figures speak for themselves. In France, a child of ten, or 11%, lives in an "overcrowded," according to an INSEE survey published Wednesday.
What do we index stand? It characterizes the degree of occupancy by comparing the number of parts and the number of parts considered necessary for a household of this structure. Thus we need a living room for the household, a room for each couple and single for 19 years or more. For single people under 19 years old, is assigned a room for two children if they are of the same sex or have less than 7 years if it is a piece per child. In Ile-de-France, the proportion is even greater. It reaches one in five children or 25%. They are 19% in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur. Brittany and Pays de Loire in contrast, less than 5% of children live in a dwelling deemed too crowded.
parent families are more affected than others. In lone-parent, one child in five lives in a dwelling where at least one missing piece, against one in ten children living with a couple, INSEE said
Other findings of this study, 81% of miners living with a couple of parents, 63% with a married couple, 18% with a common-law couples. They are 16% live in single parent families, as against 6% in 1968. According to the survey, 90% of children live with at least one parent who is employed. They are 94% for those living with a couple parental and 66% for those owned by a single parent. The proportion of children living with both parents employed increased to 53% in 2005 against 49% in 1999. In contrast, the share of children who, in their homes, no working parent has not declined over 1999, with a proportion of one in ten.
In 2006, the poverty rate for children of single parent families is 38% against 13% for children of couples (5% when both parents work), INSEE said.
In this study, 1 July 2005 is taken as the sample date.
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