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Video: The rally June 17 to 13 hours has gathered over 200 people and worthy citizens against the boycott of Israeli products. Wearing T shirt "not to boycott and a proud Zionist" Israel Came to eat in a supermarket in Paris. After the speeches Gil Taieb and Richard Prasquier president of CRIF and Claude Solarz, participants were shopping in a festive atmosphere and without violence.
BDS: A prosecutor of the French Republic, announces: " It is now forbidden to boycott! "
Mr. BENOIST HUREL, Secretary General of the Union the judiciary, Crown prosecutor at the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Creteil launches: "It is now forbidden to boycott" and denounces (sic) in the press and on the Internet the "criminalization" of boycott of Israel.
Before continuing this article, let me see what is this union? A handful of Marxists politically anchored to the ultra left PCF style and NPA, which represents just 10% of Judges. Learn More ! !
My friend (yes, I had communist friends and I still do!) The Vence, the late Oswald Baudot, founder of the union said, was the apology of bias in the Justice: " To maintain the balance between the high and low, rich and poor, be biased! ... he wrote "
" In your duties, (...) generally despise the customs, circulars, decrees and jurisprudence. Have a bias favorable for the woman against her husband, (...) for the worker against the boss (..) for the thief cons the police (...) "
This call to the partiality of justice, made Young novice judges, by the great humanist and historian what was Baudot, has obviously been taken as a political weapon by the stinking communists and other Marxists Nidor, glad to tap the "boss" who is always wrong (He is boss and therefore capitalist guilty .., no? Capitalists are always guilty! As nationalists and Zionists! Guilty I say! ALWAYS guilty!) Very happy to forgive dealeurs, thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles and other criminals released; it pushes up crime statistics and embarrass governments into place! ;
justice is supposed to be impartial here just led astray by these Marxists in the name of political goals, this form of "justice" is biased strictly applied by the judges said "union " and it is a disgrace to the republic and a red stain on justice!
That said, calling it "legal attack" the circular sent by the minister Alliot Marie prosecutors so they suppress anti-Semitic and racist actions of those calling for a boycott of Israel and kosher, Mr. Deputy Hurel, challenges the notion of "discrimination" in the case of this shameful campaign of boycott against Israeli products and kosher and considers "unacceptable" the instrumentalization of a text which sought to combat racism, nationalisme et le sexisme".
La phrase exacte : Vue sur le blog Gauche des luttes à Créteil ! Est :
« L’instrumentalisation d’un texte qui visait à combattre le racisme, le nationalisme et le sexisme est inadmissible, surtout lorsqu’elle vise à faire taire l’engagement citoyen »
Voilà en une phrase tout est dit ! Il existait donc un texte dans notre belle république qui au dire d’un substitut du procureur visait à combattre le NATIONALISME ? Par ce que l’amour of his country, love of France, love of the nation would be a crime for this man?

Alors le texte de loi est juste ; le boycott d’Israël est un délit raciste !!
Le garde des sceaux Michel Mercier, n’apprécieras peut être pas cette vision de la fonction de magistrat qui s’exprime de cette façon, il me semble que Monsieur Hurel fait preuve, dans cette affaire gravissime d’ incitation à la haine raciale antisémite, comme l’avait fait en son temps Baudot ; de manquement à son obligation de réserve, Oswald Baudot avait comparu, le 28 janvier 1975, devant la commission de discipline du parquet, who had recommended the then Minister Jean Lecanuet a reprimand with an entry in the file. Faced with the mobilization of the Union of Magistrates and the support of the Trade Union of magistrates, the guard of seals finally gave up trying to punish the impertinent.
But today, when anti-Semitic racists are members of The League of Human Rights, the NPA, the party of the natives of the republic, the "Dynamic Muslim presence" and the Communist Party French and the Marxist trade union of the Judiciary no longer shows as firm to fight anti-Semitic and anti-white racism that when one could append the label of extreme right disgusting!
Alain Michel Labet of Bornay
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