In 2009, France had 500 to 600 sects, a tripling in fifteen years.
In his quiet office in the Rue de Bellechasse in the heart of posh seventh arrondissement of Paris, the former judge heard one of the procedures for Scientology in Lyon in the 90's, is hosting one-to-head in his new role as a spur of the anti-cult in France since September 2008.
This fifth French trial against Scientology is a perfect spotlight to promote the fight against sectarianism?
Georges FENECH : "We can see the interest that the French are in the fifth French case since the conviction of Ron Hubbard in 1978 by the Paris court, against the movement's leaders. This trial is significant because even the corporation of Scientology is legally prosecuted because it can lead to a dissolution. But the question for us to put pressure on the justice! "
In 1996, a parliamentary commission was established a list of 172 sects. Governments are they afraid to go on this ground now?
"Parliament is its freedom to do and he enjoys parliamentary immunity. This list had the merit of the magnitude, diversity. It had limitations because it stigmatized groups and there were errors, since recognized. Finally, she had no normative value and has not been updated. Also, movements that were not included in this list had a field day saying they were not sects [...] I suggested moi-même l’idée d’un référentiel ; pas d’une liste des sectes, car nous de sommes pas chargés de lutter contre les sectes mais de travailler sur les dérives sectaires. Il s’agirait plus d’un outil de travail interne à partir des signalements que nous recevons ici.»
Nicolas Sarkozy n’a-t-il pas brouillé les cartes en recevant Tom Cruise, scientologue convaincu ? Tout comme sa directrice de cabinet, Emmanuelle Mignon, disant en 2008 que les sectes étaient un «non-problème» ?
«Il faut évacuer ce fantasme de la rencontre entre Tom Cruise et Nicolas Sarkozy alors ministre du Budget. Cruise, was a world star. Regardless of whether or not Scientology. If Tom Cruise wants to come to Miviludes, I receive no fuss. I received the American Bar of Scientology and I will receive the Jehovah's Witnesses. Neither I nor Nicolas Sarkozy are suspected of proselytizing. My appointment to this position is a willingness to continue the policy of firmness has always been that of France. Political consensus is there: About-Picard law, parliamentary committees have all been supported unanimously [...] I did not feel constrained in my action. On the contrary. "
A word about the new risks with sectarian scams personal coaching, psychotherapy ...
"Ten to twelve million French people undergoing psychotherapy. They often deal with competent people but may also fall on quacks and lose big [...] In the Law Hospital, health, territory, an amendment was introduced to regulate the profession of psychotherapy, with an inscription on a national registry. For a three-sectarian would environments! "
Interview by Alain Morvan.
Photo DR Republican Lorrain: The president of Miviludes (1) Georges Fenech, is taking a hard-line anti-cult.
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