Sunday, October 24, 2010

Basketball Warm Up Song Lists

Racism and Antisemitism: expected a conviction!

Communiqué CTECNA (All Together Against the New Anti-Semitism)

Source in English

The Court of Appeal of Bordeaux court issued October 22, 2010 in its deliberations during the trial ( filed by BNVCA (National Bureau of Vigilance Against Antisemitism) and the association Lawyers Without Borders) brought to a repeat offender of the anti-Semitic hatred rampant in the French hypermarket.

For the record, Miss Sakina Arnaud Khimoune born, had already been sentenced in 2005 to a fine of 300 euros by the appeals court in Bordeaux for similar offenses. The court, however, had reclassified the facts "light degradation. February 10 2010, Bordeaux Criminal Court sentenced him to 1 000 € fine, the active and militant member of the LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme), which had received the full support of MRAP (*) was convicted of "provoking discrimination and racial hatred" conviction upheld on appeal. The woman appealed to the Cassation recalled that the Supreme Court is only interested in shape and miss Sakina Arnaud is and remains an anti-Semite.

Besides inciting racial hatred, miss Arnaud activist LDH had increased the abusive and deceptive proclamations against Israel. Last May, this 54 year old woman was arrested in a supermarket Mérignac trying to affix stickers "Boycott Apartheid Israel." These included a drawing of a wall with watchtower stylized form of a barcode with a red spot. At the hearing on January 13, 2010, the active and militant adherent of the League of Human Rights had received the support of Marie Bové, daughter of Jose Bove and a member of Europe Ecology list for the next regional. League of Human Rights is headed to Bordeaux by Gerard Baker, head of the Left Front list (there are flush with the front of these anti-Semitic) to regional in March. Tell me who you frequent I'll tell you who you are.

The court ruled that only partially meets our movement. Many other trials are in progress against these "militants", the MRAP, LDH, the PCF, the PS, the NPA, which belong this ideology Islamo-fascist gaucho-Semitism where doctrinal could hardly be perpetuated that by renaming; they did! This replacement of "Jewish" by "Zionist" is more than rhetorical, it is revealed that the mutation of the totalitarian Marxist thought. The characteristic of their ideology is to invoke figures'm saying to promote humanistic and cultural interests.

Our group will remain very attentive to what all these leftist Marxist racist antisemites are condemned with the utmost severity and remember that this fight against anti-Semitism must also be the concern of all advocates of man which must be more vigilant and respond to the development of anti-Semitic racist hatred unleashed by these true incendiary hatred of the French Communist Party, the League of Human Rights through the "Greens", the " associations "of Islamists and ultra left notoriously anti-Semitic actions by firm and strong.

a time when the racist and antisemitic multiplied throughout France, where French and Jewish populations of strain are subject to a flood of hate, this ruling serves as a reminder proclamations of hatred that anti-Semitism is not an opinion but a crime.

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(*) release of MRAP

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Squeaky Wheel On Spinning Bike

Ras forehead left anti-Semitic!

Ras forehead .... Left! No passaran ... The new anti-Semitism!

The new antisemitism is the concept of a new form of anti-Semitism that developed in the early twenty-first th century, simultaneously from the left and Islam, seeking to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State Israel.

Vidéo : « Vous êtes juifs ? Vous n’avez rien à faire ici, partez ! »Tels sont les propos tenus par une charmante dame militante du NPA dont nous tairons l’origine et la confession afin de ne pas « stigmatiser toute une partie de la population ».

Seen on the

Senator French (?) Mrs Alima Boumediene-Thierry and Mr. Lobster Slaouti, national leader of the New Party anti-capitalist anti-Semitic (NPA) were released on Friday Oct. 15 last on the complaint filed by the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) and the Chamber of Commerce Franco-Israeli "procedural defect" !
Madam Minister, Mr. Alliot-Marie , had even called these hateful anti-Semitic actions of "boycott of kosher products." Recall here that these "activists" might 45 000 euro fine and 3 years in prison for their anti-Semitic!

We have lost a skirmish, but we have not yet lost the battle or war. Especially that during trials, anti-Semitic French Marxist Left continue their acts Nidor and anti-Semitic!

The next trial are not intended and also more briefly a "madame" the ultra-left Marxist senator of the Republic or the national leader of a political party known Trotskyite and Marxist anti-Semitic, but more than eighty useful idiots left antisemitic activists said the "cause" of Palestine.

Beware however, as part of a campaign of solidarity with the "people" prosecuted for incitement to racial hatred for calling for a boycott of Israeli products - indeed, in the French Republic, the anti boycott (Article 225 of Criminal Code) punishes any such appeal - of'm saying personalities of the Left French as the former tenant of Matignon Michel Rocard (Socialist Party), Olivier Besancesot (NPA), Cécile Duflot (Greens), Edgar Morin and others have signed an appeal for "freedom of expression." Thus, "militants" abrutiles lawbreakers anti boycott will be supported by "cadres" policy and are already presented as "victims" of the Zionist lobby which oppress freedom of expression in France.
Although on "everyone" knows that the Lobby Zionist / Jewish / pro-Israel / Zionist gang exists, and "everyone" talking about it. But in a whisper. Because "everyone" is afraid - especially to be an anti-Semite (of course "everyone" knows that there is more anti-Semites in Europe - in other words there anti-Semitism but there is more anti-Semitic, with the exception of some small neo-Nazi right-wing fantasies and virtual).
Millions of Europeans who, despite relentless campaign of disinformation by the left anti-Semitic French do not believe that Jews are only capable of worse, they do not disguise their anti-Semitism in the language of Zionism; and know that Israel represents what is best in a democracy

The Bordeaux court will on October 22 its decision in the appeal trial of Sakina Arnaud rightly condemned February 10, 2010, by the Criminal Court of Bordeaux 1 000 € fine, this member of the LDH (League of Human Rights) had been convicted of "incitement to discrimination and racial hatred " SEE HERE

will be judged on November 29 in Mulhouse. Nidor The five members of "collective boycott" 68: Farida Trichina-Sarr, pseudo "movement" called "Justice For Palestine Alsace Henry Eichholtzer : Association France Palestine Solidarité 68 and regional delegate and vice president of Uframe ( National Union Regional Federations of Associations of Shelters for Families and relatives of prisoners) Mohammad Akbar, Aline Parmentier : departmental secretary of the French Communist Party 68, Jacques Ballouey: Officer. They will meet , provocation "to discrimination, hatred or racial violence." They are rightly accused of having participated, 26 September 2009, an action calling for a boycott of Israeli products imported into the rays of the hypermarket Carrefour Illzach coated T-shirts bearing the inscription "Palestine live, Boycott Israel "(The Alsace September 27, 2009).

The Criminal Court of Perpignan returned Monday January 24, 2011 's trial Tadjeur Yamina, Jeanne and Bernard Rousseau Cholet the Collective 66 Peace and Justice in Palestine . They be appearing "to have to Perpignan in the department of P / O May 15, 2010 since time is not mandatory for: The speech uttered in a public place in this case by calling the store Carrefour customers by asking them not to buy products from Israel

Writings distributed or displayed in a public place in this case by distributing to customers or giving Carrefour store in the header of leaflets calling for BDS to boycott products from Israel ---

Posters exposed to public scrutiny in this case by displaying posters in the store Carrefour mentioning in particular "BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL" and "refuse to buy Israeli products ... refuse the code that starts with XXX ... "

Provoked discrimination to hatred or violence against a person or group of persons because of their origin or their membership or their not ethnicity, a nation, race or religion facts provided et réprimés par les articles 23, 24 alinéa 8, alinéa 11 et 1 article 42, article 43 de la loi du 29 juillet 1881---

En tout cas sur le territoire national et depuis temps n’emportant pas prescription, par écrits, imprimés, dessins, gravures, peintures, emblèmes, images, cris, discours ou menaces rendus publics, moyen de communication au public par voie électronique, en l’espèce, provoqué à la discrimination, à la haine ou à la violence à l’égard d’une personne (plaignant Samy GHOZLAN représentant le Bureau national de vigilance contre l’antisémitisme) à raison de son origin or membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion.
Fair Republican repression against criminals and anti-Semitic French Marxist socialos LDH, MRAP National Communists CPF Trotskyites or the NPA leading the hateful anti-Semitic campaign BDS should be punished no justice with the utmost firmness.

The secretariat.

Report antisemitic content:
We write

Posted by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay. member of the Israel Defense Force on the Internet:

Copyright 2010. AIS News Agency (International Accreditation System). All rights reserved.

This material may be published, broadcast or redistributed in measuring the citation of the source.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Choppy Fringe Full Fringe

The bombing of the Rue Copernic? Was a communist! When

This article responds to the news of MRAP National Paris, October 4, 2010: Click here Or there
MRAP on is a member of Active and activist.

Video: News from Gaza.

The role of a real "organization" racist, qualifies as MRAP National would qualify the "offense" racist, to appoint the aggressor and be in solidarity with victims. However, in recent years to minimize the MRAP anti-Jewish attacks of unprecedented severity and return the charges against the victims when it comes to racist anti-Jewish committed by "youths" as they say, from immigration. MRAP publish proclamations that are masterpieces of double talk, first condemning the assault or attack, (in this case he did not speak at all) then go to another responsible the maintainers, (Marshal Petain, the government, far right) and finally they hold responsible for these acts anti-Jewish Jews themselves, or Israel. This dual language condemns anti-Semitism without qualifying the authors and minimizes the seriousness.
Their release is in line with this incredible behavior. See here for details

For in the case of the horrible bombing of the Rue Copernic, this anti-Semitic bomb attack directed against the synagogue on Rue Copernic which four dead and 46 wounded, we now know is the fact of an Arab Marxist PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) Comrade teacher Hassan Diab (*).

The commemorative plaque on the facade reads: "In memory Jean Michel Barbe, Philippe Bouissou, Hilario Lopez Fernandez, Aliza Shagra killed in the heinous attack against the synagogue October 3, 1980.
And where the plot thickens, is that the appeal of the MRAP, which was not even National, 7 October 1980, a real smoking out a demonstration against alleged racism, but directed actually cons that "nice" MRAP activists described the extreme right! Extreme right who fantasized MRAP, a tad cons hate the French patriots, unjustly attributed the attack foul, that's how we saw scroll 200 000 people (Useful Idiots) between Nation and Republic. Several MPs, real abrutiles join in, all parties. For over 30 years the delicious Mr. Aounit movement persist in falsehood and bad faith and commemorate the event with messages of hate and other proclamations against "extreme right" alleged anti-Semite who existed only in his fertile imagination and unbridled as it developed islamomarxiste Semitism.

For it is about 20 years since the bombing proved that Copernicus was committed by a group of Arab Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Operations (PFLP-OS, branch breakaway PFLP). Whatever we yawn we here? PFLP? You want to talk about the famous anti-Semite Marxist PFLP Movement whose young "French" was born in Jerusalem on the Palestinian terrorist sentenced to 7 years in prison Salah Hamouri the anti-Semite, is an active member? Salah Hamouri member of the PFLP The darling of the MRAP and all the "forces" of progress? Yes it is! A thank you we understand better now the silence "deafening" as they say MRAP National on the attack elements of Copernicus.
Signed: The secretariat of CTECNA member of Israel Defense Force on the Internet:

(*) Hassan Diab , a teacher Palestinian, 54, was arrested Nov. 13, 2008 in Gatineau, in the province of Quebec as part of an international arrest warrant issued in early November 2008 by two judges in Paris. He is suspected of having made and planted the bomb attack in the street Copernicus and of involvement in the bombing of October 1980 the diamond bourse in Antwerp

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PUB : A partir d'aujourd'hui et jusqu'au Jeudi 14 Octobre 2010 seulement, vous pouvez vous rendre sur pour la vente "Santé et beauté en provenance d'Israël" afin de profiter de nos produits israéliens à des prix exceptionnellement bas ! Et à chaque commande... un cadeau offert par la boutique !

Ce communiqué sera publié prochainement là :

Blog Member of the Israel Defense Force on the Internet:

Posted by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay. member of the Israel Defense Force on the Internet:

Copyright 2010. Press Agency (AIS Accreditation International System). All rights reserved.

This material may be published, broadcast or redistributed in measuring the citation of the source.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Plastic Santa Exterior Light

RESF exploits the Holocaust.

A statement of the Collective together against anti-Semitism.
Although you may say; but doing here an article on the grotesque movements Left Socialists, Communists or Trotskyists and their endless processions of'm saying "humanist" often "Oummanistes" and other "collective" Nidor and associations such as LDH, MRAP National SOS Racisme RESF, GISTI, Europalestine, etc.. etc..
is simple and patriotic French Zionist friends, these people, most education officials or national government paid for by our taxes, are involved more de 90% et pour certains à 150 % dans les groupes d’antisémites BDS, ces gens là vomissent dans leurs « manifestations » des slogans antisémites et les font éructer à des immigrés clandestins en situation irrégulière , des hors la loi, des voyous grossiers qui hurlent leur haine de la France qui les nourrit, les soigne gratuitement et élève tout aussi gratuitement leurs enfants au frais des contribuables, c’est inadmissible dans une démocratie. Nous possédons bien sur les vidéos probantes ! Cet article est la suite logique de celui-là : ras-le-front-de-gauche-antisemite. Et de celui-ci : the-five-antisemites de mulhousel
Regarding the memory of the Holocaust, a rule seemed to have imposed, are prohibited from fans Israel to mention, since this is considered "a perverse exploitation of the blood of victims to justify the horrors am saying that Israel would commit". But the enemies of Israel, they are allowed to use it to hit Israel and prove that the Israeli government is a new Nazi regime. It now appears that the French government and those representing public treated them as Nazis by the famous communist forces of progress wants its internal enemies referring to the darkest hours of history, which are the same as those calling for boycott of Israel will be severely punished.
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, in Liqouté Moharan I, 54 said: "The essential aspect of memory is one that is to remember the World to come. "
Speaking of RESF we got it! Shit red
From resf06
Sir, We received your mail whose contents do not match the object of our network. We do not understand the title of the address you have contiguous:
Cocos red Nice ;
Network Education Without Borders is composed of associations, unions, political parties and ordinary citizens who are committed to enabling children enrolled in the 06 to continue their education without constant threat of deportation to a country that often they do not even know. It is neither useful nor necessary to be a "coconut" or especially "red" to be participer.Vos concerns are clearly not ours, too, you might have to remove your contact lists so that we avoid losing time précieux.Veuillez accept our greetings. Christian MASSONP.S.: If we receive a new mail from you, we will notify you at the CNIL.
Our response:
Damn, damn, bugger, there's a coconut red is upset and has swallowed the bait, chic I I caught a big (red poison), is well written and non-fish poison.
I could call them "Red beans" as those in Chile of Allende the socialist racist and antisemitic and certainly not the "con" carne course, or gauchos, but these collectivist bolchos antisocial would have told me that as the tango, gauchos are not all Argentines and is therefore neither useful or necessary to be a communist to be incorrect including (remaining polite). Well, I know, I tu there, the 'Red' line! Border line! I feel that I will overstep the bounds of limits collectivist hai N P e ects A tesque and mrapistofurieuses! I have a hard dick (pardon the usual) my dear commies!
I wonder if this "Christian Masson" there is very good, excellent and wonderful light of the socialist faith, father of the peoples struggle, Masson Mrapiste Mouloudaouniste and member of the "circus Ramadan", the "Official" copy never late for a strike to piss (the user) the postman Ariane rotten neighborhood north of Nice, retired at age 58 .... what a shame! Unionist de l’immonde CGT, quinzième sur la puante liste d’ultra gauche NICEA de Bruno Della Sudda pour la mairie de Nice en 2008 ? Le Tintin de la politique, protecteur des « enfants » de 7 à 77 ans d’immigrés clandestins en situation irrégulière ? Le Masson qui écrit là : ? Le Masson président du comité du MRAP( Nice Grasse), que les mauvaises langues laïques nomment le Mouvement Pour le Respect et l’Allégeance au prophète. 13 rue Amiral de Grasse, 06000 Nice, which is also the headquarters of the Association Tyrannical Totalitarian Communist and anti-Semite (Attac)?
Good Masson swaggers coated green uniform of the hated anti-Semites at Darty (see on the net Click here , is amazing!) To claim the boycott (Illégal!) Israeli products?
Yes but damn it is on .... This is it! It has not respond to this email! Who says nothing consents, otherwise he would have denied this excellent man.
So believe me, my dear "tovaritch Masson," I am and I remain, Sir and comrade, your most humble and obedient servant.
Papy said David Cohen of Kajarc Mougeot. French patriot and a Zionist
PS: Do not miss any good as alleged "anti-Semite" for us to denounce the CNIL, your illustres anciens tel Jacques Duclos (Qui dénonçait le « Juif » Blum pour faire reparaître en 1940 l’Humanité nous dénonçaient bien au Nazis.)
Camarades, amis, patriotes, résistants, sionistes ne manquez pas….. !
Bientôt ……. ! Le beau, le grand, l’ineffable, le fidèle camarade, le distingué et sécurisant gréviste, le confiant marxiste, celui qui donne la mesure de toute les bonnes causes, le très savant en sciences sociales, l'omniscient juste et équitable "Christian Masson" into your favorite site:
careful however, as George Orwell said: " In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. "And that the MRAP National, my dear friends Zionists, the truth ...! They do not!
Presented online by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay.
Copyright 2010. AIS News Agency (International Accreditation System). All rights reserved.
This material may be published, broadcast or redistributed in measuring the citation of the source.