(Hooo, hello, Corto!'re Here, too?)
(oui, oui, je roule en K2000, pour be fitting with the character)
(at least there 's something that flashes and beeps beeping in my dashboard since Corto visited me last time, to borrow a pretext little salt)
(in fact, every episode of his fight against Gohan ...)
(And later we will wonder why I'm still single? "In terms of response, a good picture is worth a thousand words ... so bad, you think good)
(but do you think, only?)
(Oh, how nice for coming! With torches and pitchforks, and more)
(it is for me ...? Fallaiiiiitttt passsss!)
(note in passing that I stein bright guy who's either been touched by grace, or purchased the full range Neutrogena just to please Kristin Kreuk and help them be even richer .. . That's love)
(or despair légendairissime talking about Jacques Brel ...)
Anyway, about the jealous-killjoy not talented in terms of secondegrisme who might be tempted to find all this very, very ridiculous, they can always " perspective" (everything being relative otherwise) by clicking on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = lAPFUl-EjXQ
This " ticket" just to say I have not got all day, right now, writing tickets, and also to silence the gossips who thought this blog lack of funds, these days ...

(ressembance is the worst hit as striking)
(what a coincidence: as the author of this blog!)
it is a fact also unstoppable qu'avéré: can not miss what keeps touching!
(ha haaaaa!)- You speak of the RMI, master?
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