Friday, January 28, 2011

Sample Community Reference Letter

must kill Jews, Christians and communists. Minutes of antisemitic

A video of the official Hamas TV @ llah calls to kill Jews, Christians, Communists and their supporters. The video asks @ llah of "count and kill them until the last, and do not leave even one" .

is the Palestinian Media Watch who reported this call to genocide of non-Muslims. A call echoed regularly by both socialist leaders of Fatah and Hamas to musulmandepuis many years.

For years, sermons of religious leaders on PA TV official, whether in the era of Yasser Arafat or Mahmoud Abbas, has regularly presented the murder of Jews as a religious obligation and a fulfillment of the Islamic ideal.
Following the highlighting of these cases of anti-Semitic sermons, Europe and the United States put pressure on Fatah to that imposes rules of conduct on its mass media ... But according to organization, nothing has changed and the last sermon Gender is dated January 2010.

The following is the transcript of the video of Hamas
"Allah, O our Lord, crush your enemies, the enemies of Islam everywhere.
Allah button (note: as a missile hits its target) the Jews and their supporters, Christians and their supporters, Communists and their supporters.
Allah, count them and kill them until the last. Do not leave even one. "

TV Channel Al-Aqsa (Hamas), December 3, 2010

These quotes are from the Koran regarding the Jews and Christians, the film "Fitna" by Geert Wilders clearly shows that the link between the calls to murder and the Qur'an is well established.

Islam is a fascist ideology, that is an ideology of contestation of equality of regression in excess of social collectivism and also by the secular decline
Simply note that the largest Arab political party Israeli Balad party ... is a communist!
's mom Salah Hamouri terrorist communist FLNP launching a petition to Israel: "Keep my son in jail to protect from these Muslim fanatics for the love of Christ."

Mouloud Aounit although calling for a boycott of Israel, but known as a Communist candidate in the legislative request for political asylum in North Korea with 12 (Twelve) Mulhouse ( Aline Parmentier , communist and departmental secretary CPF and member of the National Eichholzer Henry, and the entire leadership "collegial" MRAP National. Olivier Besancenot is refuge in Cuba with Alain Lipietz ecology in Europe. Sakina Arnaud the League of Human Rights sentenced for incitement to racial hatred, anti-Semitic requested asylum at the Israeli consulate in Bordeaux. The natives of the republic took refuge in the occupied territories of 9.3.

Comrade Bolshevik Jean-Claude Lefort professionnel du jappement indigné, et des borborygmes antisémites président de l’association France Palestine Solidarité  (Une organisation communiste antisémite et pro Hamas, nous fait savoir que la traduction de cette vidéo est mauvaise et qu’en fait le discours exact ne concerne pas les « communistes » mais la bête immonde et les fascistes du Front National ainsi que les sectateurs de Lepen nazis.

Monsieur Yves Moulin membre du collectif d’antisémites Boycott 68 est celui qui avait lancé l’ignoble l’opération de tractage antisémite pour le boycott products from Israel in Alsace. Member and former Chairman (2002) CCFD-Earth-Solidarity (NGO Catholic extreme right) lets us know that it is ultimately not a Christian he prepares his conversion to the religion of peace and love tolerance and therefore is certainly not a communist.

Monsignor Gaillot a former "bishop" Roman Catholic anti-Semite who called for a boycott of Israel also converted to Islam says he is more concerned with this case.

In a statement Hamas activists said that the members of MRAP40 (Who called it not so long to manifest and make great barbecue flags Israelis) are not concerned more.


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