So of course, on the bottom as in form, these few one forty voiceover almost uninterrupted fall readily into the category "Visual Object Unidentified . However, far from taking foot in the carpet of his audacity, the finished product turns its formal constraints in creative asset and its major ceremonial absurdity in thinking as human as soft on the archetype of the "marginal .
valves Neither easy nor silly gags, ridiculous or involuntary sauce takes the first few seconds of a feature film into less than actual reportage canal erudite intellectuals. Parable virtuoso, being at the crime map traces the story of a Japanese uchronic, fictitious, his defeat in 45 to today, both in its moments, its social changes that disillusionment. The whole, approached from the angle of the story, through the study of excuses as an urban legend that his fictional setting, that of very nice "diner skimmers. Namely: crooks-vagrants who specialize in free riding proximity ( sharing strange metaphoric similarities with the animators and other filmmakers cartoons ).
Through eight top-to-portraits colors embellished with interviews, analysis, testimonials, reconstructions and comparative studies of literature, beyond their crimes, their successes, their failures, we discovers their modus operandi, the philosophy that guided their actions, their personal stories, how they were representative of the spirit of an era and how their life goes beyond the mere vagrancy, symbolically.
remarkable intelligence ( trademark the author, known for its Ghost in the Shell, which signed but also the mythical Avalon Tenshi no Tamago ), transcends the test to give a kind imagination to meditate on the fundamental role and place of outcasts, the marginalized account-to-reasoned and protesters in the balance of any organized society. Marginal trend of romantic / romance, those who make their choices differently, who live by their own way, according to their own values and to appreciate their sole inspiration ... He has claimed their shift (it seems so absurd ) as an act of dissent, subversion resigned and authentic Revolt ( and joined in this morality of another cartoon marginal, more classic: Tylor, the irresponsible captain ).
write one remarkable, perfectly recorded by the band's original excellent gossip-chef Kenji Kawai , everything is served on a plate unpublished S uperLiveMotion , experimental animation technique combining traditional animation and made Actual view to better treat for hungry pupils.
Suffice to say that the dining experience is best enjoyed with or without vegetables to eat!
Preview ( incomplete, alas ) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlynZnBAv-M
.. . And as a frozen dessert, a few trailers found on that DVD, which proves ( if indeed there is need ) that asia is paradoxically a country with unbridled creativity, without complex no real limits.
Whether the love story stinking (literally ) of Elixir of Love ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44xh8nasJVs ), the koala shizophrène suspected of murdering his girlfriend of Executive Koala ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09SAiBiD0ak ) or surreal Cromartie High School ( http: / / www.youtube.com/watch?v=znbJI7TP_zY ), in terms of experiences forbidden not that difficult to reapply the rab '!
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