The anti-Semitic Web! Sing: Victory! : "In Meanwhile, while lawyers for the pharmacies Zionists (BNVCA and Co.) remained bec listening to this "administrative discharge" pronounced by the court, we were hundreds in the street, screaming not only for our satisfaction Decision of the day, but our determination to continue fighting. Not only in defense, because other judicial appointments ahead soon (in Mulhouse February 10, then in Bobigny near Paris March 17), but more than ever expanding, across the BDS (Boycott, Divestment - Penalties). "
The Marxist collectivist Laurent de Grenoble shouted at him as a "marked point" for "our" freedoms on Article censored for notorious anti-Semitism! You will not miss anything, he merely repeated the Euro Palestine.
As usual and once again, this is an item you'll never see on
The trial of three communist militants alleged anti-Semitic from Perpignan to boycott Israeli products has been returned.
See here the exact grounds for indictment of the vulgar anti-Semitic "alleged"
The postponement of the trial was decided at the request of defense , in agreement with the plaintiffs and the prosecution. It is scheduled for September 26.
Perpignan The court is awaiting a decision of the Court of Cassation in a ruling of the appeals court in Bordeaux in a similar case.
The Court of Appeal the court of Bordeaux was made October 22, 2010 in its deliberations during the trial (brought by the BNVCA (National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism) and the association Lawyers Without Borders). This trial like Perpignan, and the future of Mulhouse was brought to a repeat offender of the rampant anti-Semitic hatred in supermarkets French trade.
For the record, Miss Sakina Arnaud Khimoune born, had already been sentenced in 2005 to a fine of 300 euros by the appeals court in Bordeaux for similar offenses. The court, however, had reclassified the facts "light degradation. On 10 February 2010, the Criminal Court sentenced her to Bordeaux € 1,000 fine, the active and militant member of the LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme), which had received the full support of the MRAP and of all associations Nidor Marxists had been convicted of "incitement à la discrimination et à la haine raciale» condamnation confirmée en appel.
Outre l'incitation à la haine raciale antisémite, mademoiselle Arnaud militante de la LDH avaient multiplié les proclamations injurieuses et mensongères à l'égard d'Israël.
Le BNVCA reste serein sur la décision de la cour de cassation en effet il est bon de rappeler ici l’affaire récente d’antisémitisme concernant le maire communiste de Seclin.
Relaxé en mars 2003 de poursuites pour discrimination envers une nation alors qu’il avait demandé aux services de restauration Seclinois to boycott Israeli products, Comrade Jean-Claude Willem was sentenced on appeal (filed by the Attorney General) to pay a fine of 1000 euros. His appeal rejected, the former mayor of Seclin decided, in the name of freedom of expression, to the European Court of Human Rights against the French state. The latter was dismissed.
Back on a case that made headlines ...
In dismissing the former communist mayor of Seclin its action against France, the European Court of Human Rights has ended, this time permanently, in case the boycott of Israeli products that Jean-Claude Willem, then mayor of Seclin, asked in 2002 for food services in the city. A decision at the time of purely symbolic but typical of Marxism Seclin Semitic because there were no Israeli product among its supplies, the mayor was taken in protest against a policy decided by the Communist Party and the Marxist collectivist undemocratic in the territories Palestinian.
But within days, this gesture would take a magnitude that JC. Willem had not suspected. Radio, television and print media took hold of what had become a case after the complaint to the Prosecutor by the Jewish Cultural Association in the North. In the aftermath, the Communist mayor of Seclin received support in the name of "freedom of expression" (Sic) federation of the Communist Party and the Socialist Party, the very Marxist League for Human Rights, the MRAP, the Association France Palestine Solidarity Association and the Marxist Leninist known French Jewish Union for Peace.
On March 26, 2003, JC. Willem was acquitted by the Criminal Court of Lille, which concluded that the violation (discrimination against a nation) was not characterized. Yet, on the orders of Justice Minister Dominique Perben, the Attorney General of Lille was appealing the acquittal the next. "Through the case of Mayor Seclin, we want to warn those who intend to give their views on the policy of Sharon (then head of the Israeli government, ed), lambasted the mayor sentenced to 1000 euro fine by the Court of Appeal of Douai in September 2003.
Decided to fight (the famous "struggle" final!) completely Comrade Jean-Claude Willem formulated in the wake of an appeal in cassation rejected in September 2004, before entering a last resort the European Court of Rights in March 2005.
Believing that "the applicant could not substitute for government officials to declare a boycott of products from a foreign nation", the latter refused to recognize its legitimate alleged "fight" the mayor Communist Seclin is condemned as such an anti-Semite!
Do not doubt that the French justice proves this time in September ruthless with these alleged anti-Semitic.
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