Saturday, January 31, 2009

Possible Combinations Of Five

Silent Hill Social Centre

Because real zombies, they do not eat brains ( what's their point? ), and because they work inevitably Social Center, a new book Master L. to do a little update on the current situation in the MJ of Silent Hill. In the last

edifying stories: contingency plan activated emergency (for once, it looks to obey a certain logic ), dismissals, treachery, betrayal-cons, manipulation, pressure, harassment and Series B joyeusetées other typical orchestrated masterfully Idealist by the famous-to-long hair (and ideas ... like in the song! ) with the support of his personal Milady Windsor ( without physical that goes with it), so the Multi-Manager appointed tasks.

Result: our budding Richelieu leave with the others, a victim of his big mouth full of nasty, and Milady ... recover its position! ( and increased ).

What have the Blues, so we will agree!

Insofar as the content is completely authentic, it would be almost funny if it were not so sad. Fortunately there

the movie industry to try to raise the level: When you get to this point has to miss a trailer was necessarily a lot of talent ( and the film in question can only be at! )

Monday, January 26, 2009

Swollen Red Elbows In The Morning

High school students aware of the sectarian

Original title of the article:
Today, schoolchildren catésiens aware of the sectarian
Monday, 26.01.2009 - daily La Voix du Nord

Christian Cabus: "Anyone can get caught up in sectarian groups. They are traps. "Cabus Christian:" Anyone can get caught by sectarian groups. They are traps. "


This afternoon, about forty students in the first year of the MFR of Cateau will be visited by Christian Cabus, president of the Antenna Nord - Pas de Calais - Picardie, Centre against mental manipulation. Two hours, he will inform them about sectarianism and, in particular, at the request of their teachers and Cecile Cecile Henriet Plancot on Satanism.

By Helen Harbonnier

Because she wanted to " to pass information to our young people, who are in professional and bin between 16 and 18 years or more, are more sensitive to this kind of problem, "the professor in animal science Henriet Cecilia wished to intervene with the Christian Cabus students under its care. Perhaps also because a certain attraction to the "Nazi" has emerged among some young people, she asked what it is that Satanism is discussed today with the forty teens .

President of the antenna Nord - Pas de Calais - Picardie, Centre against mind control could only respond positively à cette demande, son association oeuvrant un maximum pour prévenir et informer sur les dérives sectaires, notamment dans les établissements scolaires. D'autant plus que « la période de l'adolescence est extrêmement sensible. Les jeunes doutent, se cherchent. Si une personne répond à leurs questionnements, ils peuvent entrer dans un groupe sectaire sans s'en apercevoir. » Aux élèves catésiens, Christian Cabus projettera un petit film sur le satanisme, avant de présenter plus précisément ce mouvement. « Le satanisme touche 25 000 personnes en France, depuis les jeunes à tendance gothique jusqu'à des dérives extrêmement graves, sexuelles ou financières. » Following an exchange of questions and answers. "There's always a debate that is established. At first, it's pretty limited in the room. By cons, young people come to me afterwards, sometimes because they are personally affected. "This is the first time today that the BTMM intervene in Cambrai. The opportunity for Christian Cabus, who is also a member of the board of directors and officers of the national association, noted that "everyone can be caught. They are traps. "•

To contact, send an email to the Center Ikor Roger North, Mr. Cabus .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Paper Boatsholds Pennies

Can we establish an objective difference between cults and religions? The OPA

The texts are often published newspaper articles reproduced so they do not disappear from the canvas, they do not necessarily reflect the editorial line of Network publications Parental Europe but are intended to inform parents more fully by offering various insights on issues particularly controversial.

Anne Morelli is deputy director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Religion and secularism of the Free University of Brussels.

by Anne Morelli - SPS letter AFIS No. 283, October 2008

Can we establish an objective difference between cults and religions?

answers to this question usually fuse: cults are harmful, dangerous, monitor closely, religions, they have a good base (although sometimes perverted), they fill the natural and human aspirations are infinitely respectable.

This distinction is not only widespread among believers of the great "religions" but is also found in many free-thinkers and rationalists, at least in some European countries like France, Germany, Austria and Belgium Franco-phone.

But this difference "obvious" between sects and religions do not withstand analysis.

When Belgium, the Parliamentary Commission on sects, held in 1996, decided to consult experts on the subject, she brought from different universities and different specialties teachers, including myself. Only theologians have asserted criteria to distinguish "good" bad religions [1]. Without making a concerted way, other teachers, faced with the question "What is the difference between cults and religions? "Answered with a high degree of unanimity that it was not reliable criteria for separating from each other.

All objective criteria devised to characterize sects (group size, longevity, sacrifice of personal life, unconditional power of the chief distinguishing marks, obedience, off the "normal" life ... etc.) could be applied to major religions or at least some forms they have taken, such as monasticism [2] or convent life.

We will review some examples of these pseudo-criteria distinguish between sects and religions.
Money and sex

Mr Homais will tell you, cults want your money and seek to dominate or exploit your sex drive. In a small test controversy [3] I had fun comparing the situation described for the sects, Catholicism of my childhood.

Three of my aunts had entered the convent all Jeunet. Their order had it not properly tamed their sexual urges and also in their case, stifled longing for motherhood? Was it really less serious than marriages in which Mr. Moon is grouped marry his young followers after the knot have assessed their chances of good relations? Why they do they scandal and not imposed on religious chastity? All religions they aspire not to control the sexuality of their members? They are passionate about their practices, but want to know and plant their forbidden.

My three aunts had entered the convent accompanied by a large dowry which assured them of not having to perform manual work degrading. But if they had decided - thus sowing the disgrace for the whole family - to leave the convent, this amount would have NOT been returned. When a financial scandal shaking the Vatican or the Capuchins, Padre Pio devotees, are convinced of embezzlement, one dares say - or even believe - that these scams are an intrinsic part of the Catholic faith or are a normal consequence its structures.

But if a sect "forgets" to pay taxes or benefits (such as the priests once did) of distress or sympathy for a per-son to be given gifts or inheritances challenged thereafter These malpractices will obviously not be presented as fatal exceptions, but as practical features and inherent sects.

The harm could be a criterion of distinction between sects and religions if it could be objectified.

What is harmful? To "hurt"? Depriving yourself of certain foods like the Carthusians, who also never sleep a few hours straight, and are cut off from his novel and the rule of silence that isolates in a universe we can, from the outside psychotic judge?

The penitent Catholics who flagellate themselves, are certainly entitled to do since is not masochism punishable by law, but this behavior is more or less "harmful" than Krishna vegetarian?

Also we saw the mass suicide cults practice [4]. This behavior, universally condemned in the case of them is magnified with respect to major religions. Pilgrimages to Masada, above the Dead Sea, invariably end with a chorus of admiration about these 2,000 Jews who were - more or less voluntarily [5] - committed suicide in order to maintain their faith and their customs and not be Romanized.

The number of deaths caused by "cults" or religions, the struggle is too unequal. While cults may field a total of only several dozen victims (but very effectively publicized), every day victims of hatred supported by hundreds of major religions are: it does no good to be Catholic in Algeria, Iraq, Jewish, Muslims in India, Hindu Pakistan, a Jehovah's Witness and Baptist in Israel in Ukraine ...

In this area, the results of independent contractors that are small sects are pathetic against those of large multinational religion.
Indoctrination versus catechesis

Few find it offensive that define children by religion of their parents' small Jewish, Muslim children, small Catholic ... And no association fighting for the rights of the child rebels see them participate in the "Catho Pride "nor attend mosques or synagogues. It rarely condemns violence as an abuse implied that governs the choice of the future Dalai Lama, abducted baby on his family.

But words are obviously a weight to value or devalue a group. What's more honorable than to "pass on his faith to their children or send them to Sunday school?

But when it comes "sects" are immediately speak of indoctrination, which contributes to the idea of mental abuse to the child or the future "follower". The latter term is itself pejorative because it is an honorable religion, we speak rather of faithful or believing. It is understood that if one adheres to a "sect" that can only be the result of an intensive brainwashing. Some laws even claim the fight by calling him "mental manipulation". But this term applies only sects, not the honorable citizen who converted to Islam or Christianity as a result of a spiritual process respectable. The conversion is often described as immediate, however: St. Paul on the road to Damascus or Constantine Milvian Bridge were hit by a sudden revelation. If a devotee of Krishna or Pentecostal tells a similar story, it is hardly taken seriously ...
The definition of cults in legislation and regulation

"Officially, Canada does not know what a cult. Without legal definition, the fight is very cautious, even discrete. Speaking Europe, however, many laws restrict drastically the sectarian drift, to make Public lists of organizations to the limit of defamation. Comparison of two in the fight extremism. [6]

The same caution is observed in Switzerland. In 1998, the Federal Council stated: "... he can not have specific legislation relating to qualified groups or wrong because of" sects "by the public. The only distinction between religious communities know that Switzerland is the status of public law that may allow the cantons to certain communities. However, it is not the Federal Council to determine which group should address whether the indefinable category of "cult", or conduct a specific policy against certain religious groups, as long as they respect the principles of our rule of law and the laws. However, if the activity of certain groups came to cause serious disruption, art. 50, paragraph 2, of the Federal Constitution provides that the cantons and the Confederation may take the measures necessary to maintain public order and peace among different religious communities. The situation we see today in Switzerland does not seem to call them such action by the Federal Council. [7]

In contrast, France and Belgium are much more engaged in anti-cult but torn between, on one hand, their desire to maintain public order and protect the citizen and, secondly, that to respect individual liberties, these states have established agencies responsible for risk prevention and fight against the cult phenomena. However, the working groups have addressed this thorny question were immediately confronted with the difficulty of working on a legally non-existent concept. These commissions have issued non-exhaustive lists of associations considered sectarian, but in both Belgium and France, these lists were the subject of considerable controversy and criticism, and were officially discontinued. [

In France, Decree No. 392, 2002-1 28 November 2002 establishes, to the Prime Minister, an interministerial task of vigilance and combat against sectarian (MIVILUDES) [8]. It states that: "... failing to legally define what a cult is, the law criminalizes all acts which are detrimental to human rights, fundamental freedoms or who pose a threat to public order, committed the specific context of the mental control. The law called About / Picard [9], the source of article 223-15-2 of the Penal Code in 2001 complete the offense of fraudulent abuse of weakness by extending the existing tort situations physical or psychological hardship. Thus, it is immaterial whether this drift is committed by a sectarian movement, a new religious movement, a religion of the Book or by a quack health. Once a number of criteria are met, the first being put under the subjection, the repressive action of the state is destined to be implemented. [10]

In Belgium The Center for Information and advice on harmful sectarian organizations, CIAOSN was created by Act of June 2, 1998, following a recommendation by the parliamentary commission of inquiry, investigation "to develop a policy to fight against the illegal practices of sects and the danger they pose to society and especially for those minors. [11]

In his "Preliminary provisions", the Act states: "For the purposes of this Act, the term harmful sectarian organization, any group-oriented philosophy religious, or claiming such, which in its organization or practice engaged in illegal activities harmful harms individuals or society or undermines human dignity. The harmful nature of a sectarian group is considered on the basis of principles enshrined in the Constitution, laws, decrees, ordinances, and international conventions for the Protection of Human Rights ratified by Belgium. [12]


Small religion = cult?

One might think that the difference between cults and religions can be measured the objective yardstick of the number of believers (in the "sects" will be employed preferably one just pointed out, to designate the pejorative term of followers).

is far from clear.

In Brussels there are twenty-two rooms of the Kingdom of Jehovah's Witnesses, most crowded, and four synagogues which themselves are rare. But it would not occur to anyone to put on an equal footing Honourable Judaism and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Maybe because we reserve the term religion in the oldest religions? Also false. Reference Krishna is the millennium, the Anabaptists are several centuries old but that does not prevent them from being labeled "sect" and not religion.

For us at least. Because you can have a different label depending on where you are. Mormons are considered "cult" by our government but form the majority of believers of the State of Utah where they do not necessarily marginal.

Belgium provides a rather nice example of the double vision that can have the same group. The French Minister of Education has distributed to students a small booklet setting guard against "dry-ing," with a list of names of the movements that must be wary. There are explicitly cited the Steiner movement, whose schools are recognized and subsidized by a few miles away Flanders!

If neither group size nor his seniority as a criteria for distinction between cults and religions, one can imagine the psychological hold on the members or the difficulty of leaving the group will finally provide a solution to our problem. But the directors of conscience, the submission required of novices and the difficulties (physical or psychological) in order to leave very recently also invalidates this criterion.

rationality of some and not others?

It may be convenient to imagine that we believe in sects and spread nonsense, contrary to what is broadcast in religions.

Obviously the doctrinal content of "cults" often enough to surprise us. Those awaiting the return of Christ, other than such aliens, or the reunification of families through all their generations ...

This is certainly not rational but in the religions to which we attach respect, it is not about waiting for the Messiah, the parousia [13], the virginity of a parent or return the dead to life?

These "nonsense" are part of our culture and we learned not to laugh or at least not to do so in private, but objectively the issues that have tapped the theologians for centuries (unaccompanied baptized are they in purgatory? is Mary remained a virgin during childbirth is lying? What is the nature of the "soul"? ...) did nothing about sound.

What difference then?

Il est pourtant évident que « sectes » et « religions » ne sont pas des synonymes et que le premier terme est entaché d'un sens péjoratif. Dans un livre balayant cette double classification depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours [14], nous avons essayé de comprendre comment et pourquoi les groupes religieux étaient enregistrés sous l'une ou l'autre étiquette.

La réponse la plus évidente est que l'honorable label de « religion » est octroyé à l'un ou l'autre groupe par le pouvoir politique. Ceux qui n'ont pas eu droit à cette appellation contrôlée sont étiquetés « hérésies » ou « sec-tes », selon les époques.

Aux premiers vont les honneurs et le respect mais ils doivent en échange légitimer le pouvoir politique. Les autres groupes religieux sont à surveiller, poursuivre, voire exterminer sans que rien dans leurs comportements sociaux ni dans leurs croyances ne les prédispose à ce sort particulier.

C'est le pouvoir politique qui décide du sort des uns et des autres et légifère en ce sens. La liste de sectes « nuisibles » et les subsides publics aux grandes religions (plus ou moins officiels selon les pays) sont à comprendre dans cette logique.

[1] Voir les interventions du jésuite Denaux et du père Ringlet :

[2] C'est-à-dire le système de vie des moines.

[3] Lettre ouverte à la secte des adversaires des sectes, Labor, 1997.

[4] L'exemple le plus couramment avancé est celui de l'Ordre du Temple solaire.

[5] Voir à ce sujet le récit de Flavius Josèphe.

[6] Quartier Libre – Le journal indépendant les étudiants de l'Université de Montréal – « Lutte contre les sectes en Occident – Entre laxisme et "sectisme" », article de Thomas Gerbet et Vanessa Gauvin-Brodeur - ....

[7] ....


[9] On the About / Picard, it is noted that in its resolution 1309 - "Freedom of religion and religious minorities in France" - the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe "calls on the Government French to review the law and clarifying the definition of "offense" and "perpetrator".

[10] ....



[13] That is to say Christ's return to earth to judge the living and the dead, back to which Christians are to believe based on the Creed.

[14] "Sects" and "heresies" of antiquity to the present. Relationship to power, Alain Dierkens and Anne Morelli (ed.), Brussels University Press, 2002. Available online.

Posted on the website of the AFIS Username Science 20 January 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Convert Sql Backup To Mdf

charlatans on alternative medicine

Humanity November 12, 1998

An interview with the psychiatrist Jean-Marie Abgrall

OPA charlatans on alternative medicine

In his latest book, "The Charlatans health," the psychiatrist Jean-Marie Abgrall compares alternative medicine in the pixie dust and denounces the use that is made by cults.

PSYCHIATRIST and criminologist Jean-Marie Abgrall is a member of the Interdepartmental Centre of sects and expert at the Court of Cassation. Author "the mechanics of cults" (1), he devotes his latest book to the emergence of alternative medicine, a vector for recruitment to cults and con artists of all stripes.

Why virulent denunciation of alternative medicine?.

I started my medical studies in 1968. After specializing in psychiatry, I have engaged in ten years of additional training in order, inter alia, to explore the field of alternative medicine. In this course, then in my practice, I tried acupuncture, herbal medicine, iridology and homeopathy. Acupuncture works in a specific area, neurostimulation, known to traditional medicine. It would however need to be rid of cosmic frenzy surrounding his practice and in which there is question of yin, yang and sun position. Herbal medicine works well, but its side effects severely limit its use. Iridology is the total delirium. Finally, homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo. I used this title for twenty years. Then I decided to quit ten years ago.


I first noticed that cults recruit heavily in the pool of medicines parallel. Homeopathy accounted for 90% of the soil base. Then I had to treat a large number of patients, doctors' incomes "soft", too late. I saw and people who lost their chances of escape by abandoning conventional medicine. Charlatans had convinced them of aberrant doctrines. In half the cases, a homeopath was causing the abandonment of care. At this point, I decided to stop such practices and denounce the existence of a parasitic sector.

What makes you say that homeopathy is "crap"?

Chemically and physically, homeopathy can not work. Its inventor, the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), is based on a principle of dilution of an active product. Chemistry set from the limit means no dilution of any active molecule contained in a specific quantity of a body. The homeopathic dose greatly exceeds the limit dilution. The Italian chemist Avogadro has proven in the nineteenth century.

How do you explain then that so many practitioners use this medicine?

The family allowance fund lists 1,400 physicians and 3,000 homeopathic doctors "oriented" homeopathic over 140,000 practitioners. These figures into perspective the accession of the medical profession to this type of practice. You should know however that the conventional doctor now finds itself trapped by a series of socio-economic constraints. To live successfully in his work, he turns into a kind of Stakhanovite the medical procedure. Moving homeopath as specialty that requires no training allows extra billing consistent. In addition, some GPs are using this medium to reassure the patient who suffers from a bad Benin. These doctors do not hesitate to prescribe medication, like antibiotics, when the patient requests it. In this case, there is no danger in delay.

What position adopts the College of Physicians on homeopathy?

boot it into touch, anxious not to provoke open conflict within the profession. Furthermore, the homeopathic industry is dominated globally by two French companies, and Boiron Dolisos (which has just been purchased by the Pierre Fabre). According to the journal "Research", Boiron Group, world number one in 1996 showed a turnover of 1.25 billion francs.

And the state?

is subject to the same lobbying pharmaceuticals, but also the pressure of sects and consumers of homeopathic products, grouped into associations and supported by politicians.

Exactly how do you explain the popularity of any part of the population for these therapies?

We can identify three types of patients. A group of "post-sixty-eighter, which has opted for a radical ecology. For him, chemistry symbolizes the evil of modern times and nature akin to absolute purity. A second group expects the doctor to listen and comprehensive consideration of the person. She may have to search for response to his illness, either in terms of care, but in terms of belief. The patient then becomes a follower of a new therapy. A third recruitment occurs in patients with incurable or evil can not be treated in conventional medicine. These seek again a response in terms of belief.

Conventional medicine should she not take into account the need to listen and comprehensive care?

I think that alternative medicine moves into the errors and shortcomings of conventional medicine. The physician's role should be enhanced. It should also exercise a permanent control the validity of medical procedures. And even set up a monitoring ethics of physicians, overseen by an ethics committee. The College of Physicians is pleased him to manage the texts.

Interview by Anne

Cicco for Humanity

(1) "The Mechanics of sects" by Jean-Marie Abgrall, Editions Payot.

Back Cover
"Throughout my investigations on cults, I found that one of their best vehicles for recruitment was represented by patamédecines - a term taken pataphysical of Alfred Jarry, the science of imaginary solutions. Although all practitioners of alternative medicine are not related to cults, and one must distinguish between those in good faith and corrupt charlatans, but the daily denial of rationality has many patients suckers ecstatic. "If homeopathy as such can not be accused of damaging or acupuncture when aseptic technique are followed, both of which can delay diagnosis and treatment. But there is also an entire bazaar of the bizarre, that thrives even better than in two French medical use today to "different". "" The fear of disease and of death are they the only reasons we can give confidence to the advocates of so-called revolutionary methods or defenders of traditions that reflect the magic? The crisis of the modern world it is now producing a new mystique of medicine? "

To buy on Amazon" health quacks ": 252 pages

editor: Payot (14 October 1998)
Language: French ISBN-10
: 2228891940 ISBN-13
: 978-2228891943

Regarding Homeopathy, Zététique Observatory conducted a study on health product ainsi que l'escroquerie manifeste selon Richard Monvoisin des fleurs de Bach . A lire absolumment afin de forger l'esprit critique et votre discernement.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How Long Pancreatitis Last

enfant terrible, Sarkozy sees his "guru" Do you

8 Janvier Le chef de l’Etat dont on apprenait hier dans VSD qu’il était fidèle à un magnétiseur étiopathe depuis plus de vingt ans, casse aujourd’hui son pacte avec les sciences occultes. Après son gourou, Nicolas Sarkozy accueille cet après-midi sur le divan de l’Elysée les professionnels de la santé mentale. Détendez-vous et dites-moi tout…

Nicolas Sarkozy voit son "gourou", Jean-Paul Moureau, depuis 20 ans
VSD publie cette semaine les bonnes feuilles de « L'enfant terrible, la vie à l'Elysée sous Sarkozy » (Le Seuil). Cet ouvrage écrit par Patrice Machuret, journaliste politique à France 3, révèle que Nicolas Sarkozy consulte régulièrement, depuis des années, Jean-Paul Moureau, un spécialiste de l' étiopathie , une médecine parallèle à mi-chemin entre l'ostéopathie et la kinésithérapie. Une sorte de « gourou » dont Patrice Machuret explique, en exclusivité, how he learned of its existence and, more importantly, what is its influence on the president.

VOD. There have been many books on Nicolas Sarkozy that one wonders what yours can bring more ...

Patrice Machuret. True, but the precedents have focused on his campaign, his divorce and his official travel. Me, I explain how he behaves with his troops every day, what it is boss in this business-the Elysee-some 1,000 people, including a hundred really work on contact.

VOD. How is it that the existence this "guru" has been ignored for so long?

PM Everything that affects the security of the president is taboo in France. Nobody wants to talk, everyone has the jitters. Visits to the chief guru of the State are, a priori, known only to his bodyguards, his former wife, Cecilia, and the current, Carla.

VOD. And how do you back up to him?

PM The first time I heard it was coming from a student at a school where I teach. He told me that someone of his entourage visited a Etiopathy Nicolas Sarkozy who also had to patient. To approach Jean-Paul Moureau, I did something that is not super-ethical, that I got through, while keeping my real name, for a tennis coach, a nephew of a star TV. I suffered for good a recurrent tear of the calf, and I must say that I was well cared for. I followed up the appointment with him, and I stopped when I felt he was beginning to distrust my many questions.

VOD. The role of Jean-Paul-til Moureau exceeds by far the single medical setting?

It is neither PM osteopath or physiotherapist. It is rather a luxury coach, wellness counselor and psychology, which leases 500 m2 in the 16th arrondissement of Paris and anime, with 20 000 euros each time, seminars for Arab emirs. He saw Nicolas Sarkozy last 20 years, with one or two appointments per week. This is not nothing! In fact, he knows everything he is president of one of the "sensors" of society.

Find the best leaves of "L'enfant terrible ..." Patrice Machuret VOD in No. 1637 of 7 to 13 January 2009

Interview by Stephen Lepoittevin

Illustration: Nicolas Sarkozy and the guru (Photo montage from the blog )

enfant terrible
Life under Sarkozy at the Elysee

Not everything has been said about Nicolas Sarkozy. This book is an inquiry into his daily life at the Elysee. Everything is reviewed: from his health to its relations with its employees through its maneuvers to impose his men in the state apparatus.
Since its establishment at the Elysee Palace, Nicolas Sarkozy has changed the manners and habits. Daily life is a reflection of the President of the Republic: Permanent boil. This survey is a dive into the wings of a power whose style and methods are new. It reveals a "guru" of visitors at night, under the reform of public television, the newspaper advisors at the Elysee and many other secrets, hitherto well-guarded. This trip across the mirror of Sarkozyism brings many revelations about the true nature du chef de l’État.

Journaliste politique à France 3, chroniqueur pendant quatre ans dans l’émission France Europe Express, ancien collaborateur du Parisien et de l’Européen Le Monde, Patrice Machuret suit Nicolas Sarkozy depuis 2006.

Consulter aussi: les "charlatans de la santé" par le Docteur Jean-Marie Abgrall

Creative Softball Saings

normal de laisser les sectes endoctriner et détruire nos enfants?

Question ouverte par sm t sur yahoo:
I explain: when I ask when I see or questions stating the reality of what the Jehovah, there are many answers like: let them alone, they do no harm to people, they are not violent, they make me laugh ,.... Did you ask for a second how you might live to see your own child you reject, no longer have the right to speak, you see, perhaps, see him die by refusing a blood transfusion just because you Forgot one day to open yaux on the dangers of this cult??

Comments following

There has 17 hours I can not understand your answer, could you go any further .. thank you

17 hours ago
@ Bears: If bringing a child into the world is the condition, I hope you do not!

6 hours ago
@ Hono: You're right to file a report, it is the only solution that remains visible as you say anything except, you have no argument to be made to historical facts ... You refuse all studies, all the evidence, all cases of deaths attributed to your sect, despite all the evidence. So yes then please report the abuse, you show and the Community buildings the limit of your defense ... As for calling me a liar, I state that all facts can be verified ... And you confuse hatred and finding ... but the bad faith that teaches you how to use program that takes over your lack of argument ...

6 hours ago
@? : What can we do? but it's simple, denounce their actions expose their lies, expose the medical studies that speak of the dead due to the refusal of transfusion, in short, talk as much as possible to as many people as possible ...

Best Answer - Chosen by the applicant
In college, jai seen a study on cults and we found that many children and even adults are indoctrinated people in need of affection, emotional or dependent with severe problems (separation of parents, children beaten) ... They are therefore more vulnerable to having easier by cults. The best way to prevent your child is in such a situation is undoubtedly make him feel he is loved, to encourage him in his projects and to respect it.

you're right, sects all operate on the same system. They use the vulnerabilities of people

* 5 stars
Who put a star this question?
1. Laura L
2. Baball alias Bal ...
3. ... am to taste peanut
4. The Quebecois
5. Lily (returns h ...

Honolulu M-M-by-the Hono ...
You're very hard to create sensationalism.
But actually, you are like the Parliamentary Report of 1995 mentioned the TJ: an empty shell. You cry loud and your hate, but nothing concrete.

For, as I've already told dozens of times, no TJ rejects his parents for any reason either ... even if excommunication, he remains his father or mother.
But obviously, if you treat your children the same way that you treat the TJ you meet on this site, I'm not surprised they become angry with you. I also can not bear to be long insult and defame so.

No Child Witnesses Jehovah's death for asking to be treated by other methods. NO !!!!!!!!
I've already often explained and demonstrated by links and references what is the reality of the subject.

But now have a little tired of your accusations. So here My advice: if you do not want to disappear YQR read the Terms of Use and respects that.


Violation of rules:
1. Unleash his frustration or his resentment, hate speech or conduct.
2. Demonstrate mean or obscene.
3. Use the community. (For purposes of defamation and spreading intolerance)

Sorry my friend, but there are limits not to exceed. I is not against the fact that you ask questions about the TJ, or even that you give your opinion. But observe the rules, otherwise ...

is clear?

Any person accessing your questions will find my answers and arguments. For you rehash the same charges again and again.

I're quoted sources from the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Education, Police, doctors, surgeons treating the TJ. You want what?
If your accusation will be proven, MIVILUDES arguments would continue to TJ, and the biais d'une instruction, faire interdire les Associations des TJ.
Par ailleurs, le Ministère de l'intérieur pourrait retirer le statut "d'association Cultuelle" aux TJ pour atteinte à l'ordre publique. MAIS CE N'EST PAS LE CAS!!!!

Et ce n'est pas à défaut d'essayer! Certains parlementaires sont devenus "expert" dans la persécutions des TJ. Mais, vu leur succès, ont ce demande ce qu'ils font de l'argent du contribuable... Témoins de Jéhovah.

Vos arguments sont mensongers et diffamatoires! Raison pour laquelle les gugus comme toi sont régulièrement condamner par la justice pour diffamation.

So that's the reality: it is justice that condemns you, not us.

The Quebecois by the Quebec ... Let
analysis of all religions ... Ok

How many people the Catholic religion has killed or kill in history?

How religious wars?

but because you just stick to the base, I respect people whatever their religion .... as everything is done in compliance but I agree I do not accept me disgusting by any persons whatever religious belief ...

hengellistä päällikön by hengellistä päällikön
A user identified as contributing to: Religion and Spirituality

religions and sects will eventually be regarded as crimes against humanity, just to be perverted, corrupted the minds of children.

Do not forget that indoctrination is condemned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Religions are poisons, not only for children but for humanity.

O ° O ° O ° O ° O ° O

? by?
totally agree, but if the state does nothing? What can

we do

God says in His word that nothing happens without his agreement, so he is patient but also for tj many others, he leaves the field open to all sects, will come a day when God even put in the hearts of judges from the world of laws to ban cults and not that tj

be patient and pray God protects, or those you think lost, but keeps the faith in God Jesus Savior unique Amen

© © © by Hades Hades ©
It gets worse as the Jehovah

They are called socialists, they are in all schools and appoint teachers are ... They indoctrinate the
and kids are marching in the streets ^ ^

étonnish niet?

Cheyennepitivier51 by Cheyenne ...
They come from afar and feel they fled their victims are weak but they know where they hit!
they are unquestionably DESTROY
but there are wolves in sheep's policies then they are PROTECTED! YOU THINK!

aiglazur by aiglazur
for certain, it is indoctrination, for other packaging, teaching others ... many different points of view which complicate the answer to this question by

Eddyman Eddyman
complicity the Freemasons and Zionists.
And you will see when they have hands on everything and is not for long.

Bear by Bear
when you put a child into the world you conditioned. Then told him just do not accept ready-made ideas. And good luck

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Chelsea Charms Picrure

Canada: le chef d'une secte accusé de polygamie avec 20 épouses

AFP 08.01. 09 practiced polygamy with nearly 20 people, "said Minister Wally Oppal during a press conference. The second accused, James Marion Oler, 44, is suspected of having two spouses at the time did he added.
MM. Blackmore, 52, and Oler, 44, run two rival groups of a polygamous community located 50 years in the town of Bountiful, 700 km east of Vancouver (west) 20 km north of the border with the United States.
hundred men live with 900 women and children.

For several years, many stories reported that young girls, aged sometimes 12 years, were married to much older men in ceremonies called "celestial".

The various governments of British Columbia have consistently considered the past 20 years to bring charges against this branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, an American dissident Mormon Church.

far, however, they had not to do so, arguing that prosecutions are not successful because of the safeguards protecting religious freedom in the Canadian constitution.

But last June, Wally Oppal appointed a special prosecutor, Terrence Robertson, to explore possibilities of launching lawsuits against the polygamous community.

The charges Wednesday were the result of "an intense seven months," Mr Robertson will provide a "legal clarification" on the illegality of polygamy, even advocated a religion, a minister déclaréle of Justice.

Polygamy is punishable by five years in prison in Canada.

See the study on polygamy by SoDRUS
Research Group on Law, Religion and Society at the University of Sherbrooke quebecoise

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What Does The Ps3 Look Like

Comment vivent les enfants en France ?

A study by INSEE, one in ten children live in overcrowded housing. The proportion rises to one in five of those growing number living with one parent.

figures speak for themselves. In France, a child of ten, or 11%, lives in an "overcrowded," according to an INSEE survey published Wednesday.

What do we index stand? It characterizes the degree of occupancy by comparing the number of parts and the number of parts considered necessary for a household of this structure. Thus we need a living room for the household, a room for each couple and single for 19 years or more. For single people under 19 years old, is assigned a room for two children if they are of the same sex or have less than 7 years if it is a piece per child. In Ile-de-France, the proportion is even greater. It reaches one in five children or 25%. They are 19% in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur. Brittany and Pays de Loire in contrast, less than 5% of children live in a dwelling deemed too crowded.


parent families are more affected than others. In lone-parent, one child in five lives in a dwelling where at least one missing piece, against one in ten children living with a couple, INSEE said

Other findings of this study, 81% of miners living with a couple of parents, 63% with a married couple, 18% with a common-law couples. They are 16% live in single parent families, as against 6% in 1968. According to the survey, 90% of children live with at least one parent who is employed. They are 94% for those living with a couple parental and 66% for those owned by a single parent. The proportion of children living with both parents employed increased to 53% in 2005 against 49% in 1999. In contrast, the share of children who, in their homes, no working parent has not declined over 1999, with a proportion of one in ten.

In 2006, the poverty rate for children of single parent families is 38% against 13% for children of couples (5% when both parents work), INSEE said.

In this study, 1 July 2005 is taken as the sample date.