Sunday, February 6, 2011

Apothecary Shop China


Che Guevara Besancenot French! From hatred to shame!

The sham of Che Guevara

The Marxist Trotskyite Besancenot the spokesman for the New Party Semitic anti-capitalist (NPA) is an admirer of Che Guevara thurifer the Communist anti-Semitic and racist homophobic killer responsible for thousands of deaths in Africa and Latin America. In his book (See here ) that glorifies the killer and anti-Semitic homophobic Ernesto Guevara said the button "Che" (Yes the small factor is also a man of letters), we argued that the Communist and anti-Semitic racist Guevara had that rare quality among actors from the political scene: consistency between words and deeds. In good Panegyrists Besancenot tells us that from this point of view, Guevara was exceptional, and this singularity is for much of the morbid attraction that still holds today in the world of leftists and other anti-Semites and Marxists primary.

Besancenot's book is akin to the act of faith, Leninist Trotskyist, a candle that poses before a religious icon. Rigor in the confrontation of sources, intellectual honesty, there is no question as in any good collectivist.
wager that a militant of the NPA, The New Party anti-Jewish?, Love reading the text book that will strengthen its obnoxious ideas especially if it is confession Muslim (Yes, yes, there are at NPA!). But for anyone with minimal critical thinking, copy and paste this collectivist communist propaganda will soon boring and unbearable stupidity of grime.
It should be recalled that Guevara was the first executor literally at the service of Fidel Castro. Besides the murders and assassinations committed by him, the only 1500 died in Chile under Augusto Pinochet are without comparison.
bloodthirsty Marxist ideology as it is called CHE complacently Besancenot fans and followers of the ultra-left anti-Semitism, brought him to run itself without trial anyone he considered revolutionary cons, meaning those who did not think like him. And those people, members of the NPA said humanists, pacifists? But those criminals who mock anti-Semitic? These killings without trial are estimated at more than 500 after the capture of Havana.

Keep in mind when reading the quotes that the killer degenerate communist racist and antisemitic Ernesto Guevara was a doctor there (sic) who talked incessantly of ignorance and prejudice petty people of all social classes.

Quotes The Motorcycle Diaries (the book):

"The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have conserved their racial purity through their lack of affinity with swimming and hygiene, have had their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese. "

"The black is indolent, lazy and dreamy, and he will spend his meager salary in lightness and alcoholic beverage, the European has a tradition of labor and economy that has continued in this corner of the America and to promote the fact itself, independently of its own aspirations. "

also remember also that according to Pierre Clostermann, the racist and murderous communist Che, said that blacks were" an atavistic savagery. "

"The first person that we hit was the mayor, someone called Cohen and we had heard much about him, he was Jewish and that he was only interested in the money, which settled his fate "

"The episode is a little upset, because the man was also a homosexual and an enemy of the working class of first order and had been very pleasant for us, giving us 10 dollars each, providing our total to 479 and 163 for me half to Alberto. "

is this "man" there, who also said "Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians."

In his will he praises "the hatred effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine "
He also said like all other socialists and Marxists that can not be" friends "with someone who has ideas contrary to his own"

His laudatory "Comrade" Besancenot forget to tell us that even the former companion of Bou Che in Bolivia, Regis Debray, told him: "The hatred of this man is raw an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. " Fidel Castro maximo leader then advised him to kill so long as is necessary " Notre lutte est une lutte à mort » Pour l’idéologie socialiste nauséabonde de Besancenot qui a déjà fait la bagatelle d’une grosse centaine de millions de morts… Le « Che » antisémite raciste et homophobe, serait un grand humaniste de gauche communiste ? Mais de qui ce moque le NPA et monsieur Besancenot ? Vous n’avez même pas un soupçon de « rouge » au front de honte camarades ?

Michel Alain Labet de Bornay


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