Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Is My Spinning Bike Wheel Squeaking?

MRAP Landes, a funny ethnodifférentialisme! The 12

Note sur cette vidéo : Elle a été filmée par Jesse Petria, un touriste américain qui n’en revient not always what he saw that day in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris in January 2009, during his stay in what he imagined to be the City of Lumières.Cette video demonstrates that ideas developed over the years by all the organizers of this event, the PCF, the NPA, the MRAP, the AFD, the dynamic association Muslim presence, Euro Palestine, Europe ecology, native of the Republic who do not in white dogs, the league of human rights activist whose just been convicted for incitement to racial hatred are anti-Semitic the fruits of a renewed anti-Semitism of the world's most nauseating antisemitism Marxist! This video true call to murder Jews speaks for this!

For more than six months, the CTECNA denounces abuses racist anti white and anti-Semitic Internet. On the occasion of an "article" appeared on the canvas and come from a former Communist deputy relayed by all the shops and left parties of the Bolshevik hatred, the CTECNA goes further and makes concrete proposals to try to curb the scourge.

The darkest corners of the Web is finally beginning to attract attention. On the occasion of an article published by the nauseating associations and other Marxist parties of professional outrage and a letter from a mythographer, a former Communist deputy to the Minister of Interior Mr. French Hortefeux ( Full Article by clicking here! ) the CTECNA calls for strengthening laws against such crimes on the Internet, like what he has already applied against perpetrators of racist anti-white anti-Semitic and today in particular the 12 Mulhouse. See HERE

The Wednesday, November 24, 2010 is published by mraplandes an unsigned article entitled "Scandalous pressures" community "to" our "freedoms . Already, in view of the title, it is reasonable to wonder? But it "community" is it? There would be in France "communities" so influential that they would be able to "pressure" scandalous?

Furthermore, what "freedoms" the brave anonymous author tells us he does?

Patience our merry columnist preamble explains everything well!

It says without laughing: "The pharmacies relay of Israeli policy are trying to prevent freedom of expression regarding the tragedy of the Palestinian people .

Oh well it is, we understand better now that it's community!

By using this simple word "community" referring to so-called "relay pharmacies Israeli policy" is intended to better identifies what is claimed to be only a criticism of Israel by organizations such obnoxious and is actually a demonization and this, coupled with a resurgence of attacks against "the community" everyone understands it is the Jews (the community) and Jewish symbols (their defense association).

CTECNA We argue in this new concept of anti-Semitism, Zionism, anti-Americanism, anti globalization and third world with the demonization of Israel, or applying double standards to judge his conduct must be regarded as anti-Semitism or constitute a disguised form of anti-Semitism must be severely punished.

Especially as in this case a presumed association anti raciste se fait le relais d’un porte parole communiste et raciste antisémite qui appelle au boycott d’Israël :

Et ce, en reproduisant la lettre que Monsieur Lefort, Président de l’Association France Palestine Solidarité ( Dont un des membres actif est inculpés pour incitation à la haine raciale antisémite à Mulhouse) lettre adressée au ministre de l’intérieur Français monsieur Hortefeux...ajoutant : «  Elle se passe de commentaires ».

Et bien non !! Mille fois NON !! Au CTECNA nous ne sommes pas d’accord ! The letter calls on the contrary defamatory strongest comments.

The obnoxious and pharmacies real this time Marxist propaganda outlets and try to prevent anti-Semitic hatred of the French to exercise their right to freedom of expression in the calm and dignity! These professional associations outraged relay a monstrous anti-Semitism as the PCF, the NPA (New Party-Jewish), the mrapistofurieux of MRAP40 (Who called it not too long and appear to make great barbecue Israeli flags "Screen shots available to justice") The National MRAP, whose president Mouloud Aounit boycott of Israel, the association of "dynamic" presence " Muslim " the natives of the republic that we deal with under white dogs! The League of Human Rights which has just seen one of these member sentenced for incitement to racial hatred etc. Semitic. etc.. want to stop us from wanting to reestablish the truth against the misinformation that the CPF tovaritch Lefort participates actively with its combination of anti-Semitic AFPS notorious anti-Semitic French Racists!

And so it is "Freedom" for the MRAP Landes? Freedom to incite racial hatred as anti-Semitic because Mr. Lefort FCP, President of the AFD? The Association France Palestine Solidarité (A-Semitic and pro communist organization Hamas) unconditional support of the 12 "alleged" anti-Semites from Mulhouse and prevented incentive @ llah Semitic hatred especially Henry Eichholzer useful idiot with Madame "him / her?" Aline Parmentier comrade, communist and departmental secretary and member of the CPF National Office, including one Guy Petersmitt belching the former municipal councilor Communist Colmar (agronomist who spends more time in "Palestine" in France!) is the president Colmarien who "communicates" on the CPF website (HERE ) with the famous anti-Semitic natives of the Republic who have launched their usual outraged yelps! That "freedom" threatened? There might well be that this kind of "freedom" is nauseating threatened a little more often! There is nothing surprising from the MRAP as the "Association" called MRAP National is an annex of the French Communist Party led by Mr. Mouloud Aounit that call for a boycott of Israel! ! Mr. Aounit former unsuccessful candidate for the French Communist Party, a true professional indignant yelp, and anti-Semitic rumblings. Jean Claude Lefort and former member of the pitiful and filthy Communist Youth (National Office) and in 1964 the infamous French Communist Party, which was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary of racist Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. Not reelected, he is an honorary member. He "invested" so at the behest of the party in the "Palestinian cause" ...

Jean-Claude Lefort is also the coordinator of the National Committee to support Salah Hamouri, terrorist communist People's Font Liberation of Palestine (Marxist Movement FPLP.) well known, is serving a prison sentence in Israel.

First step: the establishment of an inventory. Today, information concerning incitement to hatred on the web are scattered across too many players. The trial of 12 of Mulhouse will help us, it will clearly identify the parties and associations of notorious anti-Semitic.

The CTECNA also suggests conducting studies on "the impact on attitudes and behavior in fragile environments of anti-Semitic messages disseminated through the Internet" and "the impact of media in a context tensions intercommunal "

While not wishing to be hosts regulators Web, CTECNA account" better integrate the Internet providers to process vigilance [via] development, at Europe, a model charter defining the terms of use hosting services and communication precluding any expression of anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism . It would also provide better recovery sites with positive content. For example, creating a label that would be taken into account by search engines.

Witnesses of anti-Semitism? Click HERE!

Seen've read, you saw, you heard the words, pictures, video, web posting anti-Semitic? Report it HERE!


Pour le secrétariat du CTECNA.

Illisible (nous aussi on est courageux !)

Information contrôlée exempte d’antisémitisme.

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