Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Bank Have Frozen My Accounts Without Cause

Zoom Juliano Verbard: Reunion in the criminal psyche elusive

Everyone remembers the dazzling affair Verbard who for eight years, became known under the nickname "little lily love", a nickname given to him by, he said, by the Virgin Mary.

Juliano Verbard, a young man's personality has an uncanny charisma and force of persuasion and indoctrination of the extraordinary spirit. And with this strength of character, and say it, it is with this spirit of whack and "intelligent psychopath" that succeeds Juliano to bring many meetings to psychology and the fragile nature illuminated in his sect called "Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary." A sect that will guarantee its misdeeds and its many errors: abduction of the young Alexander, his acts of pedophilia ... many acts that go against the general moral principles of rights, but for them testify to their faith, their dedication to Juliano, the mediator of the divine word. With these series of events that Juliano and his followers cast a black veil over our island.

But this is not finished, the movie continuous sensation in 2009 when Juliano's Come Back again by talking about him in the media. Indeed, it is after months of living as a fugitive that Juliano is then captured and is imprisoned along with her lover and Michel Fabrizio's father Michael Alexin it. But it was after several months of confinement that Juliano and his two sidekicks are a Again, the center of public interest, since they have transcended the leakage means preparing an escape worthy of organized criminals continents, roughly one would have thought a real show in America!

But how far will this pervert? A few days ago, it seems he "fell Arms and demonstrated great cooperation during his interrogation by the investigating judge: Pierre Niel. Is it again a perverse strategy? On the way to convince the media and therefore the people of his willingness to change? To repent? Or is this the way to deceive even his world and develop another Machiavellian plan, a plan worthy of him, and worthy of its high perversity?

What a question that probably will not find any answer immediately, but probably will be answered in the media. Word game, game news, Juliano knows how minds work, it knows how to talk to him and he knows his story in his grand and ignominious fate. After so much lawlessness: escape; complicity in hijacking ... after so harmful to man, "brainwashing" pedophilia, conspiracy to kidnap band organized complicity hostage. The penalty issue heats up the spirits! The sentence you it will be enough to erase all the harm he has caused! We saw during his last arrest the outbreak of violence and discontent of the crowd against him! Not an ounce of pity or compassion for him. How could we have elsewhere? I wonder about something that is fundamental to me: How can we get caught up in such a process of denying oneself by the idolatry of a guru? At what degree of weakness must be psychologically to get to get lost in a cult and to believe otherwise? I am forced to see that man is such a degree of disappointment that he tries to look for a link by putting his energy into believing in a religion that comes from the Latin word: = religaer link.

Ironically, the man can do just the opposite in s'embrigadant in a cult, a sect they believe in a religion, not etymologically the word "cult" comes from the Latin "sectarianism"

The articles on this case:

the guru of the sect found, the disciples in custody

Evasion du gourou

Traque sur l'île de la Réunion pour retrouver un gourou pédophile

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Boobs Showing Indian Models

Mirror, Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I really the ego?

Like a Fish (moon) out of the jar-earth: three whole weeks in suspended animation (like an ordinary episode of DBZ!) Without being able to create, daydream, get lost in sighs, to learn things exciting (at all) on "legal persons of public law" (as well as it is both people and buildings at the same time say-so) and the difference between devolution fascinating (if one is not concentrated) and decentralization (when there was no central heating), it Fall has although it happens (and it's happy, I might add. Let there be at least one of us is that, damn it) (but which is the other, by the way, and why it's still him?): my brain has had very good taste rational to take himself hostage and decide to negotiate with terrorists, bypassing my channel knowledge (easy for him. is that it is a very old model of channel acquisition, and which has very little used) (it works with wooden balls), to self-impose a "new" scenario, in response to several he recycles old themes (and some elements appendices that are dear to me), while implementing this beautiful world (virtual, inevitably, you start to know me) in a unique narrative logic (in context "me"). Fake, web series virtual crossroads between Life on Mars, Lost, provided on a mere five seasons, with a pitch of the season in the key, multidimensional exclusively on this blog! Even Spock has not been informed before you! (And yet it was not for lack of trying to tele in to the future with a transponder B-hundred ninety two copyrighted JJ Abrahms ...)

(And for background music, take the opportunity to discover Sia !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbP0c9TZfzM&feature=channel_page )


This world would have been ideal. He could have everything that a world must have sunshine, light, sky blue, pretty white houses, smiles, promises, looks warm and emotions emerging

... It could have been ideal, if not perfect. For each obstacle, a compensation. For every sorrow, a tender gesture.

Liedh could therefore be present as well as could be dans les chaussures d’un jeune homme de vingt ans mal à l'aise dans sa nouvelle peau d’adulte. Il aurait pu partager le quotidien monotone - mais rassurant - d’une famille aimante, ou les fous rires de camarades de faculté aussi désorientés que lui, nourrir des ambitions, caresser des projets aventureux pleins de représentations et de fantasmé.

Seulement voilà, il aurait pu, aussi, passer sans s’arrêter devant cette immense porte à double battants que personne n’est supposé voir. Ne pas essayer d’en forcer l’entrée. Ne pas franchir son seuil. Ne pas s’aventurer dans les ténèbres étirées beyond. It would not have woken up in a metal room with only 6 square meters, would not have discovered it contained personal computers and computer ... this would not have seen his world spread out before her eyes , with its sky, its light, its pretty white houses, all those that matter to him ...

Beyond again: no way out. No other world. No other people. No answer. Just the computer. Just the possibility of having access to all data about where it is supposed to live. A chance to know everything, learn everything, know everything. On spying. Monitor. To discover the secrets of each others, their tastes, their desires, their errors, their magnitudes, the reverse of their decor. It would take a name entered in the machine, and then where they are, whatever they do ... He would know.

Therefore, it could use this knowledge to help those in need or, conversely, to settle accounts, cheat, lie, manipulate, seduce inaccessible, return every opportunity to his advantage ... D ' go back in return, he might be tempted to bend the world to its will, it prendre pour Dieu, s’en amuser comme d’un jouet, ou bien se désintéresser de ce qui, jadis, attisait sa curiosité, ouvrait des perspectives… sachant que rien n’est vrai, que tout est faux, et que lui seul est authentique.

Pleurerait-il encore, quand il serait supposé être triste ?

Compatirait-il encore, pour ces personnages de jeu vidéo et leurs tragédies de micropixels ?

Pourrait-il vivre une vie qu’il saurait ne pas être une vie ?

Arriverait-il à donner du sens à ce qui, au fond, n’en aurait jamais eu aucun ?

And the distant day when by accident he discovers that the piece of steel was close in appearance and was in fact the starting point of a vast labyrinth cold, empty, devoid humanity ...

far he risked going to find his answers, to find a similar, a semblance of reality?

(Harass TF1 result, people. This can not happen without them!)


Bonus D '(D premium, try to follow a peu) INCLUSIF : quelques nouvelles photos timides à découvrir en galerie Flickr :
histoire d'achever de se démonter le moral à la clé anglaise !


- Hauts les coeurs, les gens ! Tenez-vous le pour dit, c'est la semaine où je perds TOUT ! Chouette ! Chouette ! J'commençai à en avoir un peu marre, de tout ce bonheur !
- Je fais péter le Champomy, maître ?
- Attends samedi prochain, Igor, enfin ! Et sors le douze ans d'âge ! Qu'on fête ça dignement avec ethyl coma-like tipsy in proportion ...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Good Poses For Facebook Profiles

European Conference: "The Child and Family Mediation in Europe" sectarian drifts

Sous le Haut-patronage de Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy, Président de la République Jeudi 11 et Vendredi 12 juin 2009 au Conseil économique, social et environnemental

Deuil, handicap d’un enfant, divorce… les causes de rupture familiale sont nombreuses. Or, la médiation familiale peut apporter des solutions et aide à rétablir le dialogue. Investie depuis plus 15 years in the recognition and promotion of family mediation, UNAF organizing this European conference around the child and family mediation, in partnership with the European Forum.

parents Stay beyond the couple

When parents decide to leave, they do not divorce for many children. Family mediation offers just a process of construction of agreements between the parents. It helps them organize their relationships with their children. Thus, in cases of separation, family mediation promotes joint exercise of parental authority.

What place the child in family mediation?

The child must be present throughout the process of family mediation? How? The law on parental authority implies that it is the responsibility of parents to make all decisions concerning the care of their children. How to respect and reaffirm the basic responsibility and competence of parents? Here are some questions to be addressed by participants in workshops to share experiences and find concrete answers to situations of unusual families.

The objective of this conference bringing together European family mediators is to learn about different practices in Europe to further improve service to families and child protection.

Conference Program:

Thursday, June 11, 2009: The place of children
Animation: Danielle QUANTINET, Administrator of UNAF
8:00 - 9am Welcome and presentation of two days
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 Opening remarks: 􀂃
Jacques DermagnePresident EESC
􀂃 FONDARD Francis, President UNAF
􀂃 Annette Mouttet, President of the European Forum
Hanna Przybyla-Basista 􀂃, Research Group of the European Forum "The State of Research in Family Mediation
Family Mediation in France: views of Mediators and services
􀂃 Audrey RINGOT, President of the Association for Family Mediation
􀂃 LAPLAUD Jean-Claude, Vice-President of the National Federation of the Family Mediation
10:30 to 11:00 The evolution of family policies and the Europe's children
Benedict BASTARD, sociologist and director of research CNRS
11:00 to 11:45 Discussion
Improvisation Theatre

Break 11:45 to 12:15 The place of children in family mediation
Sabine THOMSEN, Family Mediator, author (Germany)
12:15 p.m. to 12:35 p.m. The place of children in mediation family: an innovative
Franck DUQUESNE, Family Mediator for the City of Marseille
12:35 to 12:45 Improvisation Theatre
Buffet 12:45 to 2:00 p.m. on site
2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. The place of children in family mediation: Glance concepts and practices
Introduction and methodology workshops
Jocelyne Dahan, Mediatrix Family and trainer, author
2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Improvisation Theatre Break - room changes
3:10 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4 WORKSHOPS ON THE THEME: "The place of children in family mediation"
Workshop 1: Animated in French by Pierre GRAND ; Claudio JACOB
family mediators and trainers
Workshop No. 2: in Franco-Italian hosted by Costanza MARZOTTO, family mediators and trainers

Workshop 3: French led by Agnes VAN KOTE, Isabelle Jues, mediators and family
Workshop 4: English moderated by Anne Catherine Salberg; Christine
Gaulejac, mediators Family and trainers
Friday, June 12, 2009: The voice of the child
Animation: Annette Mouttet, President of the European Forum in family mediation, research and training
8:30 to 9:00 Welcome to participants
9:00 a.m. to 9:15 Summary of workshops On the eve
Jocelyne Dahan, family mediator, trainer, author
9:15 to 10:15 LECTURE: "The word of the child"
Marc Juston, President of the Court of Tarascon, Family Court Judge Gerard CHICK
, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Grenoble
Anne Ancelin-Schützenberger author University Professor
10:15 to 10:45 Discussion
Improvisation Theatre

Break 10:45 to 12:30 ROUNDTABLE: "And I, in all this, where is my place? "Introduction by Annette Mouttet

Animation: Costanza MARZOTTO
Speakers: Hanna Przybyla-Basista, Mauro Mariotti, Siegfried
12:30 to 12:45 Presentation of workshops in the afternoon
Improvisation Theatre
12:45 - Buffet 2:00 p.m. on site
2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. 5 WORKSHOPS (registration required - see attached sheet)
1. Protection of Children and Family Mediation
2. Family Mediation parent-adolescent and school
3. Groups of words children
4. Family mediation with the child and child psychotherapy: what are the differences?
5. International family mediation and child
4:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Synthesis of 2 days and closing session of the Forum and UNAF
Conclusion Improvisation Theatre
UNAF - National Union of Family Associations
The National Union of Family Associations is
a national institution mandated to promote, defend and represent the interests of all
families living on French territory, which que soient leurs
croyances ou leur appartenance politique.
Elle anime un réseau territorial d’Unions départementales et régionales des
Associations Familiales (UDAF et URAF).
L’UNAF défend la nécessité d’une politique familiale globale permettant de
prévenir ou de limiter les situations de rupture et leurs conséquences. Elle
est impliquée activement depuis plus de dix ans dans le développement de
la médiation familiale qui vise à restaurer la communication, à préserver des
liens entre les personnes et plus particulièrement des membres de la famille.
Les UDAF sont une trentaine aujourd’hui à gérer un
family mediation service.

The "European Forum, Training and Research in Family Mediation" is an association law
1901 which brings together national, regional and local
located in Europe working in the field of divorce and
The aim of the European Forum is to develop, promote and coordinate
family mediation training in divorce and separation
and research activities in this area to ensure the quality of its
application in Europe. The European Forum brings together
Currently representatives of Germany,
of England, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France,
Italy, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, is , in conjunction with other
European countries, Bulgaria, Malta, Holland, Ireland, etc.. Company

The Nose
improvisational theater company "The Nose to the Wind"
Two clowns comedians punctuate the event
theatrical improvisations, bringing their gaze shifted, they offer the public a mirror
benevolent but complacency.
Contact: lenezauvent@wanadoo.fr Site : www.lenezauvent.org

Accueil : jeudi 11 juin matin de 8h à midi.

Contact :

aure MONDE

Tél. 01 49 95 36 05
