"Vodka. Caramel. Chewing gum strawberry. Miniskirt. Caresses in love." At first listen, nothing seems to oppose the succession of words the ravings of Lorie during his weekend madness. And finally, though. There are "caramel", "chewing gum strawberry" and "love", of course, but there is also and above all "vodka", "mini-skirt" and "fondling". The naivete is no longer reserved for good children. She turns and speaks lewd sex free pig away from butterflies and poppies.
Issue # pushed away, the plug: the simple rhymes at full speed, atmosphere orgy of Care Bears, clip zanimés drawings. "I put my skateboard and my Nike at the entrance, when I meet their eyes direct Chloe. I'm all red and I feel upset. I gotta find a way to embrace it. (Wouuuuhouuu). Is that j 'speaks to my friend who calls. It's his cousin, he knows TFW' What is its type. And who knows, after 10 glasses of gin, I'll see him come on who's the king . And then we go into the room. cuddling like in the movies ass. " Chorus. "Vodka. Caramel. Chewing gum strawberry. Miniskirt. Caresses in love. "cheap-sounding electronic pop as an accompaniment.
The group is a Canadian duo who recently blew the charts of our distant cousins. If you do not yet clicked on the clip above, you do not know yet that all this is rap, and more. Imagine the head of Nagui devastated, realizing suddenly. "How are you, rap is a movement contestatire a cry of despair of young commuter who must express their rage, as Diam's! "To be precise label lousy, let's say it's pop rapped. Gum Strawberry is even visited by "real" rappers, such as Quebec: Omnikrom. "It destroys your basement, here are the kings of the school."
The kings of the school and call themselves Jeanbart Linso Gabbo (Omnikrom so) and have an accent. Let us not deceive the facies, the Quebecois accent is an obstacle. Both rappers are a reflection of their country, a cross between American and French rap rap, crunk in the most funny and listenable outside of clubs. Two children insolent funny accent who wear giant hats, clothing blind love, coursent annoy girls and their rash.
Horrible, what? Nope, they come to us from a smile and their music is worth linger. From time to time (once the ear accustomed to the accent, already). "It Jeanbaaaart ... you can not not get drunk. Jeanbaaaaart is, c'mon you can try but your wife will give birth to me before what have you been able to shake. Above all, do not look back, it is already currently enjoy Jeanbart, does magic with his fingers, things that are really against the law. " Uh, stuff that is really against the law?? Americans, I tell you.
And those Americans here, who they are currently hanging out, tabernacle? Taxes, of course. "There is serious celebrities. It is grave worship '. It overwrites the old red light and it accelerates. They drank no green tea. We are proud of. Our group leaves a good taste in the mouths of girls like a Malteser. Rub your little ass like a plump potato. Take off your little sweater if you want to please us. " Teki Latex on For girls of Cuizinier. Or a concentrate of perceptible change in the group's evolution: the shift of about unexpected, mocking, absurd (the coup of rappers who venerate old crush) to words naive, obsolete or sounds funny (Malteser, plump, potato, sweater).
"I love it when your ass moving, lying your post is making waves. When you got back was turned, my middle finger jokes. (...) It's Cuizinier food, you'll enjoy yourself. It there is fruit in the refrigerator. If dirty, I would spend the vacuum cleaner, broom and mop while you stir your butt. " Cuizinier, the macho cute. "It rubs the girls were quite a few friends, a funny team, style Dennis the Menace." Teki Latex, the teddy bear to cuddle. "I felt his perfume on Swan Lake in a restaurant. And how intoxicating aroma is like a cream cake (...) and this text is like a clit that stands. "Tido Berman, the poet lover. TTC is not just about that but became an expert in naive and absurd obsessed. That, at least, allows them to destroy the barriers of rap and rock a love song cliche but their sauce, too in love : "His curly hair, his snub nose, its doll eyes made me too in love (...) His little air Alizée (...) its systematic way of criticizing me, (....) his cousin, his sister, all these qualities have made me too in loooooOOOOOve. "
The spiritual uncle to all these guys is that? Maybe Katerine, through his now famous Robots after all , whose music also sounds very Bontempi . "Who is this man here beside me? Who sings exactly the same words as I am? Even if his mouth is not really the same. It opens and closes its just ditto (...) And if I ever breathed the tempo. Is this human being would do in sync? This would really too good. "Simple words to wonder about. Can we talk about naivete? Little Bob whispered to me that the simplicity is the" natural simplicity and directness of expression, a natural grace filled with sincerity. "I confirm. "Excuse me I ejaculated in your hair at a time inadequate, I did not think it would leave but when you do stuff like that, I can not help it. Still trying to think of something else. "For the next sex easy and devoid of any romance, it is also OK.
So easy regressive? Shit breath of fresh air or cool? Like those who have a loaded gun and those who dig, the world is divided into two categories. This quasi-scientific theory too long could evoke many other examples, which will perhaps be added or that the gentiles will add in the comments.
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