Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Emerson Ewf2006 Remote Control
ORSER Posted to the collaborative website of the beautiful and well-being Tuesday, December 30, 2008, article by Olivier Bailly
Roman Polanski Wanted and Desired: The Trial of the trial
Roman Polanski fled America thirty years ago. His sudden departure is the incredible escape. At one detail: the director of Dance of the Vampires was not behind bars when he saved. It is to avoid a heavy prison sentence he won London and then France where he has since rebuilt his life. What happened?
In 1977 the filmmaker is accused of sexually abusing a minor. Follows an unfair trial conducted by a judge more concerned by his fame and the media that the search for truth. With Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired, filmmaker Marina Zenovitch focuses not on the matter as such, but its legal consequences.
Led by a master hand, this documentary which was honored at Sundance festival, presented in the official selection at Cannes and the Festival of Deauville is the trial of the trial. It has so many revelations that might change the situation and finally allow to Roman Polanski, now 75 years old, returning to the United States.
In California, in 1977, a scandal hits the headlines and worldly justice: the filmmaker Roman Polanski was charged with rape of a minor, Samantha Geimer. He is 43 years old, she was 13. This is not the first time the director of Fearless Vampire Killers, Knife in the Water, Rent, etc.., Made headlines in the press. En1969, while preparing a shoot in London, his wife, actress Sharon Tate, was murdered in their home in California. But the filmmaker finds the strength to survive this tragedy. It will turn Chinatown in 1974 which brought international success.
Polanski, Rosemary's since Baby (1968), is regularly referred to by some pressure groups who accuse U.S. of Satanism. Suffice to say that in this country and outrageously Puritan moralist, his reputation is sulphurous. Especially in his films he strives to explore the dark side of human soul. In short, the man - who is more charming, seductive, intelligent, talented - is intriguing.
In 1977, therefore, said Le Figaro, "the parents of Samantha Geimer accuse the filmmaker of abusing their daughter 13 years after making him using drugs and alcohol during a photo shoot for a major fashion magazine, taking place in the home of Jack Nicholson. Roman Polanski pleaded guilty to "unlawful sexual intercourse" and was sentenced to an "evaluation" of three months in prison. The director will spend 47 days. In January 1978, during a meeting with his lawyers, the judge suggested he will return behind bars for a further period of 48 days. Roman Polanski takes a plane to Europe and became (and remains) a fugitive in the eyes of American justice. "
What interests Laurence J. Rittenband, in charge of this affair is the least troubled reputation that the celebrity of the accused. He who loves nothing As the stars and advertising licks his lips. This trial, which he transformed into farce media, will be the greatest of his life, but also its end because it will be withdrawn. As Gérard Lefort wrote in Liberation: "The Dude, also very good living (champagne and girlfriends), scene literally making fortunate to have his label as a filmmaker, so much famous for his films for the massacre a few years [...] before his wife does not so much skin that Polanski make the pleasure last trial to increase his own glory media. What ultimately will lose, since it will organize the imprudence une conférence de presse alors que le procès est en cours, et sera à ce titre récusé. »
Dans Roman Polanski : wanted and desired, la victime, Samantha Geimer (qui depuis a tout pardonné au cinéaste), est plus laconique : « Le juge adorait la publicité, peu lui importait ce qui m'arrivait ou ce qui arrivait à Polanski ».
Dans ce documentaire non autorisé, Marina Zenovitch ne se place pas du côté de la défense ou de l'accusation. Peu importe les faits reprochés à Polanski. Peu importe, également, l'œuvre du cinéaste dont la biographie est sommairement sketched. It does not seek to please him more. His portrait is uncompromising, but without severity, either. The film investigates the case and never deviates from its trajectory. It comes out of the least disturbing revelations about the ways of the judge Rittenband. Ways both challenged by the defense lawyers than by the prosecution.
Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired is a success. It is a breathless film dull moment, full of archive footage of news clips that we see a true to Polanski himself, seductive, intelligent, sly. Some scenes from films shot by the director cleverly punctuate the whole. Fi scenes where we see a Polanski hunted, haunted, restless ...
As for the main protagonists, from journalists to lawyers through the cops and the victim, they are all there and explain each in detail their vision of this trial. Lacks only the judge, who has since died, and Polanski. The survey is conducted so that ends up in thinking that the way this trial takes place is almost more shocking than the facts reproached Polanski. This, moreover, there is much to say because finalement, même si la victime a pardonné, que s'est-il réellement passé ?
On serait presque tenté de reprocher à Marina Zenovitch de ne pas s'appesantir sur l'affaire elle-même. La mère de Samantha Geimer, actrice de seconde zone, connaissait la réputation du cinéaste. Pourquoi donc avoir laissé sa fille, qui même âgée de 13 ans n'avait rien d'une gamine pré-pubère, avec un tel « monstre », un tel « pervers » ?
Recherché en Californie, aimé en France, tel est le dilemme dans lequel évolue le cinéaste trente ans après les facts. Of course this is not so simple. Neither completely true. The Pianist, which was a huge success in the U.S., are received three Oscars in 2003, amid applause.
However, Polanski knows that if he returns to the U.S. justice do not praise him! He recently expressed the wish to return, free. His lawyers have asked the California court to drop the charges.
This film could change the situation because it provides clear proof that the trial unfair or rather the great media spectacle held thirty years ago was marred by gross irregularities.
Welcome, Mister Polanski?
Monday, December 22, 2008

Today (Friday) two of my advisers have an update on the case to the General Council, on the occasion of signing the protocol "domestic violence in Côte d'Or." It provides all the elements that we have the prefect.
Georges Fenech has also clearly outlined its new strategy.
Regretting that the new Act of 2001 About-Picard is not enough applied, recently organized a training session which brought together 150 judges.
This new law has been applied for the first time against New Lighthouse at Nantes, a statement is currently in Lisieux and a dozen investigations in various jurisdictions. It appeared to Miviludes that this new concept of fraudulent abuse of the state of ignorance or weakness easily plunged investigators and prosecutors in a quandary. To remove any difficulty, Georges Fenech is considering creating a "cell mobile intervention into the conduct sectarian" who assisted investigators and prosecutors. These experts come from the secretariat General Miviludes. In this same spirit, Georges Fenech said they would give a more operational dimension to its mission.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Kates Playground Hidef
The show infiltration of December 17, 2008 survey of sects
On France2, The Departed proposed an exclusive documentary on the groupes sectaires:
Superbe infiltration, excellente caméra cachée et pour une fois les droits de l'Enfant face aux crimes sectaires sont mis en évidence à la télé, pour la première fois pas seulement concernant les habituels TJ et chiantox.
Suite à la diffusion de ce document inédit, David Pujadas a reçu sur son plateau notre amie associative des familles affectées par les faux souvenirs induits, Alain Stoffen sortant, ex adepte de la sciento, mais aussi Georges Fenech récemment François Fillon appointed in charge of the fight against these abuses to
... pity for uninteresting about even short of the former MP, chair of association in its title defense of family of the individual, "said defending the" victims "of" sects "but as we had informed the reporter CAPA and producer of the plate, he should not invite the lobby prosectaire who took the opportunity to praise the contradictory, so useful to psycho-legalistic, market procedures Hard $ last and followers or sectarian organizations, as we see on the ground and honest prevention associations and information on mental manipulation. hope that President Fenech has taken note of the current judicial disorder which makes the catches and traps sectarian.
Thank you especially for his courage Pascal editorial, although censorship of legal services in the chain is still rampant making it almost invisible hidden cameras and people blurred ... Is that legal censors dependent respect the right of the press?
Below le commentaire sur le blog de l'Agence CAPA, productrice du reportage pour "les infiltrés" de David Pujadas, rédacteur en chef: Laurent Richard
Manipulés , isolés , escroqués….En France, plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes seraient sous l’emprise de groupes sectaires. Ces multiples organisations promettent toujours la même chose : le bonheur absolu, un épanouissement de tous les instants, de nouveaux pouvoirs, une harmonie totale …En sum, a new life.
more disturbing: these therapists who invent false supposedly experienced trauma in childhood. Psychotherapies wild often disastrous consequences. This is the "false memory syndrome induced" a new phenomenon affecting many countries.
To investigate, one of our reporters had infiltrated in several sectarian movements. For several months, it has evolved in these closed environments where cameras are rarely welcome ...
45 000 children, "Jehovah's Witnesses"
- 173 sects in France in 1995 listed
- Over 10 000 "Psychotherapists" in France
- 80% of victims of "false memories induced" are women
- 55 000 Raelians in the world according to Rael
- 6000 French members of the Movement by Rael Raelian
- More info on the site penetrated France2.fr
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Great Clips Hair Colors
"Jacky Cordonnier is a reference for all matters of cults, satanic abuses and willing to fight intolerance, racism and those who use the suffering, misery and ignorance for their financial gain or ideological, "said the assistant manager and pastoral animation.
"Historian of Religions, Jack Shoemaker is a member of the Advisory Council of MIVILUDES, Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Fight against Sectarian with the Prime Minister. Legal expert, vice president of an association for the protection of the individual Gempp (Group of Studies of the Movements of Thought for the Protection of the Individual) and authors of books, reference works in France and abroad , he toured France to give lectures. He devotes his life to fight against all forms of fanaticism, fundamentalism, communalism and sectarianism. He is regularly invited to all these questions by many of the print media. "Said the leader of the college. Thursday to College St John, J Shoemaker guide his lecture on what attracts young people in satanic sects or movements and dangerous consequences. How can they be manipulated? How to be alerted and respond? The influence of metal music, ritual practices ...
From 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. multipurpose room of St. John Free College