Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Happen To Fakku Net 2010

Marcel Pagnol's French Academy, an author's "subtle racism" unknown.

Like everyone else, everyone or almost know the piece of the famous Marius Marcel Pagnol.

But you know this scene, taken by Marius, the unexpurgated edition in "Fasquelle Publishers 1946" , there are other editions, including the original edition which includes this scene.

This edition contains a scene missing editions I've read until now, the stage II of the act that begins with Prime:
"An Arab appears on the threshold. He is draped in carpets that offer a smile." Begins the first line is directed at the Arab Fanny - "Zouli crouching mamoiselle?"

Fanny (*)

Arabic ( to a customer who reads the newspaper on the terrace ):
Zouli msiou carpet? ( the customer does not even raise his head ) Arabic enters the bar. Zouli carpet msiou Marius! Look carefully then Cui, msiou Marius: it is pure silk hair sheep. (He spreads a carpet the ground )
No, thank you!

Arabic, ( they turned to Escartefigue.)
Choffe malhem! One hundred francs for you, usually ships!

No, thank you?

Well, fifty francs, will go, I know well ti, ti gives twenty-five francs ... Look! (He puts his nose under the carpet)

Non, va-t-en il pue ton tapis !

L’arabe, ( outragé ) :
Bardon, m’siou ! C’est moi qui pue, ci pas mon tapis ! (il étale un tapis au milieu du bar). Regarde bien, m’siou Marius : si tu marche dessus à pieds nus, il te fait des petites chatouilles que tu vas mourir de plaisir !

We told you not dirty nigger!

The figure of the Arab suddenly changes.

Alleche ti ghoul "dirty nigger"?
He says in Arabic, some foul language.

Fanny Arabic.
Alleche ti adaladour ghoul, Sidi ( Why do you say insults sidi?).

Lakader el Sran goullo "dirty nigger"! Rani ould Tajer! El bouk dial andlou klemçà elf Aoudi fi el Marrakech! (Because this Christian name is "dirty nigger." I am the son of a bourgeois and my father has five thousand sheep in Marrakesh!)
Ti Arab cause, miss?

Yes, I lived in Oran.

Arabic, delighted.
Oran, Zia Oulli, m'ziane!
He will begin a speech to Fanny. Countertop, Marius flooded jet siphon. Arabic whirls and delivers a series of horrendous injuries? Escartefigue laughed.

Arabic , to Escartefigue;

What are you laughing, you, Allouf?
He spits in his direction and ran. Marius ran to the terrace and continues with a volley of insults Arabs.

Hey Marius, I do not know if you realize what you say to me!

I know it's abuse.

And besides, you pronounce the very bad.

My daughter, myself, am I Marseille I'm not born in the colonies, like you!

I'm not born in the colonies, I was born here in the Canal Wharf, and would never have been to Algeria, where my father was not in the paths iron!

Go! You're back Oran when you were thirteen years!

And after

And after? You have all the moukère!

Escartefigue, he blinks an eye towards Marius.

You speak Arabic as fire Abd el Kader, and when you must speak French, it bothers you: you have a foreign accent. Significantly.


Fanny she laughs.
Tee, my eye! Look at my eye!


We look forward the indignant reactions of MRAP National, RESF, SOS Racisme and other pharmacies of the ultra left outraged and demand for professionals débaptèmisation proximity to all schools, colleges and high schools named after the infamous!

(*) Fanny's role was then taken by Orane Demazis , whose real name Henriette Marie-Louise Burgart , French actress, from Alsace , born in Oran (Algeria) September 18, 1894 and died in Boulogne-Billancourt December 25 1991.Son stage name comes from its birthplace and secondly Mazis, another town in the vicinity of Oran.

Alain Michel Labet of Bornay

Postscript: This article est envoyé à nombre de collèges et lycées Marcel Pagnol, pour étude dont :

A Marseille bien sur :

Et à Bondy :

A Draguignan :

A Versailles :

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Skin Tag On Lower Lip Of Dog

Officials asked to write simple.

"Sus-styled, extra-appointed, take effect ... his vle di anyen her!" For Peter Van de Putte a "young" 25 year Belgian, came on Friday morning to renew their residence stay in the prefecture of Seine Saint Denis area year occupied, jargon incomprehensible to an illegal immigrant means used by the French administration can become a real difficulty " Situ Lakay etranje lez, allllei, saying FIEU!", especially Switzerland and Belgium pa who are fluent toujou well the language of Molière.
riske A yo, yo ke is konprand yo, yo ak fraze power atrav ke yo should rewrite retounen oswa Mesaj yo said the young Belgian, who could even become suspicious " Mwen mande meme si n'utilisent pa t’exprès la lang franse yo pou yo wè si moun yo se vre, motivasyon de not demach yo…. une fois.»

« Menm mwen, mwen p'ap konprann tout tan  », confie Monique de Quilatiène pourtant professeusatrice des écoles de la raie publique, membre d’un collectif d’aide aux  immigrés clandestins Belges et Suisses en situation irrégulière, pourtant extrêmement familière des documents officiels de la république à remplir.

, the leader of the government itself is that the French used konsian pa fonctionnaies his epistles in their manipulators akin to some simpletons and hazardous to the language of Victor Hugo, from diversity to a pidgin incomprehensible. Hence the memo he just sent them and that it has procured. He asked them to simplify their language yo nan lang ban kek forms and the ranplasman other words, you know once!

" Ah, FIEU Lèt administrasyon yo nan Souvan full word or expression to current French or Creole know to read and write their mother tongue. It is often technical terms, administrative, or lawyer, either tournures in complex sentences, either in words typiquement administrative. Writing is often too ampoulée, and terms correct technique has administrative rights but did compréhensible to them all. Gold, our beautiful beautiful French language an expression sinple. The measures used. "

In 2001, when the Ministry of the reform of the State created a committee orientation du langaje administrative simplification, part of Yves Duteil, the mayor Précy-on-MARNE.

Since, COSLA distribiye ofisyèl bay yon "Kit nan rédacteu the administrative," with a manual, and aplications for lexiq odinateues leu. Yon inisyativ visibly Manke FET Seine-et-Marne or the Belgians began to pose serious problems.

The mere title of the "kit" for use of the Belgians reassures us: "Kalite figi ass, or if vini nan san konnen France Franse, ale yo yo anvan aprann kòrèkteman "

" If there are missing words, that person did spoken around me for three years, or that I am a little deaf (in my old age is normal), or that no one thought, that's all. Oh, and stop complaining, at the end, I did my best! Eh, you're not happy? Mmm ... What, you want misery? But you'll see your face! Fieuuuu once! .

The letter of application for employment in the public is given here as a model.


Mésy Majistra,

Actuellement en légère overload pondérale, j'ai une grosse poitrine et subséquemment suis dans la secrétaire administrative functions hospitalière en congé parental depuis 10 ans et m'installant locks prochainement dans votre region, c'est avec intérêt que j 'Ai infrastructure Votre Annonce sur le site Internet de l'emploi territorial.

today overcrowd pondérale's lightweight, I have a large bosom and even subséquemment secretary of state functions hospital leave their parents 10 years ago and many m'installant next in your area, it is with interest I notice your Statement often sit entènèt power jwenn travay teritoryal yo.

dynamics, organized and serious practice of fellatio current but chronologically disadvantaged, I have acquired over the various positions in the public service, extensive experience in the area of mistakes the secretariat of the handjob department head and office. In addition, my excellent writing skills in French and other languages of France with my mastery of language filled in monogamous relationships not comme vous le prove ont cette missive always summer appréciées par Mes hiérarchiques higher.

dynamic, organized and serious, the current practice of fellation, but chronologiquement désavantagée, I have different posts in the late public function, a solid experience in the areas of errements Secretary, at the chief service branlette and bureautique. In addition, I rédactionnelles quality of Creole in France and other languages and my mastery of language in relation fourrée monogamiques not like you the proof of this missive was still appréciées me more than easy.

Je possède de bonnes qualités relationnelles profilées et d’écoute et j’apprécie tout particulièrement et à bon escient le contact avec l’assujetti à la fonction territoriale et les contacts tactiles et buccaux avec mes supérieurs hiérarchiques et autres personnes à intérêt ludique élevé.

Mwen genyen yon bon kalite relationnelles profilées ak koute ak j'apprécie tou sitou ak bon escient kontak avèk yo soumèt devan fonksyon teritoryal yo ak kontak yo ak tactiles buccaux avèk mwen yo plis pase easily, and others in the interest ludique high.

The diversity des Missions proposed ainsi que l'implication dans la vie associative eligible culturelle et qu'elle antiraciste arouse, est à mon sens, tress enrichissante tent sur le plan professionnel que personnel; Attention all nonobstant Cela ne eye saurais faire plus de 35 heures en un mois, both of gâteries à des personnes hygiéniquement contestable.

diversity in the mission proposed that participation in the life and cultural associations qualify antiraciste his people, I sense, many pet professionals on the plan as employees; attention nonobstant all this, I can do more than 35 hours in a month or gâteries for hygiene alone.

available immédiatement pour une sodomy eyes May tiens à votre DISPOSITION interest for all renseignement complémentaire.

La susse draw vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Maire, obséquieuses Mes salutations et à respectueuses Fond.

immediately available to a city of Sodom, I made up for us all provision for additional information.

La susse designate shall we have to accept, Mr. Mayor, I saluted obséquieuses with respect to funding.

Michel Alain de Labet Bornay

Leaning A Mirror On The Mantle

Minutes Geert Wilders: the testimony of Wafa Sultan


«Le coran est pire que Mein Kampf, Mein Kampf Car est un delivering political, alors que le coran est un mix of politicians et de religieux. Il est plus easy to overcome a political ideology than a political ideology wrapped in religious ideology. "
" When I was eight years old, if I were asked: "do you prefer a sweet or kill a Jew", I replied: "kill a Jew '."
Wafa Sultan, extract trial Wilders

A symbolic moment - and in our capital - in the trial of Geert Wilders.
For the first time a Western court agrees to hear the official notice of a Muslim woman of culture on Islam (Wafa Sultan is a Syrian-born), recognized as an expert by the court. The court read the statement before the cameras of Wafa Sultan and his analysis of the true nature of Islam. Wafa Sultan brings unqualified support to Geert Wilders and resumed his words yes, the Koran is a fascist book. No, Islam is not compatible with the values of Western societies. And no, there is no moderate Islam .

For the Secretariat of CTECNA.

Illegible (we too are brave!)

Controlled information free of antisemitism.

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Mis en ligne par Michel Alain Labet de Bornay.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Symbolism For Volleyball

Leaders of European nationalist parties in Israel! Who laughs this

Avertissement : Cet article a été censuré by "moderate" Islamic Marxist anti-Semitic!

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We inform you that we are obliged to suspend your account for non-compliance with the Charter of the Post.

The charter can be found at:

Reason for ban: already-banned (Sic?)

This Sunday, December 5, 2010, a meeting of European political parties of the Alliance of European parties for Freedom and civil rights took place in Israel. Participants from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark are present. The conference began this morning with a press conference and a symposium at Ashkelon Academic College of Ashkelon.
Among those present include Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ's chairman - Austria), Andreas Mölzer (MEP FPÖ - Austria), Patrik Brinkmann (Pro NRW - Germany), Filip Dewinter and Frank Creyelmans (Vlaams Belang - Flanders - Belgium ).
Filip Dewinter
Between 10 and 12, The symposium is on "The fullness of the law applied by military acts against a sovereign terrorist attacks of Islamic fundamentalists" . Participants include Mayor Benny Vaknin Ashkelon and a representative of Manhigut-Yehudit, a faction of the Likud. Between 13h30 and 14 h30, the group visited the city of Ashkelon. From 14.30 to 16 h30, the delegation went on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, Israeli military meeting and explain the situation seen by a senior officer of the Israeli army. From 17h to 18h, the delegation was received by the mayor of Sderot David Buskila and walks in the city that is most affected by the attacks of Muslims from the Gaza Strip.

Former leader of the Liberal Party - currently in power - Dutchman Frits Bolkestein, encourages even now "Jewish awareness" to leave the Netherlands, where he believes they may be victims of anti-Semitism of Arab Muslims is growing among the "young" home of Morocco. "Jews must make aware that there is no future in the Netherlands" said the former European commissioner. Bolkestein advise them when to encourage their children to emigrate to the United States or Israel.
this man's comments have stirred controversy and will be discussed this Tuesday at the Parliament in The Hague. All parties have called for "firmness" face of rising anti-Semitism no doubt in their country. Geert Wilders, leader of the nationalist right, which was close to Mr Bolkestein within the Liberal party says it is wrong, saying "Bolkestein is completely wrong: they are not Jews but Arab Muslims guilty who must leave the country. "

The leader of the Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, Ronny Naftaniel, said it is "too easy" to criticize Bolkestein and the Dutch company must take a clearer stand " against anti-Semitism and other forms of intolerance ".


In France Madame Sakina Kimoun Arnaud activist for the League of Human Rights condemned for inciting racial hatred, anti-Semite, should be well prepared to these bags! En attendant quelques un des fameux 12 de Mulhouse communistes et autres musulmans qui « qui nique la France » comme Mademoiselle Houria Boutelja du PIR, et ne sont pas de nationalité Française ou ne se considèrent pas comme Français !France qui les héberge, les nourrit grassement aux frais du contribuable à qui il crachent à la gueule !

Pour le secrétariat du CTECNA.

Illisible (nous aussi on est courageux !)

Controlled information free of antisemitism.

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Posted by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay courtesy of CTECNA

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Master Lock Schematic

the French Communist Party?

The filthy communists today (Europe Ecology, PIR, PCF, NPA, MRAP, LDH etc. . etc.. would fight "fascist anti-Semitism", despite their long history of struggle against the Jews!


These despicable crime against humanity declare: "We Communists have always fought anti-Semitism", unfortunately for these anti-Semitic lies their rude and do not pass historical controversies show the opposite: the face of Communist Jews Proudhon and Marx Semitic , assimilation, manipulation and persecution, the liquidation committee anti fascist Jew , Slansky trial , Pauker Rajik and "an international Dreyfus Affair", in Poland in 68 , refuseniks , conspiracy of white coats ,

Some quotes
"Stalin and the Jews": Antisemitism
Russian Tsars continuity of communism, "Arkady Vaksberg, Editions Robert Laffont, 2003

Page 37: Lenin advocated assimilation of Jews in the mass of Soviet people: "Only middle-class Jewish reactionaries are shouting against assimilation, since they claim to turn back the wheel of history. "

Page 38: Stalin's opinion on the Jews of the Russian empire, issued just before the outbreak of World War I:" An entity mystical, elusive and ghostly. "

Page 104: Summer 1934, "the Jews constitute 31% of senior executives of the NKVD, 39% in autumn 1936, only 4% in summer 1939.

Page 225-229: Wave of State Anti-Semitism in 1949: dismissals, arrests.

Page 227: Prose of a Jewish writer close to the government: "... the Jewish invasion in the cultural and ideological sphere."

Pages 233-234: " Final Solution" of the Stalinist "Jewish question".

Page 238: Strong component of anti-Semitic purges in the "fraternal countries" of Eastern Europe in 1952.

Page 241: More than two million Jews in the USSR. "When he [Stalin in late 1952] said that every Jew was a U.S. agent, he should have in mind a plan of action."

1953: The beginning of the Jewish doctors plot .

Cominform parties in Western countries have largely supported the condemnation of Jewish doctors.

Le Parti Communiste français (PCF), par la personne d'Auguste Lecœur, publia dès le 22 janvier un communiqué dans le journal communiste L'Humanité: « Lorsque, en Union soviétique, est arrêté le groupe des médecins assassins travaillant pour le compte des services d’espionnage terroristes anglo-américains […], alors, la classe ouvrière applaudit de toutes ses forces . » A ce communiqué s'ajoutait celui de médecins membres du PCF, par la personne de Raymond Leibovici (chirurgien, ancien membre du mouvement de résistance communiste Front national): "Les médecins français consider that great service was rendered the cause of peace by disablement incapacitating this group of criminals, all the more odious they have abused the trust of natural their patients to attempt in their lives. "

And it continues today, the French Communist Party continues to boast an antisemite Click HERE

And this will crescendo:

Michel Alain Labet de Bornay

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Is My Spinning Bike Wheel Squeaking?

MRAP Landes, a funny ethnodifférentialisme! The 12

Note sur cette vidéo : Elle a été filmée par Jesse Petria, un touriste américain qui n’en revient not always what he saw that day in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris in January 2009, during his stay in what he imagined to be the City of Lumières.Cette video demonstrates that ideas developed over the years by all the organizers of this event, the PCF, the NPA, the MRAP, the AFD, the dynamic association Muslim presence, Euro Palestine, Europe ecology, native of the Republic who do not in white dogs, the league of human rights activist whose just been convicted for incitement to racial hatred are anti-Semitic the fruits of a renewed anti-Semitism of the world's most nauseating antisemitism Marxist! This video true call to murder Jews speaks for this!

For more than six months, the CTECNA denounces abuses racist anti white and anti-Semitic Internet. On the occasion of an "article" appeared on the canvas and come from a former Communist deputy relayed by all the shops and left parties of the Bolshevik hatred, the CTECNA goes further and makes concrete proposals to try to curb the scourge.

The darkest corners of the Web is finally beginning to attract attention. On the occasion of an article published by the nauseating associations and other Marxist parties of professional outrage and a letter from a mythographer, a former Communist deputy to the Minister of Interior Mr. French Hortefeux ( Full Article by clicking here! ) the CTECNA calls for strengthening laws against such crimes on the Internet, like what he has already applied against perpetrators of racist anti-white anti-Semitic and today in particular the 12 Mulhouse. See HERE

The Wednesday, November 24, 2010 is published by mraplandes an unsigned article entitled "Scandalous pressures" community "to" our "freedoms . Already, in view of the title, it is reasonable to wonder? But it "community" is it? There would be in France "communities" so influential that they would be able to "pressure" scandalous?

Furthermore, what "freedoms" the brave anonymous author tells us he does?

Patience our merry columnist preamble explains everything well!

It says without laughing: "The pharmacies relay of Israeli policy are trying to prevent freedom of expression regarding the tragedy of the Palestinian people .

Oh well it is, we understand better now that it's community!

By using this simple word "community" referring to so-called "relay pharmacies Israeli policy" is intended to better identifies what is claimed to be only a criticism of Israel by organizations such obnoxious and is actually a demonization and this, coupled with a resurgence of attacks against "the community" everyone understands it is the Jews (the community) and Jewish symbols (their defense association).

CTECNA We argue in this new concept of anti-Semitism, Zionism, anti-Americanism, anti globalization and third world with the demonization of Israel, or applying double standards to judge his conduct must be regarded as anti-Semitism or constitute a disguised form of anti-Semitism must be severely punished.

Especially as in this case a presumed association anti raciste se fait le relais d’un porte parole communiste et raciste antisémite qui appelle au boycott d’Israël :

Et ce, en reproduisant la lettre que Monsieur Lefort, Président de l’Association France Palestine Solidarité ( Dont un des membres actif est inculpés pour incitation à la haine raciale antisémite à Mulhouse) lettre adressée au ministre de l’intérieur Français monsieur Hortefeux...ajoutant : «  Elle se passe de commentaires ».

Et bien non !! Mille fois NON !! Au CTECNA nous ne sommes pas d’accord ! The letter calls on the contrary defamatory strongest comments.

The obnoxious and pharmacies real this time Marxist propaganda outlets and try to prevent anti-Semitic hatred of the French to exercise their right to freedom of expression in the calm and dignity! These professional associations outraged relay a monstrous anti-Semitism as the PCF, the NPA (New Party-Jewish), the mrapistofurieux of MRAP40 (Who called it not too long and appear to make great barbecue Israeli flags "Screen shots available to justice") The National MRAP, whose president Mouloud Aounit boycott of Israel, the association of "dynamic" presence " Muslim " the natives of the republic that we deal with under white dogs! The League of Human Rights which has just seen one of these member sentenced for incitement to racial hatred etc. Semitic. etc.. want to stop us from wanting to reestablish the truth against the misinformation that the CPF tovaritch Lefort participates actively with its combination of anti-Semitic AFPS notorious anti-Semitic French Racists!

And so it is "Freedom" for the MRAP Landes? Freedom to incite racial hatred as anti-Semitic because Mr. Lefort FCP, President of the AFD? The Association France Palestine Solidarité (A-Semitic and pro communist organization Hamas) unconditional support of the 12 "alleged" anti-Semites from Mulhouse and prevented incentive @ llah Semitic hatred especially Henry Eichholzer useful idiot with Madame "him / her?" Aline Parmentier comrade, communist and departmental secretary and member of the CPF National Office, including one Guy Petersmitt belching the former municipal councilor Communist Colmar (agronomist who spends more time in "Palestine" in France!) is the president Colmarien who "communicates" on the CPF website (HERE ) with the famous anti-Semitic natives of the Republic who have launched their usual outraged yelps! That "freedom" threatened? There might well be that this kind of "freedom" is nauseating threatened a little more often! There is nothing surprising from the MRAP as the "Association" called MRAP National is an annex of the French Communist Party led by Mr. Mouloud Aounit that call for a boycott of Israel! ! Mr. Aounit former unsuccessful candidate for the French Communist Party, a true professional indignant yelp, and anti-Semitic rumblings. Jean Claude Lefort and former member of the pitiful and filthy Communist Youth (National Office) and in 1964 the infamous French Communist Party, which was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary of racist Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. Not reelected, he is an honorary member. He "invested" so at the behest of the party in the "Palestinian cause" ...

Jean-Claude Lefort is also the coordinator of the National Committee to support Salah Hamouri, terrorist communist People's Font Liberation of Palestine (Marxist Movement FPLP.) well known, is serving a prison sentence in Israel.

First step: the establishment of an inventory. Today, information concerning incitement to hatred on the web are scattered across too many players. The trial of 12 of Mulhouse will help us, it will clearly identify the parties and associations of notorious anti-Semitic.

The CTECNA also suggests conducting studies on "the impact on attitudes and behavior in fragile environments of anti-Semitic messages disseminated through the Internet" and "the impact of media in a context tensions intercommunal "

While not wishing to be hosts regulators Web, CTECNA account" better integrate the Internet providers to process vigilance [via] development, at Europe, a model charter defining the terms of use hosting services and communication precluding any expression of anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism . It would also provide better recovery sites with positive content. For example, creating a label that would be taken into account by search engines.

Witnesses of anti-Semitism? Click HERE!

Seen've read, you saw, you heard the words, pictures, video, web posting anti-Semitic? Report it HERE!


Pour le secrétariat du CTECNA.

Illisible (nous aussi on est courageux !)

Information contrôlée exempte d’antisémitisme.

Copyright 2010. Agence de Presse AIS (Accréditation International System). Tous droits réservés.
Ce matériel peut être publié, diffusé ou redistribué dans la mesure de la citation de la source.
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A complaint to make? Click here at: Our Lawyer (Caution is ours, eh, not yours!)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dental School Uab Military Scholarships

Mulhouse? Of outrageous pressure on communist laws of the republic! Boycott Divestment Sanction

Jean-Claude Lefort ? A sexagenarian former Communist deputy very unscrupulous truth does not support freedom of expression in France like any good Marxist!

In a letter to the Minister Mr. HORTEFEUX Comrade Communist LEFORT accuses Jewish Defense League to have delivered, I quote, "pure acts of extreme violence "against the Modern Art Museum which houses an exhibition GAZA 2010.

This "honorary member" of the PCF, in his letter did not scruple to distort the reality to lie to condemn the JDL and action of distributing leaflets which took place Sunday, November 21:

The stammers Comrade Honorary Member of CPF Lefort's site MRAP40

The foul pharmacies Semitic propaganda outlets are trying to prevent French citizens from exercising their right to freedom of expression in the calm and dignity! These professional associations outraged relay a monstrous anti-Semitism as the PCF, the NPA (New Party-Jewish), the mrapistofurieux of MRAP40 (Who called It was not that long forward and make great barbecue Israeli flags "Screenshots available to justice") MRAP National, whose president Mouloud Aounit boycott of Israel, association of "dynamic" Muslim presence, the natives of the republic and so on. etc.. want to stop us from wanting to reestablish the truth against the misinformation that the CPF tovaritch Lefort participates actively with its notorious anti-Semitic association AFPS The racist anti-Semitic French !

The AFD? The Association France Palestine Solidarité (A-Semitic and pro communist organization Hamas) unconditional support of the 12 "alleged" anti-Semites from Mulhouse and prevented incentive @ llah racial hatred and anti-Semite Henry Eichholzer particularly useful idiot with Mrs. "him / her?" Aline Parmentier comrade, communist and departmental secretary of the Communist Party and member of the National Office, including one Guy Petersmitt belching the former municipal councilor Communist Colmar (Engineer agronome qui passe plus de temps en « palestine » qu’en France !) est le président Colmarien qui « communique » sur le site du PCF ( ICI ) avec les fameux Indigènes antisémites de la République qui ont lancé leurs habituels glapissements outrés ! Il n’y a là rien d’étonnant, puisque cette « Association » ; une annexe du Parti Communiste Français est dirigée par son fondateur, le bolchevique Jean-Claude Lefort professionnel du jappement indigné, et des borborygmes antisémites, ancien membre de la pitoyable et immonde Communist Youth (National Office) and in 1964 the infamous French Communist Party, he was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary of racist Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. Not reelected, he is an honorary member. He "invested" so at the behest of the party in the "Palestinian cause" ...

In May 2009 he was elected president of the Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) Annex CPF after du 2e congrès de ce nidoreux mouvement. Il succède à Bernard Ravenel.

Jean-Claude LEFORT  est le coordinateur du Comité national de soutien à Salah Hamouri, terroriste communiste du FPLP bien connu, purgeant une peine de prison en Israël.

L’inénarrable tovaritch, l’apparatchik raciste Georges Marchais, travailleur volontaire en Allemagne chez Messerschmitt, en son temps avait dit que le bilan du communisme était globalement positif. Voyons ce bilan tragique d’un peu plus près : la dictature stalinienne a fait à elle seule plus de  20.000.000 de morts. L’Afrique, le Cambodge, la Corée du Nord, Tibet: 120,000,000. This is the trial balance because communism continues to kill. "Communism killed before the Nazis killed, he killed during the Nazi killing, it continues to kill while the Nazis did kill more" Solzhenitsyn said. But for all the dead have no memory, there was not even planned on waiting lists.

These are tomorrows intended by Mr. Lefort! An ocean of blood, rivers of dead women and children, amnesia for crimes against humanity communist past, present and especially future, anti-Semitism maniac, Holocaust denial, historical falsification, concealment, diversions, concentration camps of the Gulag: everything is good to hide the reality of socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human tragedies ;!
A little known aspect of their approach Marxist (PCF) or Trotskyite (NPA) of permanent hostility to the State of Israel, is explained by the fact that Jews, in their view, would have used genocide "invented from scratch "to justify the existence of the State of Israel and persecute the Palestinians.

But tell me why you call into question the Holocaust, the Jewish genocide? For them, anti-fascism is an obstacle to the idea of socialist revolution and workers. The Zionists and the citizens would have "invented" an absolute evil: Auschwitz, to forget the exploitation of workers and the Third World. Democracies have loaded the boat voluntarily Nazism to forget their own crimes. " Anti-fascism and anti-Nazism allowed them to justify too many indignities since. (Tract The Social War, 1979).
The primary Semitism and communism is not new! Between 1939 and 1942 the French Communist leaders and "activists" on the left then-members of the famous Bolshevik Comintern was stuffed with anti-Semitic, as the traitor and Communist Jacques Duclos, who complained for the sake of the occupier Ally's despicable party, the Mandel Jewish, "interior minister under Paul Reynaud.

M. Albert Sarraut, Interior Minister (and not Marshall) even cried sitting of the Senate, March 19, 1940:
"Communist propaganda and Hitler - they do that - the enemy propaganda. I had the opportunity to explain myself before this commission of criminal and civil laws. The leader of this propaganda is Hitler, whose Bolshevik is the "lieutenant" if needed to prove this assertion, it would suffice to indicate that it is the German planes that scatter the leaflets Communists this other fact that radio and Communist propaganda, "The Voice of Peace", "Radio Humanity" qui sont répétées, lancent leurs émissions du territoire allemand.” (Journal Officiel du 20 mars 1940, page 266).
Doit on rappeler que le communiste George Montandon, l’ethnologue  fut l'une des principales cautions scientifiques du racisme antisémite avant et pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Pour en revenir au torche cul de désinformation du sieur Lefort il écrit :
« Elle nous donne à voir des aspects effroyables de l’offensive israélienne qui s’est abattue contre la population… durant l’hiver 2008/2009 »

Need I remind the citizen LEFORT 66 years, the contest theme and the show was not GAZA GAZA 2010 and 2009? It must be said that memory in coconut .... There is a deficit! And then at Comrade Lefort, memory .... This is the great starry void Marxist!

"This story has been awarded many international awards" In fact one price reportage activist left ... (It's like the number of protesters or MRAP CPF when 2 or 3, they are then 200, when a dozen ...! there are thousands ...! Exaggeration is a typical reflex of Pavlov, a reference Marxist Bolshevik same! Indeed it Lenin who appoint the Communist Party "Bolshevik", that is to say a majority in Russian, while his party is a minority! In 1917, the Bolsheviks, despite their minority status , seized power in Russia! Ah! Name of a small St. Joseph Stalin! Marxist falsification of truth is a perpetual mental AIDS Communist!

And it continues the former apparatchik, now retired at taxpayer expense French:
"Six days after the attack against the freedom of creation and expression, a band of thugs claiming to JDL, some hooded, wanted to destroy this exposure, the risk of damage to the works of Picasso and Matisse hung nearby. "
Here one falls into the melodrama so beloved of the Marxist Palestinian pro! Actually "attack" it was a leafleting held outside the Museum and without incident. The "band of thugs wearing hoods" is visible on the photos we published ...
As "to want to destroy damaging exposure see the works of Picasso and Matisse," we are Marxist Communist delirium. The JDL is never returned to the Museum at any time and therefore it could not show any sign of wanting to destroy or vandalize anything!
"This Not the first time that the JDL is conducting this type of commando operation destructive and indiscriminate involving works of art in particular. "
Here too it is pure slander lying Marxist! Mr. Lefort and pick bad because this action leaflet distribution was organized by Israel and Europe Drzz.inf. Came the JDL provide active support and logistics. So you've got the wrong target!
Commando destructive art "! It is time to remind the fellow that the Jewish people has always had the deepest respect for art in general and its contribution to art is known and unknown, including Chagall and Modigliani exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art.
It is there in defamation and false accusation because this unsavory unscrupulous suggests that the JDL has already destroyed works of art.
"Should we remind you that April 7, 2002, one of these thugs, who were engaged in a" ratonnade, was seriously wounded by a stab a police ;? Complicity him allowed to take refuge in Israel. There, five years later, the same man had killed a Palestinian father of 35 twenty-four stab wounds ... "

Slander continues unabated! This time the "rogue" Museum of Modern Art is treated as an offender who allegedly stabbed a policeman! Worse yet this gentleman well informed says the thug said killed a Palestinian father of 24 stab wounds ... " In other circumstances, these delusions paranoïaques communistes auraient pu prêter au sourire. Hélas, les accusations portées par ce « député communiste honoraire » sont extrêmement graves car elles tentent de faire passer tous les militants pro israélien pour de dangereux voyous, meurtriers potentiels !

Monsieur LEFORT ne s’arrête pas en chemin et va encore plus loin en demandant au Ministre je cite :
« De diligenter une enquête sur les conditions dans lesquelles, après le communiqué du CRIF, ces individus, faute de pouvoir obtenir l’interdiction de cette exposition, ont cru pouvoir l’interdire themselves. They must be firmly punished by the justice of our country. These thugs policy obviously affect the community they claim and they tarnish the image terribly. Your colleague Michele Alliot-Marie, when she was Minister of Justice and Attorney General, asked the incredibly floors to pursue peace and anti-racist activists, however, for "public incitement to discrimination." If the thugs, violent and racist, the JDL were not prosecuted, your whole government would be legitimately suspected of using at least one intolerable "two double standards "

The survey took place because members of the JDL have suffered anti-Semitic remarks by a Museum employee and they immediately called police for a complaint. Police came, she saw they were well outside the museum and no looting had taken place!
Semitic employee came to apologize to members who have been insulted in front of the police witnesses.

Are there many "rogue hooded thugs "who called the police?
So Mr. Lefort what you want us to be punished? To have to exercise our right to freedom of expression in the calm and dignity? Not to be pro-Palestinian as you? Want to restore truth in the face of misinformation on which you actively participate?
Mr. Lefort and these "friends" of the PCF, the MRAP, the NPA, the 'dynamic' Muslim presence, the natives of the republic will now accommodate militant Zionists who occupy the land and restore Internetpour wherever necessary truth that he and the other pro-Palestinian anti-white Marxist anti-Semitic and racist mockery by spreading false information about Palestine and Israel with impunity for too long.

This letter to the Minister is a pitiful attempt to kill freedom of expression in French that do not recognize themselves in the speech "politically correct" anti-Zionist anti-Semite who is now becoming clear!

Nous ne céderons pas à ce genre d’intimidation Monsieur LEFORT et nous continuerons à porter la vérité que vous vous évertuez à masquer depuis trop longtemps…

Librement adapté et amicalement complété d’un article de Jean-Marc MOSKOWICZ qui me pardonnera.

Bien sur Monsieur Lefort , au vu de l’ensemble des « actions radicales » menées systématiquement par vos « groupuscules » antisémites, véritables malfrats de la politique qui nuisent évidemment à la France toute full and they tarnish the image terribly, it is time to dissolve the MRAP Mr Aoun and subversive Communist Party that calls through the national representatives, as Aline Parmentier departmental secretary of the PCF, as Henry Eichholzer of the AFPS 68, with Farida Trichina "Justice" (sic) for Palestine Alsace Henri Eichholzer of AFPS 68, Mohamed Akbar Association "Dynamic" Muslim Presence, with a handful of anti-white racist and antisemitic PIR (Natives of the Republic) who incite racial hatred all anti-Semitic for which they are charged with 12 of Mulhouse that should be punished firmly in February 2011 by the justice of our country. Peterschmitt Guy, 61, leader Comrade AFPS68 agronomist who is retired, former alderman of Colmar Communist Party should do too. These ultra-left political parties and other small groups of thugs Marxist maniacs, violent and racist, since long, would no longer have a presence in our country should be dissolved soon! It is time, past time, that this decision is necessary.
For the Secretariat of CTECNA.
Alain Michel
Labet of Bornay

Françoise Lefort and JC Baud two communist anti-Semitic!

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