RESF exploits the Holocaust. A statement of the Collective together against anti-Semitism.
Although you may say; but doing here an article on the grotesque movements Left Socialists, Communists or Trotskyists and their endless processions of'm saying "humanist" often "Oummanistes" and other "collective" Nidor and associations such as LDH, MRAP National SOS Racisme RESF, GISTI, Europalestine, etc.. etc..
is simple and patriotic French Zionist friends, these people, most education officials or national government paid for by our taxes, are involved more de 90% et pour certains à 150 % dans les groupes d’antisémites BDS, ces gens là vomissent dans leurs « manifestations » des slogans antisémites et les font éructer à des immigrés clandestins en situation irrégulière , des hors la loi, des voyous grossiers qui hurlent leur haine de la France qui les nourrit, les soigne gratuitement et élève tout aussi gratuitement leurs enfants au frais des contribuables, c’est inadmissible dans une démocratie. Nous possédons bien sur les vidéos probantes ! Cet article est la suite logique de celui-là : ras-le-front-de-gauche-antisemite. Et de celui-ci : the-five-antisemites de mulhousel
Regarding the memory of the Holocaust, a rule seemed to have imposed, are prohibited from fans Israel to mention, since this is considered "a perverse exploitation of the blood of victims to justify the horrors am saying that Israel would commit". But the enemies of Israel, they are allowed to use it to hit Israel and prove that the Israeli government is a new Nazi regime. It now appears that the French government and those representing public treated them as Nazis by the famous communist forces of progress wants its internal enemies referring to the darkest hours of history, which are the same as those calling for boycott of Israel will be severely punished.
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, in Liqouté Moharan I, 54 said: "The essential aspect of memory is one that is to remember the World to come. "
Speaking of RESF we got it! Shit red
From resf06
Sir, We received your mail whose contents do not match the object of our network. We do not understand the title of the address you have contiguous:
Network Education Without Borders is composed of associations, unions, political parties and ordinary citizens who are committed to enabling children enrolled in the 06 to continue their education without constant threat of deportation to a country that often they do not even know. It is neither useful nor necessary to be a "coconut" or especially "red" to be participer.Vos concerns are clearly not ours, too, you might have to remove your contact lists so that we avoid losing time précieux.Veuillez accept our greetings. Christian MASSONP.S.: If we receive a new mail from you, we will notify you at the CNIL.
Our response:
Damn, damn, bugger, there's a coconut red is upset and has swallowed the bait, chic I I caught a big (red poison), is well written and non-fish poison.
I could call them "Red beans" as those in Chile of Allende the socialist racist and antisemitic and certainly not the "con" carne course, or gauchos, but these collectivist bolchos antisocial would have told me that as the tango, gauchos are not all Argentines and is therefore neither useful or necessary to be a communist to be incorrect including (remaining polite). Well, I know, I tu there, the 'Red' line! Border line! I feel that I will overstep the bounds of limits collectivist hai N P e ects A tesque and mrapistofurieuses! I have a hard dick (pardon the usual) my dear commies!
I wonder if this "Christian Masson" there is very good, excellent and wonderful light of the socialist faith, father of the peoples struggle, Masson Mrapiste Mouloudaouniste and member of the "circus Ramadan", the "Official" copy never late for a strike to piss (the user) the postman Ariane rotten neighborhood north of Nice, retired at age 58 .... what a shame! Unionist de l’immonde CGT, quinzième sur la puante liste d’ultra gauche NICEA de Bruno Della Sudda pour la mairie de Nice en 2008 ? Le Tintin de la politique, protecteur des « enfants » de 7 à 77 ans d’immigrés clandestins en situation irrégulière ?
Le Masson qui écrit là : ? Le Masson président du comité du MRAP( Nice Grasse), que les mauvaises langues laïques nomment le Mouvement Pour le Respect et l’Allégeance au prophète. 13 rue Amiral de Grasse, 06000 Nice, which is also the headquarters of the Association Tyrannical Totalitarian Communist and anti-Semite (Attac)? Good Masson swaggers coated green uniform of the hated anti-Semites at Darty (see on the net Click here , is amazing!) To claim the boycott (Illégal!) Israeli products? Yes but damn it is on .... This is it! It has not respond to this email! Who says nothing consents, otherwise he would have denied this excellent man. So believe me, my dear "tovaritch Masson," I am and I remain, Sir and comrade, your most humble and obedient servant.
Papy said David Cohen of Kajarc Mougeot. French patriot and a Zionist
PS: Do not miss any good as alleged "anti-Semite" for us to denounce the CNIL, your illustres anciens tel Jacques Duclos (Qui dénonçait le « Juif » Blum pour faire reparaître en 1940 l’Humanité nous dénonçaient bien au Nazis.)
Camarades, amis, patriotes, résistants, sionistes ne manquez pas….. !
Bientôt ……. ! Le beau, le grand, l’ineffable, le fidèle camarade, le distingué et sécurisant gréviste, le confiant marxiste, celui qui donne la mesure de toute les bonnes causes, le très savant en sciences sociales, l'omniscient juste et équitable "Christian Masson" into your favorite site:
careful however, as George Orwell said: " In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. "And that the MRAP National, my dear friends Zionists, the truth ...! They do not!
Presented online by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay.
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