Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kates Playground Hidef

“Mouvements sectaires : Ces gourous qui nous manipulent”.

The show infiltration of December 17, 2008 survey of sects

On France2, The Departed proposed an exclusive documentary on the groupes sectaires: infiltres france2 capa

“Mouvements sectaires : Ces gourous qui nous manipulent”.

Superbe infiltration, excellente caméra cachée et pour une fois les droits de l'Enfant face aux crimes sectaires sont mis en évidence à la télé, pour la première fois pas seulement concernant les habituels TJ et chiantox.

Suite à la diffusion de ce document inédit, David Pujadas a reçu sur son plateau notre amie associative des familles affectées par les faux souvenirs induits, Alain Stoffen sortant, ex adepte de la sciento, mais aussi Georges Fenech récemment François Fillon appointed in charge of the fight against these abuses to

... pity for uninteresting about even short of the former MP, chair of association in its title defense of family of the individual, "said defending the" victims "of" sects "but as we had informed the reporter CAPA and producer of the plate, he should not invite the lobby prosectaire who took the opportunity to praise the contradictory, so useful to psycho-legalistic, market procedures Hard $ last and followers or sectarian organizations, as we see on the ground and honest prevention associations and information on mental manipulation. hope that President Fenech has taken note of the current judicial disorder which makes the catches and traps sectarian.

Thank you especially for his courage Pascal editorial, although censorship of legal services in the chain is still rampant making it almost invisible hidden cameras and people blurred ... Is that legal censors dependent respect the right of the press?

Below le commentaire sur le blog de l'Agence CAPA, productrice du reportage pour "les infiltrés" de David Pujadas, rédacteur en chef: Laurent Richard

qui avait déjà infiltré, il y a 4 ans, avec Antonio Fischetti de Charlie hebdo, une autre organisation sectaire Landmark de type marketing pyramidal.

Manipulés , isolés , escroqués….En France, plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes seraient sous l’emprise de groupes sectaires. Ces multiples organisations promettent toujours la même chose : le bonheur absolu, un épanouissement de tous les instants, de nouveaux pouvoirs, une harmonie totale …En sum, a new life.

Behind these promises often hide in many painful methods: Fraud, mental instability, impaired treatment, Fidelity ... All sectarianism that now has hit many quarters that the world paramedics. Their main target: children.

more disturbing: these therapists who invent false supposedly experienced trauma in childhood. Psychotherapies wild often disastrous consequences. This is the "false memory syndrome induced" a new phenomenon affecting many countries.

To investigate, one of our reporters had infiltrated in several sectarian movements. For several months, it has evolved in these closed environments where cameras are rarely welcome ...


45 000 children, "Jehovah's Witnesses"

250 000 people affected by the sectarian practices
  • 173 sects in France in 1995 listed
  • Over 10 000 "Psychotherapists" in France
  • 80% of victims of "false memories induced" are women
  • 55 000 Raelians in the world according to Rael
  • 6000 French members of the Movement by Rael Raelian
  • More info on the site penetrated


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