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charlatans on alternative medicine

Humanity November 12, 1998

An interview with the psychiatrist Jean-Marie Abgrall

OPA charlatans on alternative medicine

In his latest book, "The Charlatans health," the psychiatrist Jean-Marie Abgrall compares alternative medicine in the pixie dust and denounces the use that is made by cults.

PSYCHIATRIST and criminologist Jean-Marie Abgrall is a member of the Interdepartmental Centre of sects and expert at the Court of Cassation. Author "the mechanics of cults" (1), he devotes his latest book to the emergence of alternative medicine, a vector for recruitment to cults and con artists of all stripes.

Why virulent denunciation of alternative medicine?.

I started my medical studies in 1968. After specializing in psychiatry, I have engaged in ten years of additional training in order, inter alia, to explore the field of alternative medicine. In this course, then in my practice, I tried acupuncture, herbal medicine, iridology and homeopathy. Acupuncture works in a specific area, neurostimulation, known to traditional medicine. It would however need to be rid of cosmic frenzy surrounding his practice and in which there is question of yin, yang and sun position. Herbal medicine works well, but its side effects severely limit its use. Iridology is the total delirium. Finally, homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo. I used this title for twenty years. Then I decided to quit ten years ago.


I first noticed that cults recruit heavily in the pool of medicines parallel. Homeopathy accounted for 90% of the soil base. Then I had to treat a large number of patients, doctors' incomes "soft", too late. I saw and people who lost their chances of escape by abandoning conventional medicine. Charlatans had convinced them of aberrant doctrines. In half the cases, a homeopath was causing the abandonment of care. At this point, I decided to stop such practices and denounce the existence of a parasitic sector.

What makes you say that homeopathy is "crap"?

Chemically and physically, homeopathy can not work. Its inventor, the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), is based on a principle of dilution of an active product. Chemistry set from the limit means no dilution of any active molecule contained in a specific quantity of a body. The homeopathic dose greatly exceeds the limit dilution. The Italian chemist Avogadro has proven in the nineteenth century.

How do you explain then that so many practitioners use this medicine?

The family allowance fund lists 1,400 physicians and 3,000 homeopathic doctors "oriented" homeopathic over 140,000 practitioners. These figures into perspective the accession of the medical profession to this type of practice. You should know however that the conventional doctor now finds itself trapped by a series of socio-economic constraints. To live successfully in his work, he turns into a kind of Stakhanovite the medical procedure. Moving homeopath as specialty that requires no training allows extra billing consistent. In addition, some GPs are using this medium to reassure the patient who suffers from a bad Benin. These doctors do not hesitate to prescribe medication, like antibiotics, when the patient requests it. In this case, there is no danger in delay.

What position adopts the College of Physicians on homeopathy?

boot it into touch, anxious not to provoke open conflict within the profession. Furthermore, the homeopathic industry is dominated globally by two French companies, and Boiron Dolisos (which has just been purchased by the Pierre Fabre). According to the journal "Research", Boiron Group, world number one in 1996 showed a turnover of 1.25 billion francs.

And the state?

is subject to the same lobbying pharmaceuticals, but also the pressure of sects and consumers of homeopathic products, grouped into associations and supported by politicians.

Exactly how do you explain the popularity of any part of the population for these therapies?

We can identify three types of patients. A group of "post-sixty-eighter, which has opted for a radical ecology. For him, chemistry symbolizes the evil of modern times and nature akin to absolute purity. A second group expects the doctor to listen and comprehensive consideration of the person. She may have to search for response to his illness, either in terms of care, but in terms of belief. The patient then becomes a follower of a new therapy. A third recruitment occurs in patients with incurable or evil can not be treated in conventional medicine. These seek again a response in terms of belief.

Conventional medicine should she not take into account the need to listen and comprehensive care?

I think that alternative medicine moves into the errors and shortcomings of conventional medicine. The physician's role should be enhanced. It should also exercise a permanent control the validity of medical procedures. And even set up a monitoring ethics of physicians, overseen by an ethics committee. The College of Physicians is pleased him to manage the texts.

Interview by Anne

Cicco for Humanity

(1) "The Mechanics of sects" by Jean-Marie Abgrall, Editions Payot.

Back Cover
"Throughout my investigations on cults, I found that one of their best vehicles for recruitment was represented by patamédecines - a term taken pataphysical of Alfred Jarry, the science of imaginary solutions. Although all practitioners of alternative medicine are not related to cults, and one must distinguish between those in good faith and corrupt charlatans, but the daily denial of rationality has many patients suckers ecstatic. "If homeopathy as such can not be accused of damaging or acupuncture when aseptic technique are followed, both of which can delay diagnosis and treatment. But there is also an entire bazaar of the bizarre, that thrives even better than in two French medical use today to "different". "" The fear of disease and of death are they the only reasons we can give confidence to the advocates of so-called revolutionary methods or defenders of traditions that reflect the magic? The crisis of the modern world it is now producing a new mystique of medicine? "

To buy on Amazon" health quacks ": 252 pages

editor: Payot (14 October 1998)
Language: French ISBN-10
: 2228891940 ISBN-13
: 978-2228891943

Regarding Homeopathy, Zététique Observatory conducted a study on health product ainsi que l'escroquerie manifeste selon Richard Monvoisin des fleurs de Bach . A lire absolumment afin de forger l'esprit critique et votre discernement.


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