MIA, and she hits hard on the system. MIA is hard and exhausting. Two years after the acclaimed Arular , the Sri Lankan pretty poised to deliver a world not yet really ready Kala . Formula usurped? Not really. The tiny thirty incorporated and digested at least garage and grime the baile booty and the dancehall, electro, hip-hop and R & B when the people are speaking Gave quiet trankilades.
past six months, in dribs and drabs, we know more. A tracklisting: 12 titles . At the prod: Switch , Diplo and Timbaland . Then one, two and finally three clips. Earlier to circulate the stifling birdflu , already, a title that reminds us we're all dying, slipping away and counting to the beat of drums and cries of Indians.
past six months, in dribs and drabs, we know more. A tracklisting: 12 titles . At the prod: Switch , Diplo and Timbaland . Then one, two and finally three clips. Earlier to circulate the stifling birdflu , already, a title that reminds us we're all dying, slipping away and counting to the beat of drums and cries of Indians.
Wow, Boyz is good-like hip-hop and old school hard to make us see the entire color picker Photoshop in under 4 minutes. On a sound epileptic Switch over not only in rap videos mixed dances mesmerize the summer definitely lost our eyes.
Jimmy is not a song by MIA, Kanye West is signed. No? I thought I recognized the style, killing an old back into fashion of the day. Ok, the strings are thinner MIA. So that's anthem Indian Film Disco Dancer version 2007 (or more) . Bollywood Psychedelic Shiva MIA dance in front of golden doodles purple, turquoise or green. It's great. Few thousand boys will still fall in love.
Between dirty world disjointed atmosphere Bristol The Turn and hovering $ 20 , Kala bomblets still offers industrial and cold as his London home. Before the end, though, a little sweetness naive we just tickle your eardrums with Paper planes. MIA thank you You have to make a pout in the singing. 57 seconds will suffice, until the explosions mingled with the voices of children. Good. Timbaland And then? He concludes the album with Come around, more accessible, rhythmic repetitive to Give it to me, we leave familiar ground. Under the spell. But emptied.
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