Sunday, June 7, 2009

Boobs Showing Indian Models

Mirror, Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I really the ego?

Like a Fish (moon) out of the jar-earth: three whole weeks in suspended animation (like an ordinary episode of DBZ!) Without being able to create, daydream, get lost in sighs, to learn things exciting (at all) on "legal persons of public law" (as well as it is both people and buildings at the same time say-so) and the difference between devolution fascinating (if one is not concentrated) and decentralization (when there was no central heating), it Fall has although it happens (and it's happy, I might add. Let there be at least one of us is that, damn it) (but which is the other, by the way, and why it's still him?): my brain has had very good taste rational to take himself hostage and decide to negotiate with terrorists, bypassing my channel knowledge (easy for him. is that it is a very old model of channel acquisition, and which has very little used) (it works with wooden balls), to self-impose a "new" scenario, in response to several he recycles old themes (and some elements appendices that are dear to me), while implementing this beautiful world (virtual, inevitably, you start to know me) in a unique narrative logic (in context "me"). Fake, web series virtual crossroads between Life on Mars, Lost, provided on a mere five seasons, with a pitch of the season in the key, multidimensional exclusively on this blog! Even Spock has not been informed before you! (And yet it was not for lack of trying to tele in to the future with a transponder B-hundred ninety two copyrighted JJ Abrahms ...)

(And for background music, take the opportunity to discover Sia ! )


This world would have been ideal. He could have everything that a world must have sunshine, light, sky blue, pretty white houses, smiles, promises, looks warm and emotions emerging

... It could have been ideal, if not perfect. For each obstacle, a compensation. For every sorrow, a tender gesture.

Liedh could therefore be present as well as could be dans les chaussures d’un jeune homme de vingt ans mal à l'aise dans sa nouvelle peau d’adulte. Il aurait pu partager le quotidien monotone - mais rassurant - d’une famille aimante, ou les fous rires de camarades de faculté aussi désorientés que lui, nourrir des ambitions, caresser des projets aventureux pleins de représentations et de fantasmé.

Seulement voilà, il aurait pu, aussi, passer sans s’arrêter devant cette immense porte à double battants que personne n’est supposé voir. Ne pas essayer d’en forcer l’entrée. Ne pas franchir son seuil. Ne pas s’aventurer dans les ténèbres étirées beyond. It would not have woken up in a metal room with only 6 square meters, would not have discovered it contained personal computers and computer ... this would not have seen his world spread out before her eyes , with its sky, its light, its pretty white houses, all those that matter to him ...

Beyond again: no way out. No other world. No other people. No answer. Just the computer. Just the possibility of having access to all data about where it is supposed to live. A chance to know everything, learn everything, know everything. On spying. Monitor. To discover the secrets of each others, their tastes, their desires, their errors, their magnitudes, the reverse of their decor. It would take a name entered in the machine, and then where they are, whatever they do ... He would know.

Therefore, it could use this knowledge to help those in need or, conversely, to settle accounts, cheat, lie, manipulate, seduce inaccessible, return every opportunity to his advantage ... D ' go back in return, he might be tempted to bend the world to its will, it prendre pour Dieu, s’en amuser comme d’un jouet, ou bien se désintéresser de ce qui, jadis, attisait sa curiosité, ouvrait des perspectives… sachant que rien n’est vrai, que tout est faux, et que lui seul est authentique.

Pleurerait-il encore, quand il serait supposé être triste ?

Compatirait-il encore, pour ces personnages de jeu vidéo et leurs tragédies de micropixels ?

Pourrait-il vivre une vie qu’il saurait ne pas être une vie ?

Arriverait-il à donner du sens à ce qui, au fond, n’en aurait jamais eu aucun ?

And the distant day when by accident he discovers that the piece of steel was close in appearance and was in fact the starting point of a vast labyrinth cold, empty, devoid humanity ...

far he risked going to find his answers, to find a similar, a semblance of reality?

(Harass TF1 result, people. This can not happen without them!)


Bonus D '(D premium, try to follow a peu) INCLUSIF : quelques nouvelles photos timides à découvrir en galerie Flickr :
histoire d'achever de se démonter le moral à la clé anglaise !


- Hauts les coeurs, les gens ! Tenez-vous le pour dit, c'est la semaine où je perds TOUT ! Chouette ! Chouette ! J'commençai à en avoir un peu marre, de tout ce bonheur !
- Je fais péter le Champomy, maître ?
- Attends samedi prochain, Igor, enfin ! Et sors le douze ans d'âge ! Qu'on fête ça dignement avec ethyl coma-like tipsy in proportion ...


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