An article that you'll never see on the first media French anti-Semite.
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3 "militants" 66 of the Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine, accused of inciting the anti-Semitic hatred, Yamina Tadjeur, Jeanne and Bernard Rousseau Cholet be appearing in Corrections "to get to Perpignan in the department of P / O May 15, 2010 since time is not mandatory for:
The speech uttered in a public place in this case by calling the store Carrefour customers by asking them not to buy products from Israel
Writings distributed or displayed in a public place in this case by distributing to customers or giving Carrefour store in the header of leaflets calling for a boycott of BDS products from Israel ---
Posters exposed to public scrutiny in this case by displaying posters in the store Carrefour mentioning in particular "BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL" and "refuse to buy Israeli products ... refuse the code begins with XXX ... "
Provoked discrimination to hatred or violence against a person or group of persons because of their origin or their membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion specified offenses defined and punishable under Articles 23, 24, paragraph 8, paragraph 11 and 1 Article 42 Article 43 of the Act of July 29, 1881 ---
In any case the national territory and since time does not attract a requirement, by written or printed matter, drawings, engravings, paintings, emblems, images, shrieks, speeches and threats made public, means of communication to the public by electronic means, in this case led to discrimination, to hatred or violence against a person (complainant Samy GHOZLAN representing the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism) by reason of its origin or membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion.
In short these people are charged with inciting racial hatred anti-Semite! Point bar!
But I tell you: "How is it? Communists? Marxists? Anti-racists?

by the ultra left. You can see the new expression of the third world communist and Marxist revolutionary ideology, the false image of Palestinian martyrdom replaces the Proletarian in "fight" for a communist society. "
On Thursday, January 19, will have seen Bernard Cholet, Jeanne Rousseau and Yamina Tadjeur the international singing the song of assassins collectivists, to give the Prosecutor of Perpignan, the hundreds of petitions collected to influence how the odious " ; Justice French. Personalities of ultra left Marxist and citizens' allah mass "anti-Semites are connected with the defendants ed'antisémitisme obnoxiously saying" I also boycott! "As the old mrapistofurieux Mouloud Aounit Michel Warchawski was on their side.
is no longer inevitable and the traitor Michael Warchawski always anxious to be at the extreme tip of hatred against Israel and to keep together nationality, to provide new anti-Semitic words " Zionist "the alibi of choice of the" Israeli progress "at the same time offering the caller guarantees complacent diversity of origin, the virulent critic of Israel and the sacrament of exempting any ulterior anti-Semitic. A precious man founder of the Alternative Information Center - Israel. (Organization terrorist and Marxist. Member of the Israeli Socialist Organization in 1989 sentenced to twenty months in prison for "services to illegal organizations" for printed pamphlets relating to the terrorist organization Palestinian Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine of George Habash criminal. He gives, between 2003 and 2005, a series of conferences on the Middle East conflict into a twenty French cities and their suburbs (associative centers, schools) with the "journalist" Dominique Vidal, Le Monde diplomatique and the famous Leila Shahid. The presence of these stakeholders within public institutions created a controversy at the initiative of the CRIF and meetings of its impaired individuals are banned in French schools.
But who are these people Islamists and Marxists "alleged" anti-Semitic?
Of professionals indignant yelp and rumbling Marxist nauseating wanting to believe a message of universal brotherhood, which is the universal brotherhood of people determined to suffer and to suffer eternally a prison system on behalf of a political dogma " Marxist! They use a fallacy, it is essential to relentlessly denounce: Since them, and they say-to-impress us all "Democrats" respected, venerated socialism as a variation of the universal will, the prohibit what would stigmatize their belief in the big night, the final struggle, and themselves. It would therefore be of racism and not a struggle of conscience ... Off to see a little more closely at the ideology of those nauseating anti-Semitic.
Tadjeur Yamina, Jeanne and Bernard Rousseau Cholet 66 of the Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine called for the hearing of the Correctional Court of Perpignan Monday, 11 October 2010 to 14 hours for calling for a boycott of Israeli products.
Let us look at the famous "Collective" without any legal legality, "said 66 Collective Peace and Justice in Palestine, alleged offshoot of the great and ancient association against anti-semitism (sic) MRAP 66: President: Jean Jacques Cadéac . Communications Officer it would be a member of the drafting of the Catalan Worker 'Weekly published by the Federation of Pyrenees-Orientales French Communist Party. (How curious? CPF! And we believe that the MRAP apolitique ?)).
Ce « collectif » a été créé pour protéger ces 3 ou 4 membres présumés « antisémites » membres D’ATTAC, du NPA, du PCF, du MRAP tous présumés « antisémites » et éviter aux dits mouvements et partis la honte de la dissolution pour association de malfaiteurs en cas de condamnation ! Amnésie, négationnisme, falsification, occultation, diversion: tout est bon pour cacher la réalité antisemitic socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human suffering!
Behind the curtain of false propaganda Marxist as the creation of "collective" water bottles to hide their deep anti-Semitism arises the reality of the horror of building socialism causing said anti-Semitism. If the horror caused by the construction of socialism have existed so long and occur in so many countries, it is because of the curtain of lies constantly organized by organizations (PCF NPA associations of "friendship between les peuples» ou « De droits de l’homme » du genre MRAP et LDH,, groupes actifs et « militants » nidoreux, collectifs pour la « paix », soutien aux immigrés illégaux etc.), des agents payés ou bénévoles, des intellocrates et des idiots utiles ou abrutiles au QI d’une huître et au comportement de porcs, qui se sont donc fait complices de ces horreurs. Les collabos de l'horreur sont aussi les idiots utiles qui voulaient servir le peuple mais qui se font les larbins et complices des bourreaux du peuple! Et ça vaut aussi et surtout pour les « soutiens » au « peuple » palestinien et aux soutiens des terroristes Gazaouis et musulmans du Hamas.
Maintenant, voyons individuellement, quels sont les personnages dits « camarades » mis en examen :
En tout bien tout honneur commençons par mademoiselle Yamina Tadjeur :
Mademoiselle Tadjeur « présumée antisémite » a un Facebook profile or one learns that this young girl comforts of home, love:
Islam and it is his right to love this wonderful "religion" of peace, love and tolerance, which stones and adulterous women where men practice polygamy and marry young children nine years. As is ours to believe that; capping the aspirations of the most vile, flattering the most primitive impulses, encouraging intellectual sloth, intolerance, hypocrisy, violence, preaching a virilism pathologique, justifiant les pires ignominies antiféministes et antisémites, l'islam n'est ni une sagesse, ni une civilisation, ni un mode de vie, c'est un fléau."
Tout comme d’ailleurs : Le coran excellent ouvrage, un tantinet vieillot et dépassé, pour ne pas dire archaïque et barbare et avec toutefois la réserve de quelques passages notoirement antisémites. Cette bonne personne aime aussi La Palestine ce qui est aussi son droit, comme c’est le nôtre de lui préférer Israël ou règne une véritable démocratie.
She also enjoys reading Tariq Ramadan Antoine Sfeir consider us as a dangerous Islamist activist against integration, a "fundamentalist charmer," a " ; doubles specialist language, supported by journalist Mohammed Sifaoui, who "said Antoine Sfeir that falls short of reality."
She also likes The Communist rag "The worker Catalan" As curious, or just the bolcho Hebdo "would work" an excellent Chairman of MRAP 66: Jean Jacques Cadéac. We'll definitely full of wonderful surprises in these "nebulae" of the "supposed" anti-Semitic hatred.
She also likes: Boycott Israel! Link deemed fraudulent by Facebook users. We wonder why this?
She also likes: Boycott Israel! Link deemed fraudulent by Facebook users. We wonder why this?
Ms. Rousseau "alleged anti-Semite" does not appear much on the Net. But we know that O riginaire village Estagel Mayor Roger Ferrer and many councilors as well as the support for Bernard Bocabarteille local union CGT, the armed wing of the PCF, and Raymond Bush connection Section Agly Fenouillèdes CPF. It has the support of Mrs. Aline Parmentier also put under investigation for incitement to racial hatred in Mulhouse.
Bernard Cholet The sixties and retired railroad worker "alleged anti-Semite" who speaks of himself in the third person to believe that it is not a former the ignoble LCR, Revolutionary Communist League, he was an alternate on the list CRL 100% left in the legislative elections in June 2007 in Perpignan, is a Trotskyite Marxist, spokesman for the NPA now Mr. Olivier Besancenot, the postman bourgeois Neuilly / Seine. NPA as very bad language called "New Party Anti-Jewish ", he also an active member and activist of ATTAC 66 (Association Tyrannical Totalitarian and Authoritarian and Communist) Note also that the delicious movement MRAP, against racism, apolitical and secular is a founding member of ATTAC said.
Decidedly nebulae of the alleged anti-Semitic hatred are becoming more transparent! Cholet Bernard is also a member of the Collective of Perpignan for a documentation center on the French-Algerian history so that we assume certainly wrong to "revise" history as a vision of "Marxist". History tampered with, falsified, adulterated by the left - "the past ... from left, are tabula rasa" in the words of Revel - is to hide the fact that the twentieth century is that of the Communist horror, "the highest stage of socialism": the purpose of communist regimes, according to the doctrine of Karl Marx, is to build a socialist society. There was also the English flu, earthquakes, with many other ills, including "War" Algeria, but the hope was left embedded in the blood of hundreds of millions of innocents and tears of hundreds of millions of their relatives. We tried to put right the socialist fascism and National Socialism, so that these ideologies were very much the same as communism, but to the right place Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Enver Hoxha, Mao Tse-tung, the Salvador Allende antisemite and Pol Pot, Colonel Boumediene and other smaller but just as harmful as Felouzis FLN, the "criminals carrying suitcases and French Marxists" and today the National Socialist Chavez Semitic is impossible then we forget them or trying to forget as this group and their hundreds of millions of victims too.
humanists these people? These "people" there, Mr. Prosecutor, these thugs are arrant knaves Marxist and socialist part of the ultra left factions whose purpose is the acquisition of power by the revolution in order to maintain power without legitimacy, to censor the democratically press, remove the democratically opponents, restrict or remove democratically democratically the most basic freedoms, in fact establish the dictatorship, which, even if it is the "proletariat" is nevertheless a vile criminal dictatorship
In fact, opposing certain social classes or masses of people to other groups, they betray the brotherly love, this famous BROTHERHOOD which these Ostrogoths patibulaires gargle continuously as they betray the freedom in the name of the dictatorship of a class called'm oppressed, and they all betray the notion of equal rights of men, wanting to make a tie between every human being contrary to natural law.
Robespierre said "Think it can never be political, whatever may be said to condemn the debasement & to oppression a multitude of men who live among us. "
With these scoundrels real phenomena socialos Marxist fanatics, it was an example of what these networks Nidor socialists and Marxists islamos owned, with their human failures, the ocean human tragedies, as always weave a curtain of false propaganda or arises from the reality of the horror of the construction of socialism.
As it is not possible to criticize your point of view, fair and historically founded by the facts, we must at all costs to demonize that although you may say, the useful idiots can not hear and understand even less! This action succeeded in neutralizing your views so that the crooks and scammers socialos Communists can continue to infect society!
The common method and perverse activists agitated the bulb of the MRAP National, the madmen of the PCF, the NPA of scoundrels and rogues of extravagant RESF aims to believe that communism and anti-racism, would be the antithesis of Nazism, to the point where the world comes down to antiracist mrapistofurieux and / or RESF Communism and Nazism and the NPA. In bad faith and intellectual terrorism (sometimes physical), the advantage of this scheme can be denounced as a Nazi, every opponent of socialist communism. These sociopaths, self-interest or stupidity, can not imagine anyone can be a libertarian Zionist anti-communist, while anti-Nazi. They trap and millions of useful idiots! Whether acting out of stupidity or self-interest, communists and other socialists are always unhealthy and dangerous mobsters.
Call to the law!
Le boycott constitue « une entrave à l’exercice normal d’une activité économique quelconque, en opérant une distinction ente les producteurs, fournisseurs de ces produits, en raison de leur appartenance ou de leur non appartenance à une nation déterminée, en l’espèce Israël, et ce, conformément à la jurisprudence de la Chambre Criminelle et de la Cour Européenne des droits de l’homme » (Cour d’Appel de BORDEAUX du 22 octobre 2010).
Le boycott est susceptible de caractériser l’infraction pénale de discrimination envers un groupe person because of his membership in a particular nation, under the provisions of Articles 225-1 and following of the Penal Code, and incitement to racial discrimination, an offense punishable under Article 24, paragraph 8 of the Act of 29 July 1881 on Freedom of the Press.
A circular Chancery states that any call to boycott products of a country is now considered a crime for "public provocation to discrimination against a nation" punished one year imprisonment and 45,000 euros d’amende. Le ministère demande aux procureurs de la République d’assurer une répression « ferme et cohérente » de ces agissements.
Michel Alain Labet de Bornay
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