Saturday, November 27, 2010

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BDS: A prosecutor of the French Republic, announces: " It is now forbidden boycott! "
An article that you'll never see on! Comments here are FREE and NOT CENSORED!
Video: The rally June 17 to 13 hours has gathered over 200 people and worthy citizens against the boycott of Israeli products. Wearing T shirt "not to boycott and a proud Zionist" Israel Came to eat in a supermarket in Paris. After the speeches Gil Taieb and Richard Prasquier president of CRIF and Claude Solarz, participants were shopping in a festive atmosphere and without violence.

BDS: A prosecutor of the French Republic, announces: " It is now forbidden to boycott! "

Mr. BENOIST HUREL, Secretary General of the Union the judiciary, Crown prosecutor at the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Creteil launches: "It is now forbidden to boycott" and denounces (sic) in the press and on the Internet the "criminalization" of boycott of Israel.

Before continuing this article, let me see what is this union? A handful of Marxists politically anchored to the ultra left PCF style and NPA, which represents just 10% of Judges. Learn More ! !

My friend (yes, I had communist friends and I still do!) The Vence, the late Oswald Baudot, founder of the union said, was the apology of bias in the Justice: " To maintain the balance between the high and low, rich and poor, be biased! ... he wrote "
" In your duties, (...) generally despise the customs, circulars, decrees and jurisprudence. Have a bias favorable for the woman against her husband, (...) for the worker against the boss (..) for the thief cons the police (...) "
This call to the partiality of justice, made Young novice judges, by the great humanist and historian what was Baudot, has obviously been taken as a political weapon by the stinking communists and other Marxists Nidor, glad to tap the "boss" who is always wrong (He is boss and therefore capitalist guilty .., no? Capitalists are always guilty! As nationalists and Zionists! Guilty I say! ALWAYS guilty!) Very happy to forgive dealeurs, thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles and other criminals released; it pushes up crime statistics and embarrass governments into place! ;

justice is supposed to be impartial here just led astray by these Marxists in the name of political goals, this form of "justice" is biased strictly applied by the judges said "union " and it is a disgrace to the republic and a red stain on justice!

That said, calling it "legal attack" the circular sent by the minister Alliot Marie prosecutors so they suppress anti-Semitic and racist actions of those calling for a boycott of Israel and kosher, Mr. Deputy Hurel, challenges the notion of "discrimination" in the case of this shameful campaign of boycott against Israeli products and kosher and considers "unacceptable" the instrumentalization of a text which sought to combat racism, nationalisme et le sexisme".
La phrase exacte : Vue sur le blog Gauche des luttes à Créteil ! Est :
« L’instrumentalisation d’un texte qui visait à combattre le racisme, le nationalisme et le sexisme est inadmissible, surtout lorsqu’elle vise à faire taire l’engagement citoyen »
Voilà en une phrase tout est dit ! Il existait donc un texte dans notre belle république qui au dire d’un substitut du procureur visait à combattre le NATIONALISME ? Par ce que l’amour of his country, love of France, love of the nation would be a crime for this man?

The Attorney General of Paris had, in his report of criminal policy, 2009, suggested that "the facts of provocation or boycott the boycott can be analyzed according to species, or an incitement to discrimination, or discrimination has the effect of impeding the exercise of economic activity. " In the first case it is indeed racism, incitement to discrimination!
Alors le texte de loi est juste ; le boycott d’Israël est un délit raciste !! 

Le garde des sceaux Michel Mercier, n’apprécieras peut être pas cette vision de la fonction de magistrat qui s’exprime de cette façon, il me semble que Monsieur Hurel fait preuve, dans cette affaire gravissime d’ incitation à la haine raciale antisémite, comme l’avait fait en son temps Baudot ; de manquement à  son obligation de réserve, Oswald Baudot avait comparu, le 28 janvier 1975, devant la commission de discipline du parquet, who had recommended the then Minister Jean Lecanuet a reprimand with an entry in the file. Faced with the mobilization of the Union of Magistrates and the support of the Trade Union of magistrates, the guard of seals finally gave up trying to punish the impertinent.
But today, when anti-Semitic racists are members of The League of Human Rights, the NPA, the party of the natives of the republic, the "Dynamic Muslim presence" and the Communist Party French and the Marxist trade union of the Judiciary no longer shows as firm to fight anti-Semitic and anti-white racism that when one could append the label of extreme right disgusting!
Alain Michel Labet of Bornay
Controlled information free of antisemitism.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pet Platypuses For Sale Uk

We want a referendum on immigration!


Mr. President,

The mass immigration as we know it is a major threat to our country
- It is primarily a danger to our national identity . Millions of people have arrived here in a few decades without sharing our culture, our values, our customs. And often without the smallest desire to adopt and integrate.
- She is also a financial danger, especially for our welfare system, already in bankruptcy, and yet real suction pump of legal and illegal immigration.
- It is still a safety hazard , since many immigrants not integrated attack their neighbors.
- It is finally a threat to immigrants and fully integrated that may a bad mix.
We therefore urge you to organize more quickly a referendum on immigration with three questions

1) Should return to the birthright, that is to say book obtaining citizenship to children of French and in exceptional cases deserving foreigners have demonstrated their commitment to France?
2) Should there be social assistance to the French?
3) Should we abolish the family in France?

You have repeatedly given the language of strength and we thank you. But the situation becomes more alarming every day. The three questions indicated by these reforms would actually stop immigration and therefore a serious attempt to integrate immigrants already in our soil. And it costs nothing, instead, they would allow substantial savings.

I count on your commitment to defend France and the French to prepare for this crucial referendum faster .

sign here:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Letters Announcing New Doctor

National Council of the French Communist Party floats a light scent of racism cordial.

אזהרה: האנטישמיות החדשה היא תפיסה של צורה חדשה Of anti-Semitism that developed in ten
one, at the same time from the Islamic left, wishing to express opposition Zionism Israel.


Read phonetically

All those who refuse to undergo social democracy imposed on them know who their enemies. Know where they are and how to deal with: they are hiding behind the grin of a neighbor, the stench of a CPF member of RESF, ATTAC, the MRAP or the NPA, the mask sympathy for a Communist, the velvet of a lawyer's socialist and Marxist "Union" National advocates, a dank police   politsyeĭskiĭ uchastok , la pompe du cabinet d’un juge membre du « syndicat » marxiste de la magistrature… Qu’il soit de droite ou de gauche, le libertarien, le sioniste, le patriote, est leur ennemi. Qu’elle soit de droite ou de gauche, la France, les laïcs et les patriotes sont leurs ennemis. Dénonçons les !

Le 29 novembre comparaîtrons par devant le tribunal correctionnel de Mulhouse, cinq militants marxistes : Mademoiselle Aline Parmentier, Secrétaire Departmental section of the French Communist Party Alsace, Farida Trichina "Justice for Palestine Alsace Henri Eichholzer of AFPS 68, Mohamed Akbar REDA Association, and Jacques Ballouey Greens 68.

Departmental Secretary of the Communist Party of French Alsace section, Miss Parmentier is a politician, a member of the National Council of CPF Mulhouse, she presented herself the final result under the banner of the left anti and pro Hamas. "The collective of the left anti Mulhouse consists of the PCF, alternatives, activists of the decline, union and association," she stated.

Video: Aline Parmentier quack quack!

Six "Marxist organizations" located far left Socialist Party had made a list in 2010, "Together for a left Alsace, environmental and civic solidarity." It was led by a Marxist professor of University of Mulhouse, Jean-Yves Cause. It was a total rout, the list obtaining only the ridiculous score of 9,712 votes or 1.87%.

The militant far-right National Front Patrick Binder reap the first around 70 173 votes or 13.49% in the second round and 89 832 votes or 14.57% and get 5 seats with score of 10.64% !

Do not doubt for one moment that the ideology behind this sickening lady friend yet Parmentier, she announces anti liberal, which is the most despicable in the world, Marxist ideology and its application on flee communism make voters who prefers patriotic ideology at the service of native French and Alsatians!

On June 23, 2007 in a speech not delivered (but posted on the internet) the "comrade" Parmentier is revealed and stated without laugh: "In the period of resistance to the right and reconstruction of the Party, it is necessary that the militants (es) are well trained (ed) and rooted in life on solid Marxist ideological ".

tovaritch The unspeakable, the apparatchik Georges Marchais, in his time had said that the results of communism was generally positive. Let this tragic toll a little more closely: the Stalinist dictatorship was alone more than 20,000,000 deaths. Africa, Cambodia, North Korea, Tibet: 120,000,000. This is the trial balance because communism continues to kill. "Communism killed before the Nazis killed, he killed during the Nazi killing, it continues to kill while the Nazis did kill more" Solzhenitsyn said. But for all these deaths, no duty to remember, there was not even planned on waiting lists.

These are tomorrows desired by Madame Parmentier! An ocean of blood, rivers of dead women and children, amnesia for crimes against humanity communist past, present and especially future, anti-Semitism maniac, Holocaust denial, historical falsification, concealment, diversions, concentration camps of the Gulag: everything is good to hide the reality of socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human tragedies ;!

If, with these five accomplices Madame Parmentier finds himself in criminal court is not solely responsible for this odious Marxist in case of anti-Semitism.

Yves Moulin collective boycott 68 who had launched the operation of towing anti-Semitic, is a member and past president (2002) CCFD-Earth-Solidarity (NGO Roman Catholic extreme right) is a member, charged with the 5 , collective Boycott-68 well and should also be on the bench of infamy Corrections! The brown red green alliance is once again put in evidence here, not forgetting of course the instrumentalization of Islam!

Indeed, coinculpée and complicit Comrade Aline Farida Trichina, 54 years, the movement called "Justice For Palestine Alsace, Farida on Face Book is" friend "of Senator" green "(sic ) Alima Boumediene-Thiery belching pro Hamas protester.

Another accomplice Mohammed Akbar the Muslim Association REDA (dynamics Muslim Presence) is friends Zeynel Cekic, Web master of alter Focus, Muslim anti-Semitic revisionist Mulhouse the multi-recidivist racist hatred. The alliance Islamic Marxist anti-Semitic is again highlighted. The exploitation of Muslims by the Communists is a real scandal! The justice of our country in this case must be ruthless with these alleged anti-Semitic!

There is also the "useful idiot" of service, a lamplighter, Henry Eichholzer of AFPS 68 (A-Semitic and pro communist organization Hamas) which will taken to Guy Petersmitt President Colmarien which communicates on the CPF website ( HERE) There is nothing surprising, since the "Association"; an annex of the French Communist Party is led by its founder, Jean-Claude Lefort 66 aged former member of the Communist Youth (National Office) and in 1964 the French Communist Party, he was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary of Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. He is an honorary member.

remains another and final co-accused, the official Jacques Ballouey, member of verts68, Jacques, it's Molière ...! Leander Ballouey is: "What the hell was he doing in that galley? Scapin and replying: "He did not think of what happened.." On! A Marxist who thinks for himself .... "It is not! Mr. Ballouey is a lamplighter, a fuse protector of the Islamic alliance filthy Marxist Djamila Sonzogni spokesman Antoine Waechter, blamed in the 1990s for his links with ... ... .. Guess? ... ... .... the far-right racist and antisemitic course, president of Independent Ecological Movement (MEI), head of Europe Ecology list in Alsace . Jamila is also the representative of Marxist Trotskyist Alain Lipietz, a pure watermelon (Green outside, red inside) And this time March 2010 the European list "Ecology" (Sic) was a score in the first round of lousy 15.6% and is not present in the second round. A chance for Alsace!

a time when the racist and antisemitic multiplied throughout France, where French and Jewish populations of strain are subject to a flood of hate, this ruling will remind proclaimers islamos Marxists about hate crimes and anti-Semitism is not an opinion but a crime.

Alain Michel Labet of Bornay

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This material can be published, broadcast or redistributed to the extent of citing the source.