Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dental School Uab Military Scholarships

Mulhouse? Of outrageous pressure on communist laws of the republic! Boycott Divestment Sanction

Jean-Claude Lefort ? A sexagenarian former Communist deputy very unscrupulous truth does not support freedom of expression in France like any good Marxist!

In a letter to the Minister Mr. HORTEFEUX Comrade Communist LEFORT accuses Jewish Defense League to have delivered, I quote, "pure acts of extreme violence "against the Modern Art Museum which houses an exhibition GAZA 2010.

This "honorary member" of the PCF, in his letter did not scruple to distort the reality to lie to condemn the JDL and action of distributing leaflets which took place Sunday, November 21:

The stammers Comrade Honorary Member of CPF Lefort's site MRAP40

The foul pharmacies Semitic propaganda outlets are trying to prevent French citizens from exercising their right to freedom of expression in the calm and dignity! These professional associations outraged relay a monstrous anti-Semitism as the PCF, the NPA (New Party-Jewish), the mrapistofurieux of MRAP40 (Who called It was not that long forward and make great barbecue Israeli flags "Screenshots available to justice") MRAP National, whose president Mouloud Aounit boycott of Israel, association of "dynamic" Muslim presence, the natives of the republic and so on. etc.. want to stop us from wanting to reestablish the truth against the misinformation that the CPF tovaritch Lefort participates actively with its notorious anti-Semitic association AFPS The racist anti-Semitic French !

The AFD? The Association France Palestine Solidarité (A-Semitic and pro communist organization Hamas) unconditional support of the 12 "alleged" anti-Semites from Mulhouse and prevented incentive @ llah racial hatred and anti-Semite Henry Eichholzer particularly useful idiot with Mrs. "him / her?" Aline Parmentier comrade, communist and departmental secretary of the Communist Party and member of the National Office, including one Guy Petersmitt belching the former municipal councilor Communist Colmar (Engineer agronome qui passe plus de temps en « palestine » qu’en France !) est le président Colmarien qui « communique » sur le site du PCF ( ICI ) avec les fameux Indigènes antisémites de la République qui ont lancé leurs habituels glapissements outrés ! Il n’y a là rien d’étonnant, puisque cette « Association » ; une annexe du Parti Communiste Français est dirigée par son fondateur, le bolchevique Jean-Claude Lefort professionnel du jappement indigné, et des borborygmes antisémites, ancien membre de la pitoyable et immonde Communist Youth (National Office) and in 1964 the infamous French Communist Party, he was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary of racist Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. Not reelected, he is an honorary member. He "invested" so at the behest of the party in the "Palestinian cause" ...

In May 2009 he was elected president of the Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) Annex CPF after du 2e congrès de ce nidoreux mouvement. Il succède à Bernard Ravenel.

Jean-Claude LEFORT  est le coordinateur du Comité national de soutien à Salah Hamouri, terroriste communiste du FPLP bien connu, purgeant une peine de prison en Israël.

L’inénarrable tovaritch, l’apparatchik raciste Georges Marchais, travailleur volontaire en Allemagne chez Messerschmitt, en son temps avait dit que le bilan du communisme était globalement positif. Voyons ce bilan tragique d’un peu plus près : la dictature stalinienne a fait à elle seule plus de  20.000.000 de morts. L’Afrique, le Cambodge, la Corée du Nord, Tibet: 120,000,000. This is the trial balance because communism continues to kill. "Communism killed before the Nazis killed, he killed during the Nazi killing, it continues to kill while the Nazis did kill more" Solzhenitsyn said. But for all the dead have no memory, there was not even planned on waiting lists.

These are tomorrows intended by Mr. Lefort! An ocean of blood, rivers of dead women and children, amnesia for crimes against humanity communist past, present and especially future, anti-Semitism maniac, Holocaust denial, historical falsification, concealment, diversions, concentration camps of the Gulag: everything is good to hide the reality of socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human tragedies ;!
A little known aspect of their approach Marxist (PCF) or Trotskyite (NPA) of permanent hostility to the State of Israel, is explained by the fact that Jews, in their view, would have used genocide "invented from scratch "to justify the existence of the State of Israel and persecute the Palestinians.

But tell me why you call into question the Holocaust, the Jewish genocide? For them, anti-fascism is an obstacle to the idea of socialist revolution and workers. The Zionists and the citizens would have "invented" an absolute evil: Auschwitz, to forget the exploitation of workers and the Third World. Democracies have loaded the boat voluntarily Nazism to forget their own crimes. " Anti-fascism and anti-Nazism allowed them to justify too many indignities since. (Tract The Social War, 1979).
The primary Semitism and communism is not new! Between 1939 and 1942 the French Communist leaders and "activists" on the left then-members of the famous Bolshevik Comintern was stuffed with anti-Semitic, as the traitor and Communist Jacques Duclos, who complained for the sake of the occupier Ally's despicable party, the Mandel Jewish, "interior minister under Paul Reynaud.

M. Albert Sarraut, Interior Minister (and not Marshall) even cried sitting of the Senate, March 19, 1940:
"Communist propaganda and Hitler - they do that - the enemy propaganda. I had the opportunity to explain myself before this commission of criminal and civil laws. The leader of this propaganda is Hitler, whose Bolshevik is the "lieutenant" if needed to prove this assertion, it would suffice to indicate that it is the German planes that scatter the leaflets Communists this other fact that radio and Communist propaganda, "The Voice of Peace", "Radio Humanity" qui sont répétées, lancent leurs émissions du territoire allemand.” (Journal Officiel du 20 mars 1940, page 266).
Doit on rappeler que le communiste George Montandon, l’ethnologue  fut l'une des principales cautions scientifiques du racisme antisémite avant et pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Pour en revenir au torche cul de désinformation du sieur Lefort il écrit :
« Elle nous donne à voir des aspects effroyables de l’offensive israélienne qui s’est abattue contre la population… durant l’hiver 2008/2009 »

Need I remind the citizen LEFORT 66 years, the contest theme and the show was not GAZA GAZA 2010 and 2009? It must be said that memory in coconut .... There is a deficit! And then at Comrade Lefort, memory .... This is the great starry void Marxist!

"This story has been awarded many international awards" In fact one price reportage activist left ... (It's like the number of protesters or MRAP CPF when 2 or 3, they are then 200, when a dozen ...! there are thousands ...! Exaggeration is a typical reflex of Pavlov, a reference Marxist Bolshevik same! Indeed it Lenin who appoint the Communist Party "Bolshevik", that is to say a majority in Russian, while his party is a minority! In 1917, the Bolsheviks, despite their minority status , seized power in Russia! Ah! Name of a small St. Joseph Stalin! Marxist falsification of truth is a perpetual mental AIDS Communist!

And it continues the former apparatchik, now retired at taxpayer expense French:
"Six days after the attack against the freedom of creation and expression, a band of thugs claiming to JDL, some hooded, wanted to destroy this exposure, the risk of damage to the works of Picasso and Matisse hung nearby. "
Here one falls into the melodrama so beloved of the Marxist Palestinian pro! Actually "attack" it was a leafleting held outside the Museum and without incident. The "band of thugs wearing hoods" is visible on the photos we published ...
As "to want to destroy damaging exposure see the works of Picasso and Matisse," we are Marxist Communist delirium. The JDL is never returned to the Museum at any time and therefore it could not show any sign of wanting to destroy or vandalize anything!
"This Not the first time that the JDL is conducting this type of commando operation destructive and indiscriminate involving works of art in particular. "
Here too it is pure slander lying Marxist! Mr. Lefort and pick bad because this action leaflet distribution was organized by Israel and Europe Drzz.inf. Came the JDL provide active support and logistics. So you've got the wrong target!
Commando destructive art "! It is time to remind the fellow that the Jewish people has always had the deepest respect for art in general and its contribution to art is known and unknown, including Chagall and Modigliani exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art.
It is there in defamation and false accusation because this unsavory unscrupulous suggests that the JDL has already destroyed works of art.
"Should we remind you that April 7, 2002, one of these thugs, who were engaged in a" ratonnade, was seriously wounded by a stab a police ;? Complicity him allowed to take refuge in Israel. There, five years later, the same man had killed a Palestinian father of 35 twenty-four stab wounds ... "

Slander continues unabated! This time the "rogue" Museum of Modern Art is treated as an offender who allegedly stabbed a policeman! Worse yet this gentleman well informed says the thug said killed a Palestinian father of 24 stab wounds ... " In other circumstances, these delusions paranoïaques communistes auraient pu prêter au sourire. Hélas, les accusations portées par ce « député communiste honoraire » sont extrêmement graves car elles tentent de faire passer tous les militants pro israélien pour de dangereux voyous, meurtriers potentiels !

Monsieur LEFORT ne s’arrête pas en chemin et va encore plus loin en demandant au Ministre je cite :
« De diligenter une enquête sur les conditions dans lesquelles, après le communiqué du CRIF, ces individus, faute de pouvoir obtenir l’interdiction de cette exposition, ont cru pouvoir l’interdire themselves. They must be firmly punished by the justice of our country. These thugs policy obviously affect the community they claim and they tarnish the image terribly. Your colleague Michele Alliot-Marie, when she was Minister of Justice and Attorney General, asked the incredibly floors to pursue peace and anti-racist activists, however, for "public incitement to discrimination." If the thugs, violent and racist, the JDL were not prosecuted, your whole government would be legitimately suspected of using at least one intolerable "two double standards "

The survey took place because members of the JDL have suffered anti-Semitic remarks by a Museum employee and they immediately called police for a complaint. Police came, she saw they were well outside the museum and no looting had taken place!
Semitic employee came to apologize to members who have been insulted in front of the police witnesses.

Are there many "rogue hooded thugs "who called the police?
So Mr. Lefort what you want us to be punished? To have to exercise our right to freedom of expression in the calm and dignity? Not to be pro-Palestinian as you? Want to restore truth in the face of misinformation on which you actively participate?
Mr. Lefort and these "friends" of the PCF, the MRAP, the NPA, the 'dynamic' Muslim presence, the natives of the republic will now accommodate militant Zionists who occupy the land and restore Internetpour wherever necessary truth that he and the other pro-Palestinian anti-white Marxist anti-Semitic and racist mockery by spreading false information about Palestine and Israel with impunity for too long.

This letter to the Minister is a pitiful attempt to kill freedom of expression in French that do not recognize themselves in the speech "politically correct" anti-Zionist anti-Semite who is now becoming clear!

Nous ne céderons pas à ce genre d’intimidation Monsieur LEFORT et nous continuerons à porter la vérité que vous vous évertuez à masquer depuis trop longtemps…

Librement adapté et amicalement complété d’un article de Jean-Marc MOSKOWICZ qui me pardonnera.

Bien sur Monsieur Lefort , au vu de l’ensemble des « actions radicales » menées systématiquement par vos « groupuscules » antisémites, véritables malfrats de la politique qui nuisent évidemment à la France toute full and they tarnish the image terribly, it is time to dissolve the MRAP Mr Aoun and subversive Communist Party that calls through the national representatives, as Aline Parmentier departmental secretary of the PCF, as Henry Eichholzer of the AFPS 68, with Farida Trichina "Justice" (sic) for Palestine Alsace Henri Eichholzer of AFPS 68, Mohamed Akbar Association "Dynamic" Muslim Presence, with a handful of anti-white racist and antisemitic PIR (Natives of the Republic) who incite racial hatred all anti-Semitic for which they are charged with 12 of Mulhouse that should be punished firmly in February 2011 by the justice of our country. Peterschmitt Guy, 61, leader Comrade AFPS68 agronomist who is retired, former alderman of Colmar Communist Party should do too. These ultra-left political parties and other small groups of thugs Marxist maniacs, violent and racist, since long, would no longer have a presence in our country should be dissolved soon! It is time, past time, that this decision is necessary.
For the Secretariat of CTECNA.
Alain Michel
Labet of Bornay

Françoise Lefort and JC Baud two communist anti-Semitic!

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