8 Janvier Le chef de l’Etat dont on apprenait hier dans VSD qu’il était fidèle à un magnétiseur étiopathe depuis plus de vingt ans, casse aujourd’hui son pacte avec les sciences occultes. Après son gourou, Nicolas Sarkozy accueille cet après-midi sur le divan de l’Elysée les professionnels de la santé mentale. Détendez-vous et dites-moi tout…
Nicolas Sarkozy voit son "gourou", Jean-Paul Moureau, depuis 20 ans
VSD publie cette semaine les bonnes feuilles de « L'enfant terrible, la vie à l'Elysée sous Sarkozy » (Le Seuil). Cet ouvrage écrit par Patrice Machuret, journaliste politique à France 3, révèle que Nicolas Sarkozy consulte régulièrement, depuis des années, Jean-Paul Moureau, un spécialiste de l' étiopathie , une médecine parallèle à mi-chemin entre l'ostéopathie et la kinésithérapie. Une sorte de « gourou » dont Patrice Machuret explique, en exclusivité pourVSD.fr, how he learned of its existence and, more importantly, what is its influence on the president.
VOD. There have been many books on Nicolas Sarkozy that one wonders what yours can bring more ...
Patrice Machuret. True, but the precedents have focused on his campaign, his divorce and his official travel. Me, I explain how he behaves with his troops every day, what it is boss in this business-the Elysee-some 1,000 people, including a hundred really work on contact.
VOD. How is it that the existence this "guru" has been ignored for so long?
PM Everything that affects the security of the president is taboo in France. Nobody wants to talk, everyone has the jitters. Visits to the chief guru of the State are, a priori, known only to his bodyguards, his former wife, Cecilia, and the current, Carla.
VOD. And how do you back up to him?
PM The first time I heard it was coming from a student at a school where I teach. He told me that someone of his entourage visited a Etiopathy Nicolas Sarkozy who also had to patient. To approach Jean-Paul Moureau, I did something that is not super-ethical, that I got through, while keeping my real name, for a tennis coach, a nephew of a star TV. I suffered for good a recurrent tear of the calf, and I must say that I was well cared for. I followed up the appointment with him, and I stopped when I felt he was beginning to distrust my many questions.
VOD. The role of Jean-Paul-til Moureau exceeds by far the single medical setting?
It is neither PM osteopath or physiotherapist. It is rather a luxury coach, wellness counselor and psychology, which leases 500 m2 in the 16th arrondissement of Paris and anime, with 20 000 euros each time, seminars for Arab emirs. He saw Nicolas Sarkozy last 20 years, with one or two appointments per week. This is not nothing! In fact, he knows everything he is president of one of the "sensors" of society.
Find the best leaves of "L'enfant terrible ..." Patrice Machuret VOD in No. 1637 of 7 to 13 January 2009
Interview by Stephen Lepoittevin
Illustration: Nicolas Sarkozy and the guru (Photo montage from the blog cpolitic.files.wordpress.com )
enfant terrible
Life under Sarkozy at the Elysee
Not everything has been said about Nicolas Sarkozy. This book is an inquiry into his daily life at the Elysee. Everything is reviewed: from his health to its relations with its employees through its maneuvers to impose his men in the state apparatus.
Since its establishment at the Elysee Palace, Nicolas Sarkozy has changed the manners and habits. Daily life is a reflection of the President of the Republic: Permanent boil. This survey is a dive into the wings of a power whose style and methods are new. It reveals a "guru" of visitors at night, under the reform of public television, the newspaper advisors at the Elysee and many other secrets, hitherto well-guarded. This trip across the mirror of Sarkozyism brings many revelations about the true nature du chef de l’État.
Journaliste politique à France 3, chroniqueur pendant quatre ans dans l’émission France Europe Express, ancien collaborateur du Parisien et de l’Européen Le Monde, Patrice Machuret suit Nicolas Sarkozy depuis 2006.
Consulter aussi: les "charlatans de la santé" par le Docteur Jean-Marie Abgrall
Nicolas Sarkozy voit son "gourou", Jean-Paul Moureau, depuis 20 ans
VSD publie cette semaine les bonnes feuilles de « L'enfant terrible, la vie à l'Elysée sous Sarkozy » (Le Seuil). Cet ouvrage écrit par Patrice Machuret, journaliste politique à France 3, révèle que Nicolas Sarkozy consulte régulièrement, depuis des années, Jean-Paul Moureau, un spécialiste de l' étiopathie , une médecine parallèle à mi-chemin entre l'ostéopathie et la kinésithérapie. Une sorte de « gourou » dont Patrice Machuret explique, en exclusivité pourVSD.fr, how he learned of its existence and, more importantly, what is its influence on the president.
VOD. There have been many books on Nicolas Sarkozy that one wonders what yours can bring more ...
Patrice Machuret. True, but the precedents have focused on his campaign, his divorce and his official travel. Me, I explain how he behaves with his troops every day, what it is boss in this business-the Elysee-some 1,000 people, including a hundred really work on contact.
VOD. How is it that the existence this "guru" has been ignored for so long?
PM Everything that affects the security of the president is taboo in France. Nobody wants to talk, everyone has the jitters. Visits to the chief guru of the State are, a priori, known only to his bodyguards, his former wife, Cecilia, and the current, Carla.
VOD. And how do you back up to him?
PM The first time I heard it was coming from a student at a school where I teach. He told me that someone of his entourage visited a Etiopathy Nicolas Sarkozy who also had to patient. To approach Jean-Paul Moureau, I did something that is not super-ethical, that I got through, while keeping my real name, for a tennis coach, a nephew of a star TV. I suffered for good a recurrent tear of the calf, and I must say that I was well cared for. I followed up the appointment with him, and I stopped when I felt he was beginning to distrust my many questions.
VOD. The role of Jean-Paul-til Moureau exceeds by far the single medical setting?
It is neither PM osteopath or physiotherapist. It is rather a luxury coach, wellness counselor and psychology, which leases 500 m2 in the 16th arrondissement of Paris and anime, with 20 000 euros each time, seminars for Arab emirs. He saw Nicolas Sarkozy last 20 years, with one or two appointments per week. This is not nothing! In fact, he knows everything he is president of one of the "sensors" of society.
Find the best leaves of "L'enfant terrible ..." Patrice Machuret VOD in No. 1637 of 7 to 13 January 2009
Interview by Stephen Lepoittevin
Illustration: Nicolas Sarkozy and the guru (Photo montage from the blog cpolitic.files.wordpress.com )
enfant terrible
Life under Sarkozy at the Elysee
Not everything has been said about Nicolas Sarkozy. This book is an inquiry into his daily life at the Elysee. Everything is reviewed: from his health to its relations with its employees through its maneuvers to impose his men in the state apparatus.
Since its establishment at the Elysee Palace, Nicolas Sarkozy has changed the manners and habits. Daily life is a reflection of the President of the Republic: Permanent boil. This survey is a dive into the wings of a power whose style and methods are new. It reveals a "guru" of visitors at night, under the reform of public television, the newspaper advisors at the Elysee and many other secrets, hitherto well-guarded. This trip across the mirror of Sarkozyism brings many revelations about the true nature du chef de l’État.
Journaliste politique à France 3, chroniqueur pendant quatre ans dans l’émission France Europe Express, ancien collaborateur du Parisien et de l’Européen Le Monde, Patrice Machuret suit Nicolas Sarkozy depuis 2006.
Consulter aussi: les "charlatans de la santé" par le Docteur Jean-Marie Abgrall
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