicles who play the harp for eternity is pretty boring, so the MRAP National, I understand that you prefer the paradise of Allah with those 72 virgins fucked tous les jours (Fillettes ou garçonnets, c’est comme ti vo ti choise mon zami), avec ses fleuves de vin et de miel et son porc au caramel !)
(*) L’aveux de monsieur Delarue : «  Fonctionnaire des finances monsieur Christian DELARUE, Alter mondialiste, Membre du conseil d’administration d’ATTAC France, responsable antiraciste (MRAP) avoue nettement être marxiste.
Extraits : " Je suis engagé au sein du MRAP - Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples - depuis 1980 à Brest et I became chair of Rennes MRAP since 1984/85 when the former president went to Nantes. (...) Coming of Christianity, I became a Marxist when the Left began to lean to the right and abandoned Marxism. In June 1985 I entered the Communist Revolutionary League. "(CSF became NPA (New Party Anti-Semite). NB: It was responsible for the sector" Teen "from the very red and Marxist CGT." At the MRAP has replaced the "comrade" who was the delegate member co-founder of ATTAC France.
We would be curious to hear from Mr. Delarue about this very serious matter.
And if you do not like Jews and Israel, sir, thank you to boycott Jewish products include:
- The Wasserman test for syphilis,
- digitalis invented by Dr. Nuslin ,
- Insulin discovery by Dr. Minofsky,
- The test of dyphtérie schick,
- Vitamins discovered by Dr. Funk,
- streptomycin, discovered by Dr. Woronan,
- The pill against polio Dr. Sabin and
- the vaccine against polio by Dr. Salk.

Consistency the Jewish people is that the world benefits from these gifts.
Coherence fanatical anti-Zionist and Marxist mrapistofurieux requires that all his "alleged" anti-Semitic accept syphilis, diabetes, seizures, malnutrion, polio, tuberculosis as part of their capital.

(5) Omar Slaouti said the Lobster Thermidor on account of Robespierre's friend of the Jews saying "How could anyone oppose the persecution of the Jews they been victims in different peoples? This is in contrast to national crime that we must atone, by giving them the inalienable rights of man, which no human power can not deprive them. It also charged with vices and prejudices of sectarianism & interest exaggerates them, but who can blame us, if not our own wrongs? After having excluded all the honors, even rights to public esteem, we have left them as objects of speculation profit! Let them happiness, to the homeland, to virtue by giving them the dignity of men & Citizens. Think it can never be policy, whatever one may say, to condemn the humiliation and oppression & a multitude of men who live among us. "


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