Saturday, October 9, 2010

Choppy Fringe Full Fringe

The bombing of the Rue Copernic? Was a communist! When

This article responds to the news of MRAP National Paris, October 4, 2010: Click here Or there
MRAP on is a member of Active and activist.

Video: News from Gaza.

The role of a real "organization" racist, qualifies as MRAP National would qualify the "offense" racist, to appoint the aggressor and be in solidarity with victims. However, in recent years to minimize the MRAP anti-Jewish attacks of unprecedented severity and return the charges against the victims when it comes to racist anti-Jewish committed by "youths" as they say, from immigration. MRAP publish proclamations that are masterpieces of double talk, first condemning the assault or attack, (in this case he did not speak at all) then go to another responsible the maintainers, (Marshal Petain, the government, far right) and finally they hold responsible for these acts anti-Jewish Jews themselves, or Israel. This dual language condemns anti-Semitism without qualifying the authors and minimizes the seriousness.
Their release is in line with this incredible behavior. See here for details

For in the case of the horrible bombing of the Rue Copernic, this anti-Semitic bomb attack directed against the synagogue on Rue Copernic which four dead and 46 wounded, we now know is the fact of an Arab Marxist PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) Comrade teacher Hassan Diab (*).

The commemorative plaque on the facade reads: "In memory Jean Michel Barbe, Philippe Bouissou, Hilario Lopez Fernandez, Aliza Shagra killed in the heinous attack against the synagogue October 3, 1980.
And where the plot thickens, is that the appeal of the MRAP, which was not even National, 7 October 1980, a real smoking out a demonstration against alleged racism, but directed actually cons that "nice" MRAP activists described the extreme right! Extreme right who fantasized MRAP, a tad cons hate the French patriots, unjustly attributed the attack foul, that's how we saw scroll 200 000 people (Useful Idiots) between Nation and Republic. Several MPs, real abrutiles join in, all parties. For over 30 years the delicious Mr. Aounit movement persist in falsehood and bad faith and commemorate the event with messages of hate and other proclamations against "extreme right" alleged anti-Semite who existed only in his fertile imagination and unbridled as it developed islamomarxiste Semitism.

For it is about 20 years since the bombing proved that Copernicus was committed by a group of Arab Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Operations (PFLP-OS, branch breakaway PFLP). Whatever we yawn we here? PFLP? You want to talk about the famous anti-Semite Marxist PFLP Movement whose young "French" was born in Jerusalem on the Palestinian terrorist sentenced to 7 years in prison Salah Hamouri the anti-Semite, is an active member? Salah Hamouri member of the PFLP The darling of the MRAP and all the "forces" of progress? Yes it is! A thank you we understand better now the silence "deafening" as they say MRAP National on the attack elements of Copernicus.
Signed: The secretariat of CTECNA member of Israel Defense Force on the Internet:

(*) Hassan Diab , a teacher Palestinian, 54, was arrested Nov. 13, 2008 in Gatineau, in the province of Quebec as part of an international arrest warrant issued in early November 2008 by two judges in Paris. He is suspected of having made and planted the bomb attack in the street Copernicus and of involvement in the bombing of October 1980 the diamond bourse in Antwerp

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Blog Member of the Israel Defense Force on the Internet:

Posted by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay. member of the Israel Defense Force on the Internet:

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