Minutes Geert Wilders: the testimony of Wafa Sultan «Le coran est pire que Mein Kampf, Mein Kampf Car est un delivering political, alors que le coran est un mix of politicians et de religieux. Il est plus easy to overcome a political ideology than a political ideology wrapped in religious ideology. "
" When I was eight years old, if I were asked: "do you prefer a sweet or kill a Jew", I replied: "kill a Jew '."
Wafa Sultan, extract trial Wilders
For the first time a Western court agrees to hear the official notice of a Muslim woman of culture on Islam (Wafa Sultan is a Syrian-born), recognized as an expert by the court. The court read the statement before the cameras of Wafa Sultan and his analysis of the true nature of Islam. Wafa Sultan brings unqualified support to Geert Wilders and resumed his words yes, the Koran is a fascist book. No, Islam is not compatible with the values of Western societies. And no, there is no moderate Islam .
For the Secretariat of CTECNA.
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Mis en ligne par Michel Alain Labet de Bornay.
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