"Jacky Cordonnier is a reference for all matters of cults, satanic abuses and willing to fight intolerance, racism and those who use the suffering, misery and ignorance for their financial gain or ideological, "said the assistant manager and pastoral animation.
"Historian of Religions, Jack Shoemaker is a member of the Advisory Council of MIVILUDES, Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Fight against Sectarian with the Prime Minister. Legal expert, vice president of an association for the protection of the individual Gempp (Group of Studies of the Movements of Thought for the Protection of the Individual) and authors of books, reference works in France and abroad , he toured France to give lectures. He devotes his life to fight against all forms of fanaticism, fundamentalism, communalism and sectarianism. He is regularly invited to all these questions by many of the print media. "Said the leader of the college. Thursday to College St John, J Shoemaker guide his lecture on what attracts young people in satanic sects or movements and dangerous consequences. How can they be manipulated? How to be alerted and respond? The influence of metal music, ritual practices ...
From 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. multipurpose room of St. John Free College
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