But REALLY worse! You did not dream I do it anyway ... Result (not end) of my laborious self-psychoanalysis, to the chagrin of critics and people provided with brains ... But finally, we can assume that they have abandoned the preposterous idea of attending this blog for ages ...
( caution: the top gaudriole )
If life is to fall, rise, fall, rise again, and that "this characterizes us is our ability to deliver standing, "is it would not be wiser on the contrary, sometimes, not to risk it, to lie on the ground on the premise that" we will fall - in theory - not lower "... Especially when we know (or press ) that if we ventured to rise, we would end up falling necessarily again? Could this be cowardice on our part, or lucidity? Stupidity or maturity?
If you are sure that whatever we do, so much that we can fight, a disaster will eventually arrive and take us all, why - then - do not give up " look" at " fight" to "have " and even "find " to barricade au plus profond de soi et ne laisser plus rien ni personne compter à nos yeux, ne plus nous contenter que de laisser passer, glisser, filer la vie sans même essayer de la vivre, ne plus rien laisser nous toucher, nous plaire, nous guider, nous séduire, nous émouvoir, avoir de l’importance pour nous ?
Bien évidemment, d’une certaine façon, « vivre » avec ce genre d'idées en tête, c’est déjà « être mort », ne plus être qu’une frêle enveloppe vide, une âme en peine, un fantôme en sursis...
Mais, et si l’on se sent déjà mort, au fond de soi ? Who could blame us nurture this kind of thinking?
Besides, do we really blame someone could make weapons, if he knows what he can do whatever he can take risks, so reckless and brave he could prove he will not win the fight? Give up, however, is not it a little easier, a little unworthy of the people we are?
And ...
When you think about how any miracle could happen if we do not believe, if we do not "end up », si nous ne luttons pas, si nous ne relevons pas fièrement la tête et si, à l’inverse, nous nous laissons devenir une ombre, baissons les bras, fermons les yeux en laissant passer les nuages, si nous laissons nos souvenirs vivre à notre place et notre gouffre intérieur nous engloutir ?
A chacun de choisir en fonction de son courage ou de sa bravoure.
Que l’on se garde, pourtant, de juger ceux qui nous entourent. L’être humain a le droit d’être tenté de renoncer, d’abandonner, parfois, de se laisser dériver dans un courant capricieux dont il ne cherche plus à maîtriser le cours, qu’il ne rêve plus de remonter. De la Similarly, it is quite right to let go, to take a pause, take stock, to raise the white flag, to take the distance, blowing a moment. One moment, yes.
But not her whole life.
must resurface one day cover his spirits, to resume his life in hand, stand up again and again and again - even being aware of the risks involved - get back to building, to trust - even if it asks a lot, even if it is satisfied that it is beyond his strength -.... Because if he does have the right to be beaten until he exists, as the blood flows in his veins, as a breath of life anime, it has the DUTY to fight, thinking about the future and give the world, destiny, the life another chance. Thus: from s' given another chance.
"Recovering " we can take years (if not decades ), we ask for sacrifices without precedent and hurt us in proportion but we ABSOLUTELY we risk anyway because in Ultimately, it is that and only that "our characteristic ": specifically, the fact that we are alive, because as long as we are, whatever we may think or whatever we may pretend we're not completely "dead . We are very far from it.
So we need to act accordingly.
- This is not psychoanalysis rather Fye D. Flowright there, master?
- Ha ha, Igor! Because I am a chameleon, a genius who can take any look!
- Oh yes ... Precisely, there was mail for you. A fold of the Centre. It Apparently they do not want you back. Neither alive nor dead, nor in the well of the Schrodinger's cat (albeit choose the latter option is most acceptable to them) ...
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