Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Master Lock Schematic

the French Communist Party?

The filthy communists today (Europe Ecology, PIR, PCF, NPA, MRAP, LDH etc. . etc.. would fight "fascist anti-Semitism", despite their long history of struggle against the Jews!


These despicable crime against humanity declare: "We Communists have always fought anti-Semitism", unfortunately for these anti-Semitic lies their rude and do not pass historical controversies show the opposite: the face of Communist Jews Proudhon and Marx Semitic , assimilation, manipulation and persecution, the liquidation committee anti fascist Jew , Slansky trial , Pauker Rajik and "an international Dreyfus Affair", in Poland in 68 , refuseniks , conspiracy of white coats ,

Some quotes
"Stalin and the Jews": Antisemitism
Russian Tsars continuity of communism, "Arkady Vaksberg, Editions Robert Laffont, 2003

Page 37: Lenin advocated assimilation of Jews in the mass of Soviet people: "Only middle-class Jewish reactionaries are shouting against assimilation, since they claim to turn back the wheel of history. "

Page 38: Stalin's opinion on the Jews of the Russian empire, issued just before the outbreak of World War I:" An entity mystical, elusive and ghostly. "

Page 104: Summer 1934, "the Jews constitute 31% of senior executives of the NKVD, 39% in autumn 1936, only 4% in summer 1939.

Page 225-229: Wave of State Anti-Semitism in 1949: dismissals, arrests.

Page 227: Prose of a Jewish writer close to the government: "... the Jewish invasion in the cultural and ideological sphere."

Pages 233-234: " Final Solution" of the Stalinist "Jewish question".

Page 238: Strong component of anti-Semitic purges in the "fraternal countries" of Eastern Europe in 1952.

Page 241: More than two million Jews in the USSR. "When he [Stalin in late 1952] said that every Jew was a U.S. agent, he should have in mind a plan of action."

1953: The beginning of the Jewish doctors plot .

Cominform parties in Western countries have largely supported the condemnation of Jewish doctors.

Le Parti Communiste français (PCF), par la personne d'Auguste Lecœur, publia dès le 22 janvier un communiqué dans le journal communiste L'Humanité: « Lorsque, en Union soviétique, est arrêté le groupe des médecins assassins travaillant pour le compte des services d’espionnage terroristes anglo-américains […], alors, la classe ouvrière applaudit de toutes ses forces . » A ce communiqué s'ajoutait celui de médecins membres du PCF, par la personne de Raymond Leibovici (chirurgien, ancien membre du mouvement de résistance communiste Front national): "Les médecins français consider that great service was rendered the cause of peace by disablement incapacitating this group of criminals, all the more odious they have abused the trust of natural their patients to attempt in their lives. "

And it continues today, the French Communist Party continues to boast an antisemite Click HERE

And this will crescendo:

Michel Alain Labet de Bornay


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