Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rotodent Versus Sonicare

The NPA there pork in the couscous. The NPA

Adil Fajry, active and activist and official of the NPA (educator) in Istres, empty his bag at the party conference (Montreuil, 12/02/11).

will be remembered for his speech this beautiful historic phrase: " A guy who plays guitar is a guitarist, a guy who practices Islam is an Islamist! " QED.

is my zami Adil Toufik! Sale Ham to you my zami.
We we're not the best, who said my zami Toufik with this beautiful French language zami my mania with virtuosity, a symphony of language, wonderful popular phrase ... ..: "which we estimate it is because we we're the best ... on all points of view, it is the best .. oh well no there are people who think differently from us and we can not estimate at a time that we the best and we think that the best and that we impose our way of thinking ... it's not EEV "

It looks nice the Puppy Fik Fik (Gentil has only one eye !) but my zami the Trotskyist Toufik, he should learn that the ultra left is unfortunately not secular: indeed, it is inherently anti-religious and definition: "Neither God nor master. " Down with the cap and black-capped rascals, down with the yarmulke and kipalotins, down the sails and veils! A pile of moukère and daughter of the Bedouin!

But poor Toufik as many ideas than a camel sodomite vocabulary ...

Toufik, zami I must tell you that the NPA (New anti-Muslim party) does not want you as a Muslim, but the NPA (Rame soft purple) needs you as an immigrant's son, so oppressed. etc.. ... It's good for her "social" and "revolutionary." Lynch @ llah!

Go look, go tell all my j'm'en guys, well explain how qu'ça walk. Yo man! (You need that upgrade, otherwise it will not capture the gas in the desert)
First, the NPA (formerly CRL) were Trotskyists, that is to say, species communists, Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries. For Marx (Manifesto 1848) Religion is the opium of people. So for them, your sisters are beautiful fortunetellers chichon severe violations of religious spongiform encephalitis (a disease called shameful in this case Islam).
Deuxio my zami, entering the postcode, you chose a party of puppets, whose doctrine is not well defined. Indeed, for a Marxist party, you and yours you are the lumpen proletariat (the yellow) whereas according to Marx, eliminated. Now the NPA has always supported former CSF immigrants. But thee thee thee an immigrant and more unpopular at home, In cat there.

Thirdly, the LCR-NPA has always liked immigrants, because Uncle Krivine poorly digested to be fired from the PCF, was poorly digested the fact that in May 1968 the dirty workers chose the bourgeois comfort of the higher wages, rather than revolution. Finally the following year he made 1% for president, is taking a bowl against Jacques Duclos (preventing access, however the 2nd round). So he chose a "proletariat" alternative. But what was good for your parents is no longer illiterate for you my zami.

The NPA wishes you well as immigrant revolutionary force, but he forgot that you had "roots" that you seem to be proud, but the problem is that your "roots" back in an ultra aggressive and here we are in France.

And in France, your Islam allah con is not wanted. Even at the NPA, they do not. We love sauciflard, the booze and broads naked, even above the NPA NPA. Your "Islam is totally incompatible my zami any political party whatsoever, Islam does not release des femmes (il veut être libre d’en faire ce qu’il veut), l’islam ne veut pas la défense des prolétaires (il ne fait que défendre sa communauté), l’islam ne veut pas mettre fin à l’asservissement de l’homme (il veut l’asservir), l’islam méprise Marx (comme Marx le mépriserait), l’islam ne croit pas en l’égalité des hommes (il croit au statut spécial des femmes et des dhimmis, au rejet des juifs). On ne peut pas croire à la fois dans le manifeste des travailleurs et dans le Coran, c’est ainsi.

Alors ; la très hypothétique Revolution islamomarxiste prolétaro neighborhoods, you can go do it in your corn just south of Marseilles. Few hundred kilometers.

Besides, I note in your speech that "wherever people are neighborhoods here ???", implied Arabs. Well, your compatriots in the south of the Mediterranean, they have nothing to type of workers revolution. They are waiting for the big night or jihadist "democracy" but it's not for you tomorrow.

NPA as the PCF PS, and the left in general, want to exploit the reservoir constituted electoral populations of immigrant origin. They offer several advantages for Marxist social and spatial concentration, low-level political and intellectual image of "poverty" and "oppression exploitation" they return even though we know that in reality their fate is more enviable than many of our fellow citizens of strain.

My zami Toufik quickly joined the PS. PS especially in Marseille has definitely a big advantage over the NPA: it is a very established and majority party in the territory (municipalities, county councils, regional) ce qui lui permet d’acheter les voix par une politique de redistribution ou de discrimination positive qui ne dit pas son nom, par subventions directes ou par l’intermédiaire de multiples associations. Les ressources budgétaires à la disposition de ses exécutifs sont immenses.
Le NPA, lui, ne peut que s’appuyer sur ses militants imbéciles et les prétendues «luttes» dans les «quartiers», dans un contexte de repli communautaire accompagné par les idiots utiles comme toi mon zami Toufik qui cite comme référence le terroriste Tariq Ramadan et l’assassin antisémite et homophobe Che Guevara !

En opposant certaines social classes or masses of people to other groups, the Marxist communist or socialist, betray brotherly love, as they betray the liberty in the name of the dictatorship of a class of oppressed'm saying even they have betrayed everywhere notion of equal rights for men wanting to make a tie between every human being.

Alain Michel Labet of Bornay.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letter About Community Service Hours

antisemitic attack on Muslims! Call for

veiled Muslim women assaulted by members of the NPA? (New Party anti-Muslim?)

After the famous: "You're Jewish? You go ... you have nothing to do here! " one militant anti-Semite and the NPA.

burkaquisées is the turn of the Islamist militants assaulted by the NPA.

The video above!

Decidedly Hamas is right! Communists must hang with the guts of Christians as judéos says this wonderful representative of this beautiful religion of peace, love and tolerance covered with a burka "prohibited in the public space of our France! .

Alain Michel Labet of Bornay

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sore Throat With Blood

French patriots. Minutes of the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Mulhouse.

Rally supports the justice of France against the Islamic Marxist anti-Semitism February 10, 2011 at 8:00 am before the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Mulhouse, 21 Avenue Robert Schuman.

Patriots French! Bring your flags Israelis flags your French! And indignation you! Indignant you!


February 10 be appearing by the criminal court of Mulhouse, twelve suspected militants and Islamic Marxist anti-Semitic: Miss Aline Parmentier, Departmental Secretary of the Communist Party French Alsace section, Farida Trichina "Justice for Palestine Alsace Henri Eichholzer of Association Of New Anti-Capitalist Party AFPS 68, Mohamed Akbar Association REDA (The dynamic Muslim Presence), Jacques Ballouey of former Greens Europe Ecology 68, two activists of the IRP, the famous native of the republic and some anonymous.
This trial will be that of Islamic Marxism French sauce!

more here.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Apothecary Shop China


Che Guevara Besancenot French! From hatred to shame!

The sham of Che Guevara

The Marxist Trotskyite Besancenot the spokesman for the New Party Semitic anti-capitalist (NPA) is an admirer of Che Guevara thurifer the Communist anti-Semitic and racist homophobic killer responsible for thousands of deaths in Africa and Latin America. In his book (See here ) that glorifies the killer and anti-Semitic homophobic Ernesto Guevara said the button "Che" (Yes the small factor is also a man of letters), we argued that the Communist and anti-Semitic racist Guevara had that rare quality among actors from the political scene: consistency between words and deeds. In good Panegyrists Besancenot tells us that from this point of view, Guevara was exceptional, and this singularity is for much of the morbid attraction that still holds today in the world of leftists and other anti-Semites and Marxists primary.

Besancenot's book is akin to the act of faith, Leninist Trotskyist, a candle that poses before a religious icon. Rigor in the confrontation of sources, intellectual honesty, there is no question as in any good collectivist.
wager that a militant of the NPA, The New Party anti-Jewish?, Love reading the text book that will strengthen its obnoxious ideas especially if it is confession Muslim (Yes, yes, there are at NPA!). But for anyone with minimal critical thinking, copy and paste this collectivist communist propaganda will soon boring and unbearable stupidity of grime.
It should be recalled that Guevara was the first executor literally at the service of Fidel Castro. Besides the murders and assassinations committed by him, the only 1500 died in Chile under Augusto Pinochet are without comparison.
bloodthirsty Marxist ideology as it is called CHE complacently Besancenot fans and followers of the ultra-left anti-Semitism, brought him to run itself without trial anyone he considered revolutionary cons, meaning those who did not think like him. And those people, members of the NPA said humanists, pacifists? But those criminals who mock anti-Semitic? These killings without trial are estimated at more than 500 after the capture of Havana.

Keep in mind when reading the quotes that the killer degenerate communist racist and antisemitic Ernesto Guevara was a doctor there (sic) who talked incessantly of ignorance and prejudice petty people of all social classes.

Quotes The Motorcycle Diaries (the book):

"The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have conserved their racial purity through their lack of affinity with swimming and hygiene, have had their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese. "

"The black is indolent, lazy and dreamy, and he will spend his meager salary in lightness and alcoholic beverage, the European has a tradition of labor and economy that has continued in this corner of the America and to promote the fact itself, independently of its own aspirations. "

also remember also that according to Pierre Clostermann, the racist and murderous communist Che, said that blacks were" an atavistic savagery. "

"The first person that we hit was the mayor, someone called Cohen and we had heard much about him, he was Jewish and that he was only interested in the money, which settled his fate "

"The episode is a little upset, because the man was also a homosexual and an enemy of the working class of first order and had been very pleasant for us, giving us 10 dollars each, providing our total to 479 and 163 for me half to Alberto. "

is this "man" there, who also said "Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians."

In his will he praises "the hatred effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine "
He also said like all other socialists and Marxists that can not be" friends "with someone who has ideas contrary to his own"

His laudatory "Comrade" Besancenot forget to tell us that even the former companion of Bou Che in Bolivia, Regis Debray, told him: "The hatred of this man is raw an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. " Fidel Castro maximo leader then advised him to kill so long as is necessary " Notre lutte est une lutte à mort » Pour l’idéologie socialiste nauséabonde de Besancenot qui a déjà fait la bagatelle d’une grosse centaine de millions de morts… Le « Che » antisémite raciste et homophobe, serait un grand humaniste de gauche communiste ? Mais de qui ce moque le NPA et monsieur Besancenot ? Vous n’avez même pas un soupçon de « rouge » au front de honte camarades ?

Michel Alain Labet de Bornay

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Microsoft Usb Camera Telepítőprogram

Allah who tells you!

Allah une, Allah deux, Allah trois, Allah mer !

An article in The Good Nazih Hamza Mahdi.

Praise be to Allah and His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions and all those who follow them in the charity until doomsday . And after the necessary preamble, we say
The Hijra in Islam is to migrate from one country to a Muslim country disbeliever. And any country governed by infidels where laws are Atheists is regarded as a land of disbelief. Is considered the land of Islam any country governed by Muslims where Islamic laws are. And it gives an error that made emigration a Muslim country to a country called disbeliever AH since emigration to a country is a disbeliever disobedience and is counted among the great sins and whoever performs incur a threat from Allah !!!!!

The Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessing of Allah upon him) has disowned anyone who stays in the middle of the disbelievers as is explicit in the hadith reported by Imam Abu Dawud (2645), Tirmidzi (1604) and others, whose chain of transmission is good (hasan) in which Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) said: "I am innocent of any Muslim who sojourns among the polytheists." And he said (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): "anyone who agrees with an unbeliever and lives with him is considered her" (narrated by Abu daud (2787) of Samurata bin Jundub-Allah 's Authorized-). And in another hadith he said (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): "Do not associate with unbelievers and do not agree with them. Cohabiting or anyone agrees with them is not of us " (narrated by Imam al-Hakim in his book" al Mustadrak "(2627), of bin Samurata Jundub, and Imam al Dzahabi said his chain is sound depending on the condition of Imam al Bukhari).

Islam prohibits the implantation in a kaafir country saw what could result as adverse consequences and results as dangerous to the Muslim religion and its behavior and as well as his family and his descendants, who grow up there.

We ask Allah that He fills us with its blessings and its merits. And He fills us with halal goods what we can do without anything that is haram. And finally we say praise be to Allah. And its peace and Bénédicton be upon his messenger and his family and all those who follow them in charity.

Nazih H. Rame soft lilac.

Courtesy editions Garbit Sauerkraut.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sample Community Reference Letter

must kill Jews, Christians and communists. Minutes of antisemitic

A video of the official Hamas TV @ llah calls to kill Jews, Christians, Communists and their supporters. The video asks @ llah of "count and kill them until the last, and do not leave even one" .

is the Palestinian Media Watch who reported this call to genocide of non-Muslims. A call echoed regularly by both socialist leaders of Fatah and Hamas to musulmandepuis many years.

For years, sermons of religious leaders on PA TV official, whether in the era of Yasser Arafat or Mahmoud Abbas, has regularly presented the murder of Jews as a religious obligation and a fulfillment of the Islamic ideal.
Following the highlighting of these cases of anti-Semitic sermons, Europe and the United States put pressure on Fatah to that imposes rules of conduct on its mass media ... But according to organization, nothing has changed and the last sermon Gender is dated January 2010.

The following is the transcript of the video of Hamas
"Allah, O our Lord, crush your enemies, the enemies of Islam everywhere.
Allah button (note: as a missile hits its target) the Jews and their supporters, Christians and their supporters, Communists and their supporters.
Allah, count them and kill them until the last. Do not leave even one. "

TV Channel Al-Aqsa (Hamas), December 3, 2010

These quotes are from the Koran regarding the Jews and Christians, the film "Fitna" by Geert Wilders clearly shows that the link between the calls to murder and the Qur'an is well established.

Islam is a fascist ideology, that is an ideology of contestation of equality of regression in excess of social collectivism and also by the secular decline
Simply note that the largest Arab political party Israeli Balad party ... is a communist!
's mom Salah Hamouri terrorist communist FLNP launching a petition to Israel: "Keep my son in jail to protect from these Muslim fanatics for the love of Christ."

Mouloud Aounit although calling for a boycott of Israel, but known as a Communist candidate in the legislative request for political asylum in North Korea with 12 (Twelve) Mulhouse ( Aline Parmentier , communist and departmental secretary CPF and member of the National Eichholzer Henry, and the entire leadership "collegial" MRAP National. Olivier Besancenot is refuge in Cuba with Alain Lipietz ecology in Europe. Sakina Arnaud the League of Human Rights sentenced for incitement to racial hatred, anti-Semitic requested asylum at the Israeli consulate in Bordeaux. The natives of the republic took refuge in the occupied territories of 9.3.

Comrade Bolshevik Jean-Claude Lefort professionnel du jappement indigné, et des borborygmes antisémites président de l’association France Palestine Solidarité  (Une organisation communiste antisémite et pro Hamas, nous fait savoir que la traduction de cette vidéo est mauvaise et qu’en fait le discours exact ne concerne pas les « communistes » mais la bête immonde et les fascistes du Front National ainsi que les sectateurs de Lepen nazis.

Monsieur Yves Moulin membre du collectif d’antisémites Boycott 68 est celui qui avait lancé l’ignoble l’opération de tractage antisémite pour le boycott products from Israel in Alsace. Member and former Chairman (2002) CCFD-Earth-Solidarity (NGO Catholic extreme right) lets us know that it is ultimately not a Christian he prepares his conversion to the religion of peace and love tolerance and therefore is certainly not a communist.

Monsignor Gaillot a former "bishop" Roman Catholic anti-Semite who called for a boycott of Israel also converted to Islam says he is more concerned with this case.

In a statement Hamas activists said that the members of MRAP40 (Who called it not so long to manifest and make great barbecue flags Israelis) are not concerned more.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vera Bradley In Lancaster, Pa

Perpignan? Fired!

The anti-Semitic Web! Sing: Victory! : "In Meanwhile, while lawyers for the pharmacies Zionists (BNVCA and Co.) remained bec listening to this "administrative discharge" pronounced by the court, we were hundreds in the street, screaming not only for our satisfaction Decision of the day, but our determination to continue fighting. Not only in defense, because other judicial appointments ahead soon (in Mulhouse February 10, then in Bobigny near Paris March 17), but more than ever expanding, across the BDS (Boycott, Divestment - Penalties). "

The Marxist collectivist Laurent de Grenoble shouted at him as a "marked point" for "our" freedoms on Article censored for notorious anti-Semitism! You will not miss anything, he merely repeated the Euro Palestine.

As usual and once again, this is an item you'll never see on

The trial of three communist militants alleged anti-Semitic from Perpignan to boycott Israeli products has been returned.
They had organized in front of a Carrefour store near Perpignan an "action" called "awareness", calling the customer to boycott Israeli products.

See here the exact grounds for indictment of the vulgar anti-Semitic "alleged"

The postponement of the trial was decided at the request of defense , in agreement with the plaintiffs and the prosecution. It is scheduled for September 26.
Perpignan The court is awaiting a decision of the Court of Cassation in a ruling of the appeals court in Bordeaux in a similar case.

The Court of Appeal the court of Bordeaux was made October 22, 2010 in its deliberations during the trial (brought by the BNVCA (National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism) and the association Lawyers Without Borders). This trial like Perpignan, and the future of Mulhouse was brought to a repeat offender of the rampant anti-Semitic hatred in supermarkets French trade.

For the record, Miss Sakina Arnaud Khimoune born, had already been sentenced in 2005 to a fine of 300 euros by the appeals court in Bordeaux for similar offenses. The court, however, had reclassified the facts "light degradation. On 10 February 2010, the Criminal Court sentenced her to Bordeaux € 1,000 fine, the active and militant member of the LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme), which had received the full support of the MRAP and of all associations Nidor Marxists had been convicted of "incitement à la discrimination et à la haine raciale» condamnation confirmée en appel.
Outre l'incitation à la haine raciale antisémite, mademoiselle Arnaud militante de la LDH avaient multiplié les proclamations injurieuses et mensongères à l'égard d'Israël.
Le BNVCA reste serein sur la décision de la cour de cassation en effet il est bon de rappeler ici l’affaire récente d’antisémitisme concernant le maire communiste de Seclin.

Relaxé en mars 2003 de poursuites pour discrimination envers une nation alors qu’il avait demandé aux services de restauration Seclinois to boycott Israeli products, Comrade Jean-Claude Willem was sentenced on appeal (filed by the Attorney General) to pay a fine of 1000 euros. His appeal rejected, the former mayor of Seclin decided, in the name of freedom of expression, to the European Court of Human Rights against the French state. The latter was dismissed.

Back on a case that made headlines ...

In dismissing the former communist mayor of Seclin its action against France, the European Court of Human Rights has ended, this time permanently, in case the boycott of Israeli products that Jean-Claude Willem, then mayor of Seclin, asked in 2002 for food services in the city. A decision at the time of purely symbolic but typical of Marxism Seclin Semitic because there were no Israeli product among its supplies, the mayor was taken in protest against a policy decided by the Communist Party and the Marxist collectivist undemocratic in the territories Palestinian.

But within days, this gesture would take a magnitude that JC. Willem had not suspected. Radio, television and print media took hold of what had become a case after the complaint to the Prosecutor by the Jewish Cultural Association in the North. In the aftermath, the Communist mayor of Seclin received support in the name of "freedom of expression" (Sic) federation of the Communist Party and the Socialist Party, the very Marxist League for Human Rights, the MRAP, the Association France Palestine Solidarity Association and the Marxist Leninist known French Jewish Union for Peace.

On March 26, 2003, JC. Willem was acquitted by the Criminal Court of Lille, which concluded that the violation (discrimination against a nation) was not characterized. Yet, on the orders of Justice Minister Dominique Perben, the Attorney General of Lille was appealing the acquittal the next. "Through the case of Mayor Seclin, we want to warn those who intend to give their views on the policy of Sharon (then head of the Israeli government, ed), lambasted the mayor sentenced to 1000 euro fine by the Court of Appeal of Douai in September 2003.

Decided to fight (the famous "struggle" final!) completely Comrade Jean-Claude Willem formulated in the wake of an appeal in cassation rejected in September 2004, before entering a last resort the European Court of Rights in March 2005.

Believing that "the applicant could not substitute for government officials to declare a boycott of products from a foreign nation", the latter refused to recognize its legitimate alleged "fight" the mayor Communist Seclin is condemned as such an anti-Semite!

Do not doubt that the French justice proves this time in September ruthless with these alleged anti-Semitic.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fuji Compatibile Polaroid

BDS Campaign? The anti-Semitic perpignan!

An article that you'll never see on the first media French anti-Semite.

Links and source:

3 "militants" 66 of the Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine, accused of inciting the anti-Semitic hatred, Yamina Tadjeur, Jeanne and Bernard Rousseau Cholet be appearing in Corrections "to get to Perpignan in the department of P / O May 15, 2010 since time is not mandatory for:

The speech uttered in a public place in this case by calling the store Carrefour customers by asking them not to buy products from Israel

Writings distributed or displayed in a public place in this case by distributing to customers or giving Carrefour store in the header of leaflets calling for a boycott of BDS products from Israel ---

Posters exposed to public scrutiny in this case by displaying posters in the store Carrefour mentioning in particular "BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL" and "refuse to buy Israeli products ... refuse the code begins with XXX ... "

Provoked discrimination to hatred or violence against a person or group of persons because of their origin or their membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion specified offenses defined and punishable under Articles 23, 24, paragraph 8, paragraph 11 and 1 Article 42 Article 43 of the Act of July 29, 1881 ---

In any case the national territory and since time does not attract a requirement, by written or printed matter, drawings, engravings, paintings, emblems, images, shrieks, speeches and threats made public, means of communication to the public by electronic means, in this case led to discrimination, to hatred or violence against a person (complainant Samy GHOZLAN representing the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism) by reason of its origin or membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion.

In short these people are charged with inciting racial hatred anti-Semite! Point bar!

But I tell you: "How is it? Communists? Marxists? Anti-racists?

You see friends, Pierre Andre Taguief wrote about anti-Semitism that exists in two forms: "One more or less persistent, and well known, the old anti-Semitism inherent xenophobic nationalism (in Endangered home, or fantasized by gauchus very anecdotal in the margins of French political space (neo-Nazis, skinheads, etc.). The other growing, the main vectors are the propaganda networks of ultra Left Marxists and Islamists and demagoguery of the new leftist Marxist neo-communist CGT and the PCF and neo-leftist, anti-globalization ATTAC or MRAP, the NPA Trotskyists, anarchists "Antifa" and other libertarians, Marxists and cultural abrutiles Nidor Muslims and finally the French media, using all massively "the Palestinian cause" , celebrated as "universal cause"

by the ultra left. You can see the new expression of the third world communist and Marxist revolutionary ideology, the false image of Palestinian martyrdom replaces the Proletarian in "fight" for a communist society. "

On Thursday, January 19, will have seen Bernard Cholet, Jeanne Rousseau and Yamina Tadjeur the international singing the song of assassins collectivists, to give the Prosecutor of Perpignan, the hundreds of petitions collected to influence how the odious " ; Justice French. Personalities of ultra left Marxist and citizens' allah mass "anti-Semites are connected with the defendants ed'antisémitisme obnoxiously saying" I also boycott! "As the old mrapistofurieux Mouloud Aounit Michel Warchawski was on their side.

is no longer inevitable and the traitor Michael Warchawski always anxious to be at the extreme tip of hatred against Israel and to keep together nationality, to provide new anti-Semitic words " Zionist "the alibi of choice of the" Israeli progress "at the same time offering the caller guarantees complacent diversity of origin, the virulent critic of Israel and the sacrament of exempting any ulterior anti-Semitic. A precious man founder of the Alternative Information Center - Israel. (Organization terrorist and Marxist. Member of the Israeli Socialist Organization in 1989 sentenced to twenty months in prison for "services to illegal organizations" for printed pamphlets relating to the terrorist organization Palestinian Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine of George Habash criminal. He gives, between 2003 and 2005, a series of conferences on the Middle East conflict into a twenty French cities and their suburbs (associative centers, schools) with the "journalist" Dominique Vidal, Le Monde diplomatique and the famous Leila Shahid. The presence of these stakeholders within public institutions created a controversy at the initiative of the CRIF and meetings of its impaired individuals are banned in French schools.

But who are these people Islamists and Marxists "alleged" anti-Semitic?

Of professionals indignant yelp and rumbling Marxist nauseating wanting to believe a message of universal brotherhood, which is the universal brotherhood of people determined to suffer and to suffer eternally a prison system on behalf of a political dogma " Marxist! They use a fallacy, it is essential to relentlessly denounce: Since them, and they say-to-impress us all "Democrats" respected, venerated socialism as a variation of the universal will, the prohibit what would stigmatize their belief in the big night, the final struggle, and themselves. It would therefore be of racism and not a struggle of conscience ... Off to see a little more closely at the ideology of those nauseating anti-Semitic.

Tadjeur Yamina, Jeanne and Bernard Rousseau Cholet 66 of the Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine called for the hearing of the Correctional Court of Perpignan Monday, 11 October 2010 to 14 hours for calling for a boycott of Israeli products.

Let us look at the famous "Collective" without any legal legality, "said 66 Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine, alleged offshoot of the great and ancient association against anti-semitism (sic) MRAP 66: President: Jean Jacques Cadéac . Communications Officer it would be a member of the drafting of the Catalan Worker 'Weekly published by the Federation of Pyrenees-Orientales French Communist Party. (How curious? CPF! And we believe that the MRAP apolitique ?)).

Ce « collectif » a été créé pour protéger ces 3 ou 4 membres présumés « antisémites » membres D’ATTAC, du NPA, du PCF, du MRAP tous présumés « antisémites » et éviter aux dits mouvements et partis la honte de la dissolution pour association de malfaiteurs en cas de condamnation ! Amnésie, négationnisme, falsification, occultation, diversion: tout est bon pour cacher la réalité antisemitic socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human suffering!

Behind the curtain of false propaganda Marxist as the creation of "collective" water bottles to hide their deep anti-Semitism arises the reality of the horror of building socialism causing said anti-Semitism. If the horror caused by the construction of socialism have existed so long and occur in so many countries, it is because of the curtain of lies constantly organized by organizations (PCF NPA associations of "friendship between les peuples» ou « De droits de l’homme » du genre MRAP et LDH,, groupes actifs et « militants » nidoreux, collectifs pour la « paix », soutien aux immigrés illégaux etc.), des agents payés ou bénévoles, des intellocrates et des idiots utiles ou abrutiles au QI d’une huître et au comportement de porcs, qui se sont donc fait complices de ces horreurs. Les collabos de l'horreur sont aussi les idiots utiles qui voulaient servir le peuple mais qui se font les larbins et complices des bourreaux du peuple! Et ça vaut aussi et surtout pour les « soutiens » au « peuple » palestinien et aux soutiens des terroristes Gazaouis et musulmans du Hamas.

Maintenant, voyons individuellement, quels sont les personnages dits « camarades » mis en examen :

En tout bien tout honneur commençons par mademoiselle Yamina Tadjeur  :

Mademoiselle Tadjeur « présumée antisémite » a un Facebook profile or one learns that this young girl comforts of home, love:

Islam and it is his right to love this wonderful "religion" of peace, love and tolerance, which stones and adulterous women where men practice polygamy and marry young children nine years. As is ours to believe that; capping the aspirations of the most vile, flattering the most primitive impulses, encouraging intellectual sloth, intolerance, hypocrisy, violence, preaching a virilism pathologique, justifiant les pires ignominies antiféministes et antisémites, l'islam n'est ni une sagesse, ni une civilisation, ni un mode de vie, c'est un fléau."

Tout comme d’ailleurs : Le coran  excellent ouvrage, un tantinet vieillot et dépassé, pour ne pas dire archaïque et barbare et avec toutefois la réserve de quelques passages notoirement antisémites. Cette bonne personne aime aussi La Palestine ce qui est aussi son droit, comme c’est le nôtre de lui préférer Israël ou règne une véritable démocratie.

She also enjoys reading Tariq Ramadan Antoine Sfeir consider us as a dangerous Islamist activist against integration, a "fundamentalist charmer," a " ; doubles specialist language, supported by journalist Mohammed Sifaoui, who "said Antoine Sfeir that falls short of reality."

She also likes The Communist rag "The worker Catalan" As curious, or just the bolcho Hebdo "would work" an excellent Chairman of MRAP 66: Jean Jacques Cadéac. We'll definitely full of wonderful surprises in these "nebulae" of the "supposed" anti-Semitic hatred.

She also likes: Boycott Israel! Link deemed fraudulent by Facebook users. We wonder why this?

Ms. Rousseau "alleged anti-Semite" does not appear much on the Net. But we know that O riginaire village Estagel Mayor Roger Ferrer and many councilors as well as the support for Bernard Bocabarteille local union CGT, the armed wing of the PCF, and Raymond Bush connection Section Agly Fenouillèdes CPF. It has the support of Mrs. Aline Parmentier also put under investigation for incitement to racial hatred in Mulhouse.

Bernard Cholet The sixties and retired railroad worker "alleged anti-Semite" who speaks of himself in the third person to believe that it is not a former the ignoble LCR, Revolutionary Communist League, he was an alternate on the list CRL 100% left in the legislative elections in June 2007 in Perpignan, is a Trotskyite Marxist, spokesman for the NPA now Mr. Olivier Besancenot, the postman bourgeois Neuilly / Seine. NPA as very bad language called "New Party Anti-Jewish ", he also an active member and activist of ATTAC 66 (Association Tyrannical Totalitarian and Authoritarian and Communist) Note also that the delicious movement MRAP, against racism, apolitical and secular is a founding member of ATTAC said.

Decidedly nebulae of the alleged anti-Semitic hatred are becoming more transparent! Cholet Bernard is also a member of the Collective of Perpignan for a documentation center on the French-Algerian history so that we assume certainly wrong to "revise" history as a vision of "Marxist". History tampered with, falsified, adulterated by the left - "the past ... from left, are tabula rasa" in the words of Revel - is to hide the fact that the twentieth century is that of the Communist horror, "the highest stage of socialism": the purpose of communist regimes, according to the doctrine of Karl Marx, is to build a socialist society. There was also the English flu, earthquakes, with many other ills, including "War" Algeria, but the hope was left embedded in the blood of hundreds of millions of innocents and tears of hundreds of millions of their relatives. We tried to put right the socialist fascism and National Socialism, so that these ideologies were very much the same as communism, but to the right place Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Enver Hoxha, Mao Tse-tung, the Salvador Allende antisemite and Pol Pot, Colonel Boumediene and other smaller but just as harmful as Felouzis FLN, the "criminals carrying suitcases and French Marxists" and today the National Socialist Chavez Semitic is impossible then we forget them or trying to forget as this group and their hundreds of millions of victims too.

humanists these people? These "people" there, Mr. Prosecutor, these thugs are arrant knaves Marxist and socialist part of the ultra left factions whose purpose is the acquisition of power by the revolution in order to maintain power without legitimacy, to censor the democratically press, remove the democratically opponents, restrict or remove democratically democratically the most basic freedoms, in fact establish the dictatorship, which, even if it is the "proletariat" is nevertheless a vile criminal dictatorship

In fact, opposing certain social classes or masses of people to other groups, they betray the brotherly love, this famous BROTHERHOOD which these Ostrogoths patibulaires gargle continuously as they betray the freedom in the name of the dictatorship of a class called'm oppressed, and they all betray the notion of equal rights of men, wanting to make a tie between every human being contrary to natural law.

Robespierre said "Think it can never be political, whatever may be said to condemn the debasement & to oppression a multitude of men who live among us. "
With these scoundrels real phenomena socialos Marxist fanatics, it was an example of what these networks Nidor socialists and Marxists islamos owned, with their human failures, the ocean human tragedies, as always weave a curtain of false propaganda or arises from the reality of the horror of the construction of socialism.
As it is not possible to criticize your point of view, fair and historically founded by the facts, we must at all costs to demonize that although you may say, the useful idiots can not hear and understand even less! This action succeeded in neutralizing your views so that the crooks and scammers socialos Communists can continue to infect society!
The common method and perverse activists agitated the bulb of the MRAP National, the madmen of the PCF, the NPA of scoundrels and rogues of extravagant RESF aims to believe that communism and anti-racism, would be the antithesis of Nazism, to the point where the world comes down to antiracist mrapistofurieux and / or RESF Communism and Nazism and the NPA. In bad faith and intellectual terrorism (sometimes physical), the advantage of this scheme can be denounced as a Nazi, every opponent of socialist communism. These sociopaths, self-interest or stupidity, can not imagine anyone can be a libertarian Zionist anti-communist, while anti-Nazi. They trap and millions of useful idiots! Whether acting out of stupidity or self-interest, communists and other socialists are always unhealthy and dangerous mobsters.

Call to the law!

Le boycott constitue «  une entrave à l’exercice normal d’une activité économique quelconque, en opérant une distinction ente les producteurs, fournisseurs de ces produits, en raison de leur appartenance ou de leur non appartenance à une nation déterminée, en l’espèce Israël, et ce, conformément à la jurisprudence de la Chambre Criminelle et de la Cour Européenne des droits de l’homme » (Cour d’Appel de BORDEAUX du 22 octobre 2010).
Le boycott est susceptible de caractériser l’infraction pénale de discrimination envers un groupe person because of his membership in a particular nation, under the provisions of Articles 225-1 and following of the Penal Code, and incitement to racial discrimination, an offense punishable under Article 24, paragraph 8 of the Act of 29 July 1881 on Freedom of the Press.

A circular Chancery states that any call to boycott products of a country is now considered a crime for "public provocation to discrimination against a nation" punished one year imprisonment and 45,000 euros d’amende. Le ministère demande aux procureurs de la République d’assurer une répression « ferme et cohérente » de ces agissements.

Michel Alain Labet de Bornay

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What Happened To Heather Harmon.

A crappy ass shit still abounds.

Un article que vous ne verrez jamais sur le le nouveau « Je suis partout », un média antisémite qui pue la faucille, le marteau et l’harissa !

Ms. Marine Lepen have compared Islam to the invasion of Europe, she is not alone:
Over 40% of French people approve of! And 54% of voters in the UMP.

Rest assured Ms. Le Pen, Victor Hugo wrote "When his time came, an idea that is stronger invading army! "

Ms. Marine Le Pen, presidential candidate of the National Front would, in the words of" Press "nauseating Muslim Marxist ultra left, is an alleged link between " prayers "(as I do, I call idiocy Koranic), Muslims in the streets of the republic and the occupation of France by German National Socialist (What nostalgic for the period, say, known in slang Berlin: "Nazi!") During the Second World War .

Some complained about the famous "class" politics of gang of four criminals (With slight differences, however) and a "press" as the offshoot of the World, to boot nazislamism of anti-Semitic!

statement following the remarks actually quite harmless and measured the most appalling stupidity has been issued by Benoît Hamon, spokesman for the Socialist Party .

For Benoît Hamon , a Breton born and bred, who holds a degree in history who is fluent as his "allies" Communist, amnesia, denial and especially the shading, diversion and counterfeiting features notable historical socialism of yesterday, today and tomorrow: "political family of Marine Le Pen had lunch with the occupier. It is an insult to the history of France and those who have shed their blood to liberate France and restore the republic. " This is the "true face of the French extreme right," he believes.

Here, Mr. Hamon, should remember the history of France, and very unfortunately for you and your political friends, it is the socialist French who voted full powers to Marshal Philippe Petain regularly elected by the Assembly National (House + Senate), which was that, elected in May 1936, the Popular Front disgusting.

For you, Benoît Hamon, Ms. Le Pen would be the devil himself, who, at the head of fascist hordes, awe France. Employing a propaganda machine worthy of Goebbels, (Curiously, the good Dr. Goebbels was initially a convinced Marxist, a Communist rallied to the National Socialist Third Reich Chancellor of democratically elected Mr. Adolf Hitler, after reading his book "My Struggle") it would be the number one enemy of the Republic. The proof of its "strange" values of the French Republic: the question of national preference and the Muslim invasion.

But the French, some like you, Benoît Hamon, have short memories and do not rely on the media as the stinking and other world to remind them that the French colonial empire was the work of the left, or that the national preference has been built into law in August 1932 by Mr. Blum and Salengro, the SFIO (Socialist Party). This law was repealed in 1981 by the sly I hope that you know, the icon Socialist Mitterrand, who holds the ax Vichy, grown resistant ... end of 1944.

Mr. Hamon Since it takes you to dot the i's, let's go: You say: "The political family of Marine Le Pen had lunch with the occupier. " First news, we go out to you where this one?

That Pierre Laval, a member of the Socialist Party since 1905, counsel billionaire, sometimes defending trade unionists of the CGT and Communist who was the mayor since 1923 and member Socialist Aubervilliers (term as mayor he held until the Liberation) lunched with Hitler himself, it is knew it! Like between 1939 and 1942 the French Communist leaders and "activists" on the left of that time, were all members of the famous Bolshevik komintern stuffed with anti-Semitic, as Jacques Duclos, who denounced it the has already said (but like that, it will ... said. ROSE !!!), the "Jew Mandel," interior minister under Paul Reynaud .

Me; M. Hamon, accuse your political family, having given full powers to Pétain! J'accuse Pierre Laval mayor of Aubervilliers SOCIALIST have said " I wish victory to Germany." I accuse the Socialist mayor of Aubervilliers to have a social fascist in April 1942; appointed new head of government of the Vichy regime under Marshal Petain, to have strengthened the political nauseating collaboration with the occupying party National Socialist German Workers call you Nazis!

J'accuse Laval, Socialist mayor of Aubervilliers your policy SOCIALIST FAMILY Benoît HAMON !!!!!!, have early July 1942, proposed to deliver foreign Jews living in the unoccupied zone by attaching their children!! Yes, Mr. Hamon! The deportation of children Jews ... ... ... ... ... ...!! Exclusive is the fact the mayor of Aubervilliers SOCIALIST !!!!!!!!!!!!

is the sole fact of a member of YOUR FAMILY POLICY Mr. Hamon SOCIALIST! Mr. Hamon is abominable and is a member of your family, social policy, which proposed that?

And you just accuse and give moral lessons to Mrs. Lepen, like me or you also have experienced the Second World War, but which have a historic culture that you seem or pretend to be free, unfounded accusation of indescribable shame? Mr. Hamon you hide you're little, tiny, tiny or open his mouth to express your vile nonsense SOCIALIST!! Responsible for over 1500 000 000 innocent victims in the world!! Yes SIR HAMON political ideology that motivates you is deadly and criminal against humanity! " In addition, the responsibilities of your fellow party, the Socialist mayor of Paris Laval in the roundup of the Vel d'Hiv 'from 16-17 July 1942, and that perpetrated August 26, 1942 in the southern zone is overwhelming.

Solicited to reverse its decision to include in convoys children under 16 years ( initially unsolicited Germans ), including the pastor Boegner, Leader of the Protestants of France, the filthy and disgusting socialist mayor of Aubervilliers Laval refuse: "Not one of these children should remain in France." Pastor Boegner will report later: "What could I get a man to whom the Germans have been led to believe - or rather pretended to believe - that the Jews were brought from France in Poland South to cultivate the land of the Jewish state that Germany said it wanted to be. I spoke to her killing, he replied gardening. 's borders were overwhelmed by the vile socialist mayor of Aubervilliers.

And it keeps growing, and again, racism and antisemitism in the spread of the PS one of the gazettes, and July 6, 2006 following the shocking revelations of the statements made before a delegation of French PS directed by Francois Hollande and Pierre Moscovici we are entitled to ask questions. While the PS first secretary François Hollande was received by Amar Saadani then president of the National People's Assembly Algerian NPC.

A senior RCD official to whom the French Socialists have reported the remarks subsequently confirmed by a former head of the FFS, in the interview in the presence of M Moscovici national secretary for international relations, Kader Arif and Bariza Khiari: the third strong man of Algeria true to his anti-Semitism primary let go without blinking "at PS there are too many Jews must begin de-Jew-ridden to counter their lobby" .
This ad has been ignored and has had no major impact from the PS, playing the usual Nidor and "game" of filthy socialist politician strengths and power, did not try to offend his interlocutors racist and antisemitic Algerians under "possible" future partnerships if the PS had to take political power in France and for an "international socialist solidarity.

Should there also, SIR HAMON, you mean the National Front which was created May 15, 1941 by the French Communist Party (By Jacques Duclos communist terrorist murderer and criminal, sentenced in 1928, forty seven years imprisonment and a deserter in Moscow, English international assassin squads and member of the Red Trade Union International, with his sidekick Roger Solomon Ginsburger said Pierre Villon), which was intended for representation "political" groups of armed struggle: the guerrillas and supporters French (FTPF) . National Front, the Communists were the most numerous, but he counted among his supporters and his senior members of the SFIO Jordery as Claude, a former Socialist deputy.

Give me a moment, Mr. Hamon, you're talking about a great socialist Salvador Allende, who was so anti-democratic, racist and Semitic as his great friend, the recipient of the Marshal Petain Francisco, Francois Mitterrand.
Here, to illustrate my assertions about the dirty fellow socialist, the way in which expressed the idol of the French socialists and the media racist and antisemitic

" Jews are characterized by definite forms of crimes: fraud, deceit, slander, and especially wear [...]. These facts point to the likelihood that race affects delinquency. " "[...] gypsies are usually criminal groups or laziness, rage and vanity prevail. Among them, the killings are more numerous. As for the "Arab", "there are some honest and industrious tribes but many are more adventurous, improvident, lazy and laid the thefts. According to Professor Victor Farias these words were uttered in his youth so much admired by the icon of the Marxist left to "human face" Dr. Salvador Allende.

The great friend of your famous "Uncle", François Mitterrand, the recipient of the Francisco Marshal Petain had serious hints or fascists NATIONAL SOCIALIST (Sorry Mr. Hamon, I know, they say NAZI home in Berlin slang of the 40s, which oddly, you seem not to have lost the habit of speaking) especially nauseating stench. But I understand, Mr. Hamon, that as a former adviser for Youth to the Trotskyist Lionel Jospin, whose father Robert, a militant "pacifist", member of the SFIO former editor Germinal alderman and collaboration Meudon in 1944, appointed by the government's anti-Semitic Laval, you avoid you spread out the putrid stench of your political anti-Semitic!
Returning for a moment still on the anti-Semitic Marxist Allende was never elected "democratically" but "appointed" to head the state sought to make socialism a doctrine similar to the totalitarian national socialism (yes, yes, I know SIR HAMON; in Berlin in 1939 was said to Nazi Francois Mitterrand in 1943 and received at the hands of the Petain Francisco N° 2202 ! Quels souvenirs délicieux n’est ce pas ?), l’une étant toujours la face cachée de l’autre, et du prétendu héroïsme révolutionnaire l’expression d’une violence qu’il faudrait bannir de la cité à coups de normalisation des corps et des esprits.
En cachant tout cela, sciemment; (car je ne vous ferai pas l'injure, monsieur Hamon, de vous considérer, vous, un "licencié" en histoire, comme un ignare, seulement comme un falsificateur et un immonde révisionniste); vous participez à la grande opération de désinformation occultant la réalité des centaines, des milliers de socialistes antisémites qui ont servi le régime de Pétain et vous montrez ainsi le vrai visage du SOCIALISME Français toujours autant antisémite.