Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Squeaky Wheel On Spinning Bike

Ras forehead left anti-Semitic!

Ras forehead .... Left! No passaran ... The new anti-Semitism!

The new antisemitism is the concept of a new form of anti-Semitism that developed in the early twenty-first th century, simultaneously from the left and Islam, seeking to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State Israel.

Vidéo : « Vous êtes juifs ? Vous n’avez rien à faire ici, partez ! »Tels sont les propos tenus par une charmante dame militante du NPA dont nous tairons l’origine et la confession afin de ne pas « stigmatiser toute une partie de la population ».

Seen on the Post.fr

Senator French (?) Mrs Alima Boumediene-Thierry and Mr. Lobster Slaouti, national leader of the New Party anti-capitalist anti-Semitic (NPA) were released on Friday Oct. 15 last on the complaint filed by the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) and the Chamber of Commerce Franco-Israeli "procedural defect" !
Madam Minister, Mr. Alliot-Marie , had even called these hateful anti-Semitic actions of "boycott of kosher products." Recall here that these "activists" might 45 000 euro fine and 3 years in prison for their anti-Semitic!

We have lost a skirmish, but we have not yet lost the battle or war. Especially that during trials, anti-Semitic French Marxist Left continue their acts Nidor and anti-Semitic!

The next trial are not intended and also more briefly a "madame" the ultra-left Marxist senator of the Republic or the national leader of a political party known Trotskyite and Marxist anti-Semitic, but more than eighty useful idiots left antisemitic activists said the "cause" of Palestine.

Beware however, as part of a campaign of solidarity with the "people" prosecuted for incitement to racial hatred for calling for a boycott of Israeli products - indeed, in the French Republic, the anti boycott (Article 225 of Criminal Code) punishes any such appeal - of'm saying personalities of the Left French as the former tenant of Matignon Michel Rocard (Socialist Party), Olivier Besancesot (NPA), Cécile Duflot (Greens), Edgar Morin and others have signed an appeal for "freedom of expression." Thus, "militants" abrutiles lawbreakers anti boycott will be supported by "cadres" policy and are already presented as "victims" of the Zionist lobby which oppress freedom of expression in France.
Although on "everyone" knows that the Lobby Zionist / Jewish / pro-Israel / Zionist gang exists, and "everyone" talking about it. But in a whisper. Because "everyone" is afraid - especially to be an anti-Semite (of course "everyone" knows that there is more anti-Semites in Europe - in other words there anti-Semitism but there is more anti-Semitic, with the exception of some small neo-Nazi right-wing fantasies and virtual).
Millions of Europeans who, despite relentless campaign of disinformation by the left anti-Semitic French do not believe that Jews are only capable of worse, they do not disguise their anti-Semitism in the language of Zionism; and know that Israel represents what is best in a democracy

The Bordeaux court will on October 22 its decision in the appeal trial of Sakina Arnaud rightly condemned February 10, 2010, by the Criminal Court of Bordeaux 1 000 € fine, this member of the LDH (League of Human Rights) had been convicted of "incitement to discrimination and racial hatred " SEE HERE

will be judged on November 29 in Mulhouse. Nidor The five members of "collective boycott" 68: Farida Trichina-Sarr, pseudo "movement" called "Justice For Palestine Alsace Henry Eichholtzer : Association France Palestine Solidarité 68 and regional delegate and vice president of Uframe ( National Union Regional Federations of Associations of Shelters for Families and relatives of prisoners) Mohammad Akbar, Aline Parmentier : departmental secretary of the French Communist Party 68, Jacques Ballouey: Officer. They will meet , provocation "to discrimination, hatred or racial violence." They are rightly accused of having participated, 26 September 2009, an action calling for a boycott of Israeli products imported into the rays of the hypermarket Carrefour Illzach coated T-shirts bearing the inscription "Palestine live, Boycott Israel "(The Alsace September 27, 2009).

The Criminal Court of Perpignan returned Monday January 24, 2011 's trial Tadjeur Yamina, Jeanne and Bernard Rousseau Cholet the Collective 66 Peace and Justice in Palestine . They be appearing "to have to Perpignan in the department of P / O May 15, 2010 since time is not mandatory for: The speech uttered in a public place in this case by calling the store Carrefour customers by asking them not to buy products from Israel

Writings distributed or displayed in a public place in this case by distributing to customers or giving Carrefour store in the header of leaflets calling for BDS to boycott products from Israel ---

Posters exposed to public scrutiny in this case by displaying posters in the store Carrefour mentioning in particular "BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL" and "refuse to buy Israeli products ... refuse the code that starts with XXX ... "

Provoked discrimination to hatred or violence against a person or group of persons because of their origin or their membership or their not ethnicity, a nation, race or religion facts provided et réprimés par les articles 23, 24 alinéa 8, alinéa 11 et 1 article 42, article 43 de la loi du 29 juillet 1881---

En tout cas sur le territoire national et depuis temps n’emportant pas prescription, par écrits, imprimés, dessins, gravures, peintures, emblèmes, images, cris, discours ou menaces rendus publics, moyen de communication au public par voie électronique, en l’espèce, provoqué à la discrimination, à la haine ou à la violence à l’égard d’une personne (plaignant Samy GHOZLAN représentant le Bureau national de vigilance contre l’antisémitisme) à raison de son origin or membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion.
Fair Republican repression against criminals and anti-Semitic French Marxist socialos LDH, MRAP National Communists CPF Trotskyites or the NPA leading the hateful anti-Semitic campaign BDS should be punished no justice with the utmost firmness.

The secretariat.

Report antisemitic content: http://www.juif.org/fdii/signalement.php
We write bvca_national@hotmail.com

Posted by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay. member of the Israel Defense Force on the Internet: http://www.juif.org/fdii/

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