Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Happen To Fakku Net 2010

Marcel Pagnol's French Academy, an author's "subtle racism" unknown.

Like everyone else, everyone or almost know the piece of the famous Marius Marcel Pagnol.

But you know this scene, taken by Marius, the unexpurgated edition in "Fasquelle Publishers 1946" , there are other editions, including the original edition which includes this scene.

This edition contains a scene missing editions I've read until now, the stage II of the act that begins with Prime:
"An Arab appears on the threshold. He is draped in carpets that offer a smile." Begins the first line is directed at the Arab Fanny - "Zouli crouching mamoiselle?"

Fanny (*)

Arabic ( to a customer who reads the newspaper on the terrace ):
Zouli msiou carpet? ( the customer does not even raise his head ) Arabic enters the bar. Zouli carpet msiou Marius! Look carefully then Cui, msiou Marius: it is pure silk hair sheep. (He spreads a carpet the ground )
No, thank you!

Arabic, ( they turned to Escartefigue.)
Choffe malhem! One hundred francs for you, usually ships!

No, thank you?

Well, fifty francs, will go, I know well ti, ti gives twenty-five francs ... Look! (He puts his nose under the carpet)

Non, va-t-en il pue ton tapis !

L’arabe, ( outragé ) :
Bardon, m’siou ! C’est moi qui pue, ci pas mon tapis ! (il étale un tapis au milieu du bar). Regarde bien, m’siou Marius : si tu marche dessus à pieds nus, il te fait des petites chatouilles que tu vas mourir de plaisir !

We told you not dirty nigger!

The figure of the Arab suddenly changes.

Alleche ti ghoul "dirty nigger"?
He says in Arabic, some foul language.

Fanny Arabic.
Alleche ti adaladour ghoul, Sidi ( Why do you say insults sidi?).

Lakader el Sran goullo "dirty nigger"! Rani ould Tajer! El bouk dial andlou klemçà elf Aoudi fi el Marrakech! (Because this Christian name is "dirty nigger." I am the son of a bourgeois and my father has five thousand sheep in Marrakesh!)
Ti Arab cause, miss?

Yes, I lived in Oran.

Arabic, delighted.
Oran, Zia Oulli, m'ziane!
He will begin a speech to Fanny. Countertop, Marius flooded jet siphon. Arabic whirls and delivers a series of horrendous injuries? Escartefigue laughed.

Arabic , to Escartefigue;

What are you laughing, you, Allouf?
He spits in his direction and ran. Marius ran to the terrace and continues with a volley of insults Arabs.

Hey Marius, I do not know if you realize what you say to me!

I know it's abuse.

And besides, you pronounce the very bad.

My daughter, myself, am I Marseille I'm not born in the colonies, like you!

I'm not born in the colonies, I was born here in the Canal Wharf, and would never have been to Algeria, where my father was not in the paths iron!

Go! You're back Oran when you were thirteen years!

And after

And after? You have all the moukère!

Escartefigue, he blinks an eye towards Marius.

You speak Arabic as fire Abd el Kader, and when you must speak French, it bothers you: you have a foreign accent. Significantly.


Fanny she laughs.
Tee, my eye! Look at my eye!


We look forward the indignant reactions of MRAP National, RESF, SOS Racisme and other pharmacies of the ultra left outraged and demand for professionals débaptèmisation proximity to all schools, colleges and high schools named after the infamous!

(*) Fanny's role was then taken by Orane Demazis , whose real name Henriette Marie-Louise Burgart , French actress, from Alsace , born in Oran (Algeria) September 18, 1894 and died in Boulogne-Billancourt December 25 1991.Son stage name comes from its birthplace and secondly Mazis, another town in the vicinity of Oran.

Alain Michel Labet of Bornay

Postscript: This article est envoyé à nombre de collèges et lycées Marcel Pagnol, pour étude dont :

A Marseille bien sur :

Et à Bondy :

A Draguignan :

A Versailles :


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